All Things Wrong

Chapter 1983: Group shelf

In the elemental plane, the two of Li Huailin and the Corrances who are on Li Huailin are now moving forward with the fire element. Now they also see the situation of the fire elemental forces, a slight number, the current number of fire elements is about 500 or so, of which about ten are larger, one of which is particularly large. It looks like the leader. Except for these big ones, the rest are relatively small.

According to Li Huailin's statement, it is a wave of ss, a dozen elites and a bunch of mixed soldiers. It is not difficult to solve the truth. Although they are not living, they can't use the sword to burn, but there is no problem in playing. of. However, I still have to look at what the other party wants to do.

"Would you like me to catch a big one?" The most anxious thing is that Saltstone, he can't wait any longer, and he wants to find the news of his own people.

"It's still a little waiting, this is not anxious." Li Huailin said, "At least know their destination first, and then catch them. Now we need intelligence, so the more we know, the better."

Sylvester actually understands this truth, but there is no way not to worry. Under the dissuasion of Li Huailin, he stubbornly stopped and continued to follow the elements of the fire.

Then walked along, Li Huailin suddenly saw a fire element in the distance, but also a large group, the number is probably several hundred.

"I want to confluence again?" Verna whispered next to it.

"It seems... not so much." Li Huailin looked at it, because the elements of the fire on both sides stopped immediately after seeing each other, and did not immediately merge together. Instead, they began to form a formation in face-to-face. It looks a bit like the meaning of doing it...

"It seems to be playing?" Seestone also understood, but I don't quite understand that both sides are fire elements. I don't know why it is like fighting. What is the situation?

"Wow, wow, wow..." Looking at it, the big fire element here (the biggest one) suddenly stood up and called out a few words directly to the fire element in front, saying the language... Anyway, no one can understand . And soon the opposite side also came out with a fire element wave ss of almost the same size, and called "wow wow" to this side.

"Hey... is this what it means?" Li Huailin guessed.

Sure enough, Li Huailin thought about it, the bosses on both sides talked about it, and it seems that it is directly collapsed. Li Huailin, the fire element of their own side, was the first to make a difficult start. He screamed directly at the back, and all the fire elements behind him shouted, and then rushed forward.

That side has already started the opposite side and will not be polite, but the opposite boss is also shouting at the back, and then the fire element behind him is also excited, all facing the past against the past, there is not much distance between the two sides Soon the two sides slammed together and burst into a huge spark.

"Is it really fought?" Li Huailin, they are all a glimpse, I did not expect it to really fight. However, the way of playing on both sides is very unscientific. Li Huailin has seen a lot of fire elements outside. In general, the attack method of fire elements is of course throwing fireballs, spraying flames, etc., but on both sides of this side. The use of the elements of the fire is actually a melee skill.

Yes, the fire elements on both sides do not play any fireball flame at all, and directly raise their fists to face each other's faces. At first, Li Huailin didn't react, but I thought that md is a fire element on both sides. It was originally an immune flame magic. You didn't use anything to throw a fireball at someone else. Of course, you can only fight.

So the following group of nearly 1,000 fire elements is like a group of no technical content where to fight, the scene is quite spectacular, but a little bit lo.

"Why do they kill each other?" Verna asked strangely.

"Probably it is not the camp." Li Huailin thought about it. "The internal dou fights for what is wrong."

"What should I do now?" Sylvester is still very anxious, and immediately asked, "It seems that they are coming to fight the group, we just watched it?"

"What else can you do? Do you want to go down with them?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "Let's wait and see what happens."

Of course, Sylvester can only wait, so several people are looking at the high-lying elements of the fire below. But to be honest, the fight is very fierce, but the problem is that Li Huailin did not see the number of fire elements reduced for a long time. It took about half an hour. Li Huailin saw that there were so many fires below. There is no change in the number of elements.

Looking at it carefully, it is true that there is a fire element knocked down, but a little rest will be restored immediately after a while, and there is no way to fight. The ones that are really dead are all besieged by a large group of enemies and killed together. This death is directly dissipated into pieces, and the rest is not really dead, just falling down to rest. After a while.

"When is this going?" Li Huailin lifted the amount, it seems that the battle between these fire elements is completely different from the battle on the human side. Simply speaking, killing is inefficient, just look at these fat guys. I’m tired of watching it for half an hour.

I am measuring whether this should be the initiative to solve the problem. Suddenly, Verna reminded me: "Look, there is a change."

Li Huailin immediately looked down on the past. The current situation has lasted for half an hour. Li Huailin doesn't know how to change. It seems that he can't finish it. However, I did not expect that the following is really finished, the main reason is that the two big fire elements are divided.

Yes, the two biggest fire elements at the beginning of the battle, of course, hit each other and started to smash together. There is still no gorgeous magic. The fire elements on both sides are also the beginning of a punch and a punch, but with the mobs. Not the same, the mob fell down for a while and then there was a side to make up the side, but the big one is like this. If you are knocked down, it will be knocked down, no one will help you fill the position.

The current situation is like this. One side of the fire element is overwhelmed by the other side. The death is not dead, but it is obviously lost. Of course, now that Li Huailin has completely misunderstood which side of the fire element is on the side, it seems to them all in the same length, and I don’t know how these people can distinguish.

In short, one of the fire element bosses fell, so the battle began to change. The fire element next to me looked at the boss and hurryed over to help. All of them were surrounded and wanted to save the boss. The one who won this game seems to be hurting too seriously. After defeating the other party, there is no victory. It means standing on the spot and welcoming the small soldiers around to help.

After the team of fire elements on both sides contracted for a while, they suddenly separated again. One of the troops, the gang who fell to the boss, dragged their boss and began to run away. Of course, the other side will not be so easy to let the other party run. The fire element leader here has a little rest for a while. A wave of hands is called to estimate the meaning of chasing after everyone, and then chasing the side of the escape. Go up.

"Md a bunch of mental retardation?" Li Huailin was a little bit sorrowful when he saw this situation, so why do you have so many people calling and playing, are there any need for these small soldiers to fight? Are there really differences? Are you looking for two bosses to single out? Looking for so many people now, in fact, still singled out, what is the difference? Do you want to understand this? It seems that the IQ of elemental creatures is really worrying.

"They are gone, what now?" Verna said with a little excitement.

"Let's go up and find the other's base?" asked Selston next to it.

"Well..." Li Huailin is still thinking about how to get it at this time. The main problem is... Li Huailin doesn't want to meet with Selston now. They are looking for it here. Because this place is really too big, Li Huailin is too lazy to find, it is better to leave them here and find them slowly. Let me just do some other work, such as helping Bailong’s mother find ways to release the seal. of. But now, how do you say to Saltstone?

"What is that?" Just thinking about it, suddenly Verna shouted loudly. This voice was really a little shouting, scaring Li Huailin. Li Huailin of course immediately looked at the place pointed by Verna, and saw a few black spots in the farther places below.

A little bit too far, Li Huailin looked up and saw that these small black spots were moving. Now they are moving towards the place where the fire elements have fought, and it looks like several people.

"Like a few people," said Corranthus of Li Huailin.

"It's my compatriot!" Selston immediately shouted.

"Amount... Do you see it clearly?" Li Huailin still can't see the people below. Of course, I don't know if it is a demon person. But it may be that Salstom's eyes are better. Li Huailin asks first.

"Amount... No, but obviously not elemental creatures, what else is there beside the elemental creatures?" Saltstone stood up and said, "I will go see."

"Hey!" Li Huailin can't stop here. The power of Sealstone itself is much stronger than that of Li Huailin. The speed is also incredible. Basically, a flash is appearing ten meters away from Li Huailin. Turned into a black flash and rushed toward the bottom.

"Father, I am here too." Verna certainly followed up immediately.

"Okay, okay." All this, Li Huailin can only follow. (To be continued.)

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