All Things Wrong

Chapter 2008: Preparation before the game

"Hey?" Montos took the helmet that Li Huailin had handed over a little strangely. As a result, Montos had just started to feel wrong. This thing... I really have never seen it. What is this? Not to mention the forging technique that I have never seen before. I have never seen this kind of material. I didn’t see it when Li Huailin was wearing it, but it’s really not very common until now. ([[

"This...what is this?" Montos said with a little excitement. "I have never seen this kind of thing. Where did this come from? Who forged it, what forging technology."

"I haven't seen it." Li Huailin said with a smile. Yes, Li Huailin estimated that Montos had never seen it. The reason is very simple. The helmet of Li Huailin is a mysterious level of equipment. It is the one that Zhang Youdong designed. The equipment inside the game. Although it seems to be recognized by the system after bringing it here, it is estimated that Montos has never seen anything mysterious.

"This... this is great. I have to go back to study immediately." Montos excitedly didn't know what to say. He didn't think he could find such forged items that he had never seen before. After all, it has been for many years. I haven't met it before, but I didn't expect Li Huailin to come up with one hand. This is a good thing for the forgemaster. It is of course to go back and study this thing immediately.

However, when Montos excitedly wanted to leave and go back to research, Li Huailin took his helmet directly.

"Hey, give it to me!" Montos said excitedly, but this time I suddenly remembered that this thing was really Li Huailin. It seems that there is no problem when people take it back. I thought about it and said immediately: "You give it to me." You can do it for me, I can help you."

"Don't be excited." Li Huailin said, "I have to wear this thing myself, but there are other things that are also made by this forging technique."

“Really? There are still many?” Montos said excitedly. “Where? Give me, give me!”

"Hey... so this thing is really useful?" Li Huailin asked.

"I don't know if I use it for a while. It depends on whether this thing can be combined with the current forging technology." Montos said, "There is still no research yet, so I don't know anything. Let me study it first. Let me talk about it."

"Oh... alright, okay." Li Huailin nodded. "But things are below..."

"I am going to apply for going out immediately." Li Huailin said that he had not finished talking about Montos and rushed to the side of the transmission array and sent a white light away. Li Huailin also knows that this transmission array can not only be transmitted, but also can be transmitted away.

Of course, Li Huailin originally wanted to bring things directly, but I thought it would be nice to think that Montos followed him, at least to find him convenient.

"I have to apply for this outing, is the application fast?" Li Huailin asked to the next Saint-Giaus.

"Well, according to his current situation, it should be very fast." St. Gaius stood nodding. Li Huailin thought about it too. After all, it is a formal reason. You said that you should go out and look for materials for the game. Of course, there should be no problem.

Li Huailin nodded. Li Huailin also contacted the night flight during this time. The main part of the mysterious equipment that was obtained before was directly given to them at night.

"Okay, no problem." The night flight was not asking for a direct nod. Of course, the main reason is that most of these equipments are still in the warehouse of the spiritual world, because the relationship has not yet arrived, so it is not used now. Li Huailin said that it is useful now, of course, there will be no objection to the night flight. It is not just for people to take it.

It didn't take long before the contact was over, and Montos returned, not only was the man coming back, but also came back with a big backpack. Li Huailin looked at the things exposed from the bag and basically saw that the other side was holding a backpack full of forged props.

"There is a pass, you can go out immediately, fast..." Montos is still anxious to say.

"Let's go." Li Huailin is of course ready. Of course, Montos has already obtained the pass, and the method of use is very simple. Take the pass directly and use it on the transfer array to transfer to the lower bound. The location of the choice is of course the main city of the Terran.

When I came to the main city of the Terran, Montos was also a little curious to look around. It seemed that the other party had not seen it before, but Montos quickly took his eyes back and continued to face it. Li Huailin urged: "Quick, where is the thing?"

Li Huailin did not say anything. He went directly to the warehouse area of ​​the commercial street with Montos. There are people in the spiritual world waiting for Li Huailin. The night flight did not come, but the fire head came here personally, and I saw that Li Huailin certainly came up to say hello.

Of course, things are ready to be placed in the display area of ​​the warehouse, or the previous pile of things, what equipment. And when Montos saw it, he rushed straight over, and then he picked up an armor on the table and began to look at it carefully. While watching, he still had a hand to start unpacking the backpack and put the backpack inside. The items are placed one by one on the desktop.

"Wilin, what is the situation, who is this np?" The fire head asked a little strangely.

Of course, there is nothing to hide in the fire head. Li Huailin immediately introduced the current situation to the fire.

"It turns out that I want to win the championship of the forging contest." The fire nodded. "I have heard of this forging contest."

“Hey? Have you heard of it?” Li Huailin asked with a little surprise. “Wait, do you mean that players can participate?”

"Yeah, players can also sign up," said the firehead. "Before several of the forgemen in our guild received the task and handed in a forged equipment, but unfortunately none of them passed, no one. Can participate in the finals."

"Oh..." Li Huailin nodded. "Is that passed?"

"I don't know this, but I don't think it is." The firehead said, "You think about it as a task a month ago. At that time, the player's forging estimate has not yet reached the master level. Even we are not here." When people pass, I guess no other guild has passed."

The fire head said that it makes a lot of sense. Li Huailin nodded. It is true that the deputy of the players is still a little different from the np, not to mention a month ago.

"Too... It’s amazing... what exactly is this forging technique!" As he spoke, Montos, next to him, screamed, "Unheard of, unheard of."

It is indeed unheard of, and Li Huailin understands that after all, the origin of this thing is very strange. I thought about Li Huailin and asked: "How is it useful?"

"I have to study it carefully, but I think it is definitely useful." Montos nodded. "Right, the stove, I need a top forging furnace."

"" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, it's here," Montos said anxiously. "Now."

"Would you still be next to it?" said the fire. "There are rented forging houses next to us. We have been renting them all the time. It is the best forging room and should be more suitable."

"Hey, trouble you," Li Huailin said.

Montos certainly agreed, so a group of people took these mysterious equipment and came to the forging rental room next to it. This is mainly because the main city is rented out to the players for forging equipment. Basically, every big guild is here. There is a rental room. Li Huailin came to the top-level rental room in the top floor, and it really had a lot of space, and the facilities and the very complete look. Of course, Li Huailin does not understand forging, but it is not bad.

"Okay, it's here." Montos looked as if he was satisfied. "I want to study these equipment here. Let's go, don't bother me."

I didn't expect the other party to catch up so quickly. Li Huailin didn't finish the question: "Wait, didn't you say that you need materials for forging? Can you tell me what materials are needed?"

"Oh... this, I haven’t thought about it yet." Montos replied a little calmly. "Forging was forged on the spot. I haven’t thought about forging anything yet, so there is no material." Decide."

"You haven't decided yet." Li Huailin couldn't help but say.

"Well, if you want to take the first place, you need some inspiration. At present, I have found some here, but I haven’t fully figured it out." Montos pointed out that these mysterious equipment said, "In short, it should be needed. A lot of top materials, I don't know what to do. If you want to help me find it, I would like to find some advanced materials. Of course, metal is a must, and other materials can't be determined now."

"You really will find me a problem." Li Huailin helped the amount, but thinking about what Montos said is also a bit reasonable. It is definitely not possible to get the prizes. The forgemaster should be similar to the artist in some aspects. If you want to make a good thing, you really need some inspiration.

"Since it is so important, we also help collect some more precious forging materials here." The fire beside the initiative said.

"Oh, please, please." Li Huailin was also polite. He nodded immediately. "I also find someone to find some of these materials. Then... metal is definitely the most important thing. I will go to some more metal." Right, what about the most fascinating metal you know about Montos?"

"The most powerful metal... Well, I think about it..." Montos thought about it. "It's Zhenjin."

"Ha? Wait... what are you talking about?" Li Huailin took a direct look.

"Zhen Jin." Montos said again.

Li Huailin directly looked at Montos for a long time, could not help but said: "Big brother, are you running the wrong film?" (To be continued.) 8

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