All Things Wrong

Chapter 1957: trigger

"What do you do, our tribes don't welcome you." As before, seeing the turtles on Li Huailin's side is still a bitter and deep enemy. Yes, the team of the tortoises did not go far. Li Huailin just chased it and chased it up. And the turtles who saw Li Huailin alone would not give any good looks.

Li Huailin also ignored them and looked at the whole team directly. Li Huailin doesn't quite remember how many people there were in the previous team, but it looks like people are here. I thought about it and asked directly: "Is everyone here?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" The old turtle man came to the forefront and stared at Li Huailin with a look of discomfort.

Li Huailin continued to look at it. The nearby terrain is still flat, so it is not conducive to hiding. It is a good place to do it. Look at people should be there, nodded.

"You..." The turtle immortal here is still looking at Li Huailin with irritability. He is about to ask Li Huailin what he wants to do. The result is suddenly a white flash that has shot into the crowd of turtles. Let everyone not react.

I also said before that these turtles are basically wearing cloth or not, so Li Huailin basically just touch each other. It turns out that the same is true. There is not a lot of turtles killed by a laser, but the subsequent explosions are only slightly sputtered to the turtles. The other side suddenly inexplicably begins to vomit blood and then falls directly to the ground. The situation is a bit The fake feelings seem to be singing a big show but it is really a second.

"The enemy ... the enemy attack!" The turtles who reacted began to scream, but of course it is useless to call it. There is no place to hide if you want to run. Li Huailin was sweeping the laser everywhere, and the turtles quickly fell into pieces. Basically, there was nothing to stand on.

And the knife is still very simple, there are still some turtles who see the situation is not lying directly on the ground to kill, but what is the use of this, Li Huailin here is the player, the name of the living monster will display The body does not, so Li Huailin will not be deceived at all.

Casually disposed of the remaining turtles, Li Huailin looked at it, there should be no turtles to escape. Re-examined, Li Huailin looked at the time, and the time spent was not very long. Confirmed that there was no problem, Li Huailin once again rode Xiaomi and then returned to the side of the tower.

The next problem is to solve the internal equipment of the tower, and the front also said that the tower looks like the protective layer of the middle device, but this protective layer is not very solid, and it is not known why It is still a hollow shape, so you don't have to destroy the outer layer at all, you can walk in directly.

Li Huailin flew a little higher, and then picked a bigger window. Looking inside the window, it was green and could not see the internal situation. However, Li Huailin tried it. There was no harm in the light here. It just looked brighter and there was no problem with putting it in.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to jump directly inside, but he could not fall. So he jumped and Li Huailin jumped directly into the light column, and of course quickly began to fall.

The interior of the light column is too bright, the strong green light shines from below, and then the reflection of the protective layer around it is penetrated into the eyes of Li Huailin in all directions. This feeling is really bad, Li Huailin is also directly Close your eyes. The process of falling is also a bit long. Li Huailin’s eyes are not easy to calculate the time distance. It’s probably less than half a minute. Li Huailin suddenly feels the foot moving, and then the scream of “咩” sounds.

Of course, Xiaomi is screaming. The height of the fall is too high and the millet is trampled to death. It is already awake to scream for Li Huailin. Li Huailin opened his eyes and the surroundings were still very bright, but this time the light was only emitted from below, because the side has already reached the bottom of the ground, and the surrounding walls did not seem to have been treated, so there was no reflection of light, just from If the light comes out below, Li Huailin can see it clearly under a little cover.

Looking at the current situation a little, Li Huailin is now standing on a strange platform, and the entire platform below is now emitting green light. And Li Huailin found that there is an edge next to the platform. Going over there and looking around, I found a place next to it.

Jumping directly from the platform, Li Huailin can understand what is happening on his side. Yes, this green-haired thing is probably like a huge searchlight. The green light that I saw before was the light, and then the place where I landed before was the lamp face of the searchlight. Li Huailin really sighs that the design of the Protoss is really simple and rude.

Looking at the surroundings carefully, there are some other buildings underneath. Li Huailin’s footsteps seem to be like a pyramid at the bottom of the earth, and this huge searchlight is at the top.

Around the searchlight, Li Huailin turned around and found a door next to it. I don't know if the Protoss reserved the maintenance passage on this side. Looked inside, it seems to be the stairs down, but it is really dark, after all, this is the bottom of the ground, there is this searchlight lighting can be seen outside, and then there is really no light.

Fortunately, this kind of commonly used props Li Huailin still has it. At this time, it is obvious that the mobile flashlight of St. Gaius can not be used to illuminate itself. After all, what they are plotting now is their protoss.

Pulling out the torch, Li Huailin began to go down, and the stairs below are still quite a lot. The range of the torch's illumination is limited, and there is nowhere to see where the bottom is. Li Huailin can only go down first. As a result, this walk actually went for more than 20 minutes. Finally, Li Huailin saw the light shining in front.

Going out and seeing the scene in front of you is a bit grand. What appeared in front of him was a huge square-like thing like a glass bottle, which contained a green ball. The glass bottle seems to be embedded in a set of equipment. The upper device seems to draw light from the ball and then fire it upwards.

Li Huailin doesn't know why there is such a scientific thing suddenly, but how to look at this ball should be the core that was previously enlightened.

"It’s all right to break this stuff." Li Huailin looked at the glass bottle in front and looked as if it was very crisp. There are not too many choices. Li Huailin directly aimed at the glass bottles here, and the skills to be delivered are also ready.

A white light of "嗖" was shot from Li Huailin's right eye and directly shot in the direction of the glass bottle. This Li Hualin was actually only a tentative attack. After all, this is what the Protoss made, how should there be some defense facilities? Let's go. However, what Li Huailin didn't think was that his laser actually went through the glass cover of the other party. However, after penetrating the glass cover, his laser actually directly deflected, bending a strange angle, and then actually turned The direction of the light emission above is sucked up.

Li Huailin was a little stunned, but he soon realized that the device was originally a device that absorbed light, so the laser side was also sucked away by the light absorber above. But it doesn't matter, because immediately the glass cover on this side is directly exploded by the laser concentrated place, and then followed by a series of explosions, because the laser is sucked by the above suction, and then it is estimated that it is directly from The searchlight above was launched, and then the reflection from the top of the protective cover was everywhere. The place where the laser was swept would explode. Li Huailin heard a series of explosions above.

This explosion is a bit fierce. Li Huailin has no time to see the results. The Protoss may come soon, so Li Huailin directly chose to transmit. The target of transmission is still the chosen silly dragon of Erwin.

The white light flashed, Li Huailin appeared again in the Dragon Valley. Fortunately, this time Erweigang did not do anything shameful, but seeing the sudden appearance of Li Huailin Erweigang is still amazed, and then uncomfortable Said: "How is it again, can you talk about it next time?"

Li Huailin completely ignored Ewegate, and quickly checked his system prompt to see if there were any tips.

"Hey, I said..." Here, Erwei Gangte saw that Li Huailin ignored himself and was about to continue to say something. As a result, the entire ground suddenly began to shake.

"How...what is going on?" Erwei just got a shock. He quickly looked at the probe and didn't expect the sky outside to start to change. The colorful lights flickered in the sky, though It's still pretty, but it doesn't feel like it's right.

On the other hand, Li Huailin’s news that he received was not a system message, but a system announcement.

System announcement: The player "days of each party" triggers the task to destroy the dimension barrier, and the game version is about to be updated. This game version update time is expected to be 48 hours, please all players within 1 minute to go offline.

system notification:……

The red font flashed several times, and then the countdown to the server is about to close. Li Huailin is also a glimpse, did not expect this side directly triggered the version upgrade? At this time, the version upgrade is not good news, but it is too late to think about it, because the countdown time will come soon, and Li Huailin will immediately withdraw from the game.

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