All Things Wrong

Chapter 1962: Huge update

Sure enough, the Tianyu official website here has posted the contents of the server update, and the time to look at it is posted this morning, leaving the service is a few hours to digest the player. This update is really the most updated, and the updated content is very much.

The first exaggerated update is this first, server consolidation? Li Huailin has been stunned by the whole person. If you look closely, this merger is really not a general merger, but a full server merger. According to the official statement, players can directly go to the mainland of other servers directly through various means of transportation, and of course they can continue to transmit through the portal of the Ellach Explorer. The regulations are the same as before, and you still want a visa. If you go to another server, you will need a visa regardless of the mode of transportation. Otherwise, it will be an illegal invasion. Of course, you can do this, but you still find it to go to jail.

All in all, the server's statement is basically cancelled by the government, because the original server settings are all continents. The current version seems to open the gap between the mainland. Although there are some control measures, the strength seems to be small. A lot of players, at least flying mounts can fly directly to other continents, understand engineering or even build a boat to open to other servers, which could not be done before.

"Amount... Is this the sequela of enlightenment?" Li Huailin thought for a moment and probably understood what was going on. Yes, before enlightenment seems to have said this, after the undead wars, the protoss separated the world of the continent with the power of enlightenment, and let the worlds be independent. Now, on his own side, he helped the enlightenment to get back that power, so all the enchantments in the mainland were cancelled, and the server did not exist.

However, Li Huailin clearly wants to open the passage to the border of the gods. As a result, even the server has merged, which is a bit of an accident.

Of course, now that new players enter the game, they can directly choose their own birth continent. This is also the concept of non-existence of the outer zone after the server has been canceled. However, the original mainland is still the original one, and there is no option for the birth of the New World.

The second update is also related to this thing, that is, opening a lot of new maps. Of course, the map of "Glory Heart" was very big, and there are still many hidden maps. So many players have not said that they can clean all the maps, but this time it is more exaggerated. The new maps that appeared after the update were all at sea, and there were actually places on the edge of the mainland, but they could not go before.

Speaking of this Li Hualin's first thought is the border of the gods. The place where Li Huailin wanted to go is this side. It seems that this time it is counted in the way of updating the new map. It is estimated that Li Huailin now has a way to go where the map does not show up.

Of course, Li Huailin can't help but admire Tianyu Group's copy. The updated content is not made by Tianyu Group, but the server itself is updated, but the Tianyu Group's copywriting really writes that they think for the players. To bring players to a more powerful game world, open up a variety of new maps. By the way, the official also encourages players to explore everywhere and discover what the new world is. The copywriting is written in a magnificent way.

According to the official statement, players can now receive the mission of exploring the New World in each main city, and then the players can explore the New World everywhere. Of course, there are rewards for exploration. As for the rewards, players need to explore for themselves. After Li Huailin looked at it, he said that you don’t know what rewards you are.

Then the third update, this seems to have nothing to do with the previous two, but has a relationship with Li Huailin. The content of this update is... Players can build their own forces. According to the official side, now players can not only establish a guild, but also build a knight, a mercenary group, and even establish a city state, or even a state. However, as for the establishment of the method, the explanation of the official side is very vague, only to say that it is necessary to obtain recognition from the system. It is estimated that they are not very clear.

Li Huailin read this article and said that this article is absolutely made by himself. The title of his own mainland emperor has not been recognized. Even before he ascended the throne, he did not receive any system prompts. This system update version directly lists this column. Come out, it seems that there is a way to admit it now.

Of course, Li Huailin doesn't know whether the system is good or bad for himself after he has admitted the title.

There are a few big updates, and the rest are fine-tuned. As before, it is probably a matter of adjusting the skill cooling, the skill effect. Anyway, Li Huailin looked at it and still weakened the Master and enhanced the unpopular occupation. The current situation is that the number of unpopular pros has increased. According to the latest statistics, the number of warlocks and druids selected by new players is almost the same as that of the Master, but in general these occupations are still few.

There is also the fact that np seems to be a little stronger after this update, because the system seems to default to the average player level of this time is 100, so all the np guards seem to be approaching 100. This makes Li Huailin a little headache, because I don't know if the protoss are also enhanced. However, according to the official statement, only the ordinary np is enhanced. That is, the mass production type has no name, and the fixed np is still the same. However, Li Huailin does not know that the official statement is reliable and unreliable.

The content of this update is really a bit too much. Li Huailin also watched this for a long time, and then thought for a while. Then, while considering the situation, I went to the next forum to see if everyone's discussion is also looking for ideas.

Of course, the players who spit the most is the problem of server consolidation. Everyone said that Tianyu’s part-time job is to play black technology. How many players are there in the Heart of Glory, you really put this People are thrown in the first server, is this really going to be a problem? To know that online games so far can be sub-servers, or else how to suffer. It is already a very conscience that Tianyu has not been subdivided under the server area. I did not expect that it would be directly linked to the big area. This is too exaggerated.

Of course, players generally have a positive attitude towards this news. Everyone feels that they are not partitioned well. People are more fun. The problem that is worried is the load on the server. However, most players said that the Tianyu server is very good, and there have been no problems. And people must be confident that they will be open.

Yes, this is indeed confidence. After all, this is a mysterious server that does not know where it comes from. This is true? Black technology, Li Huailin thinks this will definitely not cause any problems.

A new problem raised by the server after the merger is... the problem of intrusion. Yes, the conditions were harsh before, so although I could go to other servers, there were too few people to go. In addition to Li Huailin's metamorphosis, two players couldn't make any intrusion. But now it's different. Players can even make a boat trip directly, which creates conditions for a large invasion. Therefore, players in Huaxia District have begun to organize different server intrusions, and their The example is Li Huailin...

"On February 15th, organize players to go to the East Asian server, and sign up for the small Japanese benzene."

"On March 1st, I organized a trip to the Europa server. I have the following message."

A lot of forums are such posts, and they have been topped by the top, especially the post of playing small Japanese benzene is simply against the sky. The 8 o'clock update announcement has been posted to more than 2 million, although it may Not all of them are registered, but it is too hot.

Li Huailin has seen thousands of his posts in the forum prompts. It seems that a large part of them wants Li Huailin to organize people to lead them to other servers to mess things up. Li Huailin really said that the dog is gone. Isn’t it really a mess? If there is a task, Li Huailin will have time to go sightseeing there.

Li Huailin also saw someone posting that he was very far-sighted. Yes, it can be found that after this new version is updated, the Ellard Explorer is definitely very important. After all, the exploration plus the transmission array, how to look at it and The Lavin explorer has a relationship. According to the news received before, Li Huailin has already taken this power ahead of time. According to the new update, Li Huailin can also establish a new force. This must include the Eliwen explorer, so a large group of people said that the cattle It’s too far-sighted to force the brother, can you think of it in advance?

Of course, some people have suggested that Li Huailin has any private transactions with Tianyu. Otherwise, it may be so accurate. However, although some people have proposed this conspiracy theory, there are not many people responding, most people Said: "We are arrogant, you can manage it?"

In short, the forum is really very happy here, anyway, the server is not open, everyone has nothing to do in the various spit. Although Li Huailin did not post anything, he also watched it for a while.

Until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the number of people on the forum gradually decreased. The reason is very simple, because the time for opening the service is coming soon, everyone is ready to play.

Li Huailin also sorted it up a bit, and then took the helmet. It didn't take long for the server on this side to show the status of the link, and open the service on time. The white light flashed and Li Huailin was on the line. (To be continued.)

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