All Things Wrong

Chapter 1985: Negotiation

"I rub, where come so many fire elements?" Everyone is a glimpse, did not expect that the fire element will appear at this time. Oh, but the back is indeed a lot of it. I also said that a line on the horizon is a fire element, and at least a few are hundreds of thousands.

"What happened? Follow us over?" asked Saltstone.

"In short, kill them first?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah." Now that the nucleus of these fire elements is the material that the devils live here, Saltstone is of course ready to help the demons to do something, even if they don’t listen to themselves and go out with them. The nucleus can also let them use it for a while, and Saltton thinks so.

Of course, Li Huailin didn't care. He was prepared directly, but he was going forward. Suddenly, Kuran said: "Come on, let's get out of here, don't let them discover us."

"Hey?" Selston turned a little strange.

"If they find us here, they know that our settlement is nearby. Such a large number of fire elements cannot be completely destroyed. If we escape one, our settlement will be dangerous." Coulan said.

"It’s a bit sensible to say." Li Huailin turned and said, "Can you guarantee that one will not let go?"

"..." Selston did not answer, thought a little, "Go."

It is true that the fire element has not found anybody in front of it, just searching over there and not knowing what to search for. So taking advantage of this time, Li Huailin, all of them retreat, under the leadership of Kuran, should move in the direction of the devil's settlement. However, during the period, Kuran just took the road ahead and did not turn around and talked to Sealstone. The Silkon here didn't know how to open it. The atmosphere on the road was a bit heavy.

The group quickly entered the mountain range next to it, and it seems that the demonic group is in this mountain range. It is true that this place is really a good hiding place, mainly because the road is relatively round. The surrounding terrain is very complicated, with ravines and mountains everywhere, and the terrain is also high and low.

After a long time with Kuran, they finally came to a very hidden ravine. They just walked into the ravine and immediately saw a lot of demons. They all seemed to come to greet Kuran. The result just wanted to come up, everyone They all saw Saltstone, and everyone stopped at the same time.

Obviously, as long as it is an adult demon, you can always recognize Cerston, and everyone recognizes it. But the problem is that I don't know what position Silstom is here. In their opinion, Sealstone is a traitor who betrayed the democrats to surrender to the Protoss. What is it doing here now? Is it what it means to kill it?

The two sides stood there and watched silently, and the people inside quickly noticed the strange situation at the door, slowly coming closer, and saw that Saltstone did not know how to react. However, some Devil's children are a bit strange to ask their parents who these guys are, but no one answers them instead let them hide in the back cave.

The situation of the confrontation lasted for a while, and the people of the demon family suddenly separated from each other, and then a demonic family in a gray robe walked out of the crowd. This demon body is similar to that of Saltstone. It is quite tall. It is estimated that the age and appearance of the opponent are the leaders here.

"Usttina?" Seelton knew that the newly formed demonic family immediately shouted the other's name.

"Selston." The tone of the other party is not very friendly. "What are you doing here? Is it tragic to prepare to see us live?"

"No!" said Saltton, of course. "I am here to pay for your sins."

"Compensation? This is really fresh." Ustinia smiled, then suddenly turned his face again, "Selston! You are the king of our demon family, how much we trusted you, but what did you do? In the most dangerous time of our family, you actually surrendered our enemies! You have failed me, wrong, have failed the trust of all of us, you have betrayed your people, do you know? Now you are here to pay for your crimes? You What to take to plead guilty, why do you plead guilty?"

Ustinia is very excited. Li Huailin also heard a general estimate. It is estimated that this Ustinia should have been a very popular person of Cerston. As a result, the previous session of the company was completely disappointing. Should love and hate, now it is estimated that he hates him completely.

"No, my father has a hard time." The face of the other side of the question asked by Saltstone is of course a word can not be said, but then Verna next to it immediately came out to help his father speak.

"Difficult? What kind of hardship can make you betray your own nation?" Eustatia certainly continued to ask, "Well, you want to explain it, we will listen to your explanation, you will talk about it."

"My father's previous actions were all due to prophetic relationships," Verna said. "A prophet predicted the failure of the demons. The father pretended to surrender to the Protoss in order to avoid the worst. My father has been running around to save the demons, never thinking about anything to betray the demons."

"Prophet?" This reason is too ridiculous to tell the truth. All the demons are looking at each other and can't understand it?

"Prophet? Are you talking about the prophet?" Eustatia also asked.

"Oh... it’s him." Verna looked at Li Huailin behind her and said to him.

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse, and then observe Li Huailin, this product is the prophet? How do you look like it is not like, big brother, he is wearing a set of plate armor? You are also loaded like a little.

Things have reached this situation. Li Huailin feels that it is necessary to say a few words. So I went forward and said: "Well, everyone, Seltong is pretending to surrender to the demon. The news that the demons are going to fail is indeed that I told him. If you think about the situation at the time, even if Saltstone does not betray you, you can beat the Protoss and fight back? Indeed, he is the last straw that bends the camel, but to be honest this straw Can't change the big picture, are you saying?"

Li Huailin’s words made everyone silent, yes, this is really true. The army of the demon family was defeated by the Protoss overnight, and the disappearance of the death of the three kings died (in their view). In the case of a big crash, it is true that even if Selston does not betray and wants to turn over, it is hardly may.

"At that time, there were two choices. The first one was to continue to fight back with you, and then chased by the Protoss, and then resisted and then suppressed. But it is a matter of time before this step is dead. Kind, that is what Selston has chosen now, to preserve the living power of the demon family." Li Huailin said.

"But..." Ustinia still wants to talk, but she was interrupted by Li Huailin before she opened her mouth.

"You listen to me." Li Huailin said, "Is it really true that Selston has betrayed the demons, and you can consider it yourself. According to your current situation, what is he looking for for you? Is it true? Just to laugh at what you are not doing well? Do you think this is possible? You have to know where you are being locked up now, and how much it costs to get here, and he still comes, wants If you know that this matter is difficult to protect by the Protoss, can't it explain his loyalty to the Demon?"

Li Huailin said that there is a well-founded evidence. The demons in front of them began to discuss in a whisper. Indeed, they all believed a little.

"So what are you going to do now?" Eustatia asked Seleston.

"Of course, I will save you from here." Selston said immediately. "We will build up our strength together and then try to defeat the Protoss and restore the glory of the Devil."

"Beat the Protoss? Respond to the glory of the demon family?" Ustinia sneered a little. "I understand that you have contradicted the Protoss, and now I am going to fall out with them, so I think of us now." How powerful we were before the millennium, but also defeated by the Protoss, now you let us go out and fight with the Protoss? Do you have any grasp? Or let us die?"

"How to fight the Protoss, I haven't thought about it yet." Selston was really straight and said directly, "But the most important thing is to bring everyone out, this ghost place..."

"At least it’s safer than outside." Ustinia interrupted Selston’s words. "It’s true that you may just pretend to surrender, but now we have lived here for thousands of years. You also see the situation now. You let us go out and fight against the Protoss at this time? You ask them if they would like to talk to you?"

A group of demons did not speak, and some people also smashed the children around them. Although they did not speak, everyone understood what they meant.

Li Huailin next to him shook his head directly, how could this be successful? First of all, you let people go to war with you. What do you say about the glory of the devil? Who is with you? Who to fight, why to fight, how to fight, you have to think about it. If you are still the king of the devil, everyone trusts you. It is indeed possible to succeed. But the problem is that you have a credit crisis now. How can they believe you unconditionally?

"I said..." Li Huailin just wanted to say a few words here. As a result, a demon family suddenly rushed in and shouted: "Not good, a lot of fire elements come over us." It is." (To be continued.)

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