All Things Wrong

Chapter 2000: Vulcan

Li Huailin is really a bit stunned. What kind of situation did you find the Vulcan Montos actually hanging? This is unscientific. The task here is to find the **** of fire, Montos? You can't always get the task you can't do. However, I think that Saltton just seems to say that the **** of fire, Montos, was punished by the king of the gods. Didn’t say that he was killed, probably just a penalty...

Just thinking about it, the opposite of the results, Selston nodded directly and said: "Yes, Vulcan Montos has been executed by the King of God."

Li Huailin: "..."

"That was what happened to me soon after I went to the Protoss." Saltstone continued. "You also know that the appearance of the King of God happened to be in the last period of the Demon War. It not only made us a little unprepared. In fact, the Protoss has some doubts about such an airborne leader. Soon after the end of the Demon War, some Protoss have questioned the current rule of the King of God because the Protoss did not practice personal rule before. When the king of God came, he became the only ruler, so some Protoss opposed this situation, including the Vulcan Montos."

"The voice of opposition at that time was still very strong. As the leader of the opposition, Vulcan Montos led a large number of Protoss against the rule of the King. But I did not participate." Saidton continued, "On the one hand I was originally a person who had just surrendered. I was sensitive. On the other hand, I saw that the ruling groups of the Protoss of Guangming God did not have any objection to the rule of the King. I felt that something was wrong and I did not participate."

"Sure enough, it didn't take long for the opposition, the opposition headed by the **** of fire, Montos, was easily exhausted, and I was not sure about the process. I knew that these protoss were arrested overnight. But then God The king’s handling was rather relaxed. Although these people belonged to the rebellion, only the leader Vulcan Montos was executed, while the other main members were punished, probably for a hundred years in prison, and the remaining ones participated. It’s not that the main Protoss are just letting go after the warning, but it seems to be more generous,” said Saltstone.

"This punishment is really light." Dallocos also nodded. After all, it was a rebellion. It seems to everyone that rebellion is a big sin, and casually it is the kind of the Nine, but the **** is only executed. The mastermind is nothing more than a magnanimity.

"The protoss who were punished have not been released for a long time, and many of them have been released in advance. However, with the Vulcan Montos as an example, there is no rebellion after that, the king of the king The dominance has also been determined, although there are still some Protoss opposed to such a model of governance.” Selston said, “And I also received a gossip, which is said to be a reason for the vulgaris Montos against the King of God. It is the **** king that is not actually a protoss..."

“What?” Everyone was shocked. “Really? The King of God is not a Protoss?”

"This is just a hearsay, but I have also verified some of the protoss later. They did not really see the king before the war of the gods..." said Seltong, "but this sudden airborne The position that people can obtain the king of the gods should be related to the ruling group before the Protoss headed by the **** of light. They should know the truth of the facts, but I can't ask them either."

"So, according to this, can we differentiate the Protoss?" Darlocos thought suddenly and said, "There are now Protoss who are dissatisfied with the rule of the King of God, can they differentiate them?"

"I regret that I can't see it." Selston shook his head. "There are some Protoss who are dissatisfied with the rule of the King of God. But at the moment they don't dare to do anything to the King of God. At most, they don't participate. It is impossible to differentiate them directly."

"Wait, don't study this first, let's talk about the problem of the **** of fire, Montos." Li Huailin quickly pulled back the topic of pulling away. "You said that the **** of fire, Montos died, really? You saw it?" sure?"

What Li Huailin thinks here is that many of the dead nps are not confirmed to be dead. The best example is Bailong Iofam. Everyone says that it is dead. In the end, it is not a rumor, and the most important one. The task is not here, you can't really do it.

The result was just like this, and Saltstone nodded again. "Yes, I can basically confirm this because I went to the scene on the day of the trial. In the face of all the Protoss, the **** of the gods was executed. ""

Li Huailin: "..."

No, do you want to face it like this? If you say something, you will confirm what.

"If you need Vulcan Montos to help Bai Long Io Fam unblock, isn't it impossible to unblock it now?" Kegus next to him interrupted.

"Md is not right." How did Li Huailin think that something was wrong? "First of all, this task is already here. It must be done, and then I don't say anything else. Isn't there anyone who believes in this Vulcan Montos?" Can he believe if he is dead?"

"I don't really know this, but I know this at the moment." said Saltstone. "You also know that I haven't returned to the gods for a long time. The current situation of the gods is mine." It can only be said that it is a half-baked solution, but I have not heard of the news of Vulcan Montos until now."

This is a bit of a reason for Selston. After all, he has not returned for a long time. Li Huailin also knows. Thinking about it, it is impossible that the Vulcan Montos is not dead or temporarily sealed. Li Huailin still does not believe that the **** of fire, Montos, is really dead.

"Things of the demon family are handed over to you." Li Huailin thought about it. "I am going to find this Vulcan Montos. If there is a need, I will come here regularly to see you. If you are looking for me, you can let Yoda go to my territory to find me, remember that we are now an ally."

"Good." At this point, Dalokos, of course, they have no objections.

The task of the demon family has basically been completed. The only thing left unfinished is the commission of Cerston. Because the people of the demon family have not returned yet, it is not officially completed, but there should be no problem. Li Huailin doesn't have to pay any attention anymore, but now he still wants to figure out the problem of this Vulcan Montos.

Out of the transmission of the Crystal Throne, Li Huailin did not choose to go directly to the city, but once again found Mel Greens, mainly to ask him about the problem of the fire **** Montos.

"Vulcan Montos? I remember that there are many people who believe in Vulcan on the dwarf side. I am not very clear." Melgreens is a knight, so he believes in the light god, the situation of the **** of fire, Montos. Not very clear, but it pointed out a direction for Li Huailin.

Li Huailin, who had nothing to say, immediately sent it to the city of Dwarf's main city, and asked a guard to ask about it. Sure enough, there was a temple of Vulcan in the city, and it was very large. Nothing to say, Li Huailin immediately followed the guards and came to the door of this huge temple. Sure enough, there are still many people coming to worship at the temple, and all the people who saw it were the dwarves. It seems that the **** of fire, Montos, is on the dwarf side. Prestige is really high.

By virtue of his identity, Li Huailin easily found the temple wish of this temple, a dwarf named Tosto, and asked a little about the message of Vulcan Montos. Of course, this guy is a faithful believer of Vulcan Montos. When he talked about this, he began to introduce Li Huailin to the greatness of Vulcan Montos. He felt that he wanted Li Huailin to believe in Vulcan.

In short, it introduces the **** of fire, Montos, not only the **** of fire, but also the **** of forging, the **** of stone masonry, the **** of sculpture and the **** of artisans. From the outside of the temple, he said that he has not walked to the innermost. At the end, Li Huailin couldn’t help but interrupt: “That is to say, the current Vulcan Montos is still believed by everyone... Do you say that this Vulcan Montos is likely to die?”

"How is this possible!" As soon as he said that Tosto was in a hurry, "The Vulcan adult is omnipotent and immortal. How can he die? Your Majesty, you can’t look at the omnipotent **** with mortal eyes. what."

"Oh..." Li Huailin suddenly realized that it was useless to ask this guy. In the eyes of these believers, the gods they believe in are omnipotent, and of course they are not likely to die. After thinking about it, Li Huailin waved his hand. "Well, let's go back first. I will look at it myself."

"Oh... well, sire." Tothedt really wanted to pass on to Li Huailin and then preached. After all, Li Huailin appeared here. In his opinion, he might be interested in the Vulcan of their faith. Of course, he could change the best of Vulcan. Alright. However, Li Huailin let him go out first and he couldn't listen. He could only go out with a little disappointment. However, Li Huailin still stayed here, and he hoped that Li Huailin could suddenly understand the image of the Vulcan adults.

At this time, Li Huailin really was paying attention to the **** of Vulcan. This is the time when the inner temple has not been opened yet. Now Li Huailin is alone, so Li Huailin shouted directly at the air: "St. Gaius, St. Ius!"

"At, in..." The golden light flashed, and San Gayius appeared directly at Li Huailin's side. "Look for me? Huai Lin?"

"Do you know Montos?" Li Huailin asked directly.

"Montos?" St. Gayus frowned and thought for a moment. "Oh, Montos is it, I know me, how do you find him?"

"Do you know where he is?" Li Huailin asked with a little surprise.

"Yeah, would you like me to bring him to see you?" St. Gaius said immediately.

"Can you bring him to see me?" Li Huailin was even more surprised. (To be continued.)

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