All Things Wrong

Chapter 2012: auction

Sethi was training in the room at this time, and it was just a few maids and a chef next to him. The reason was that it was like the cake that was just made was not sweet enough. Although a 12-year-old girl always looks strange to a few adults, but who makes Sai Si is the second lady here, the age is not big but the status is high, especially the big lady. Su Ruoyan is often not online, causing Sethi to be basically the largest in the government. And Seysey is also a real man, and it is still very majestic at the moment.

“Why do you want to find Zhenjin, a rare material?” Sethi asked, asking if he continued to stuff the cake in his mouth, not that it was not good.

"Probably understand that I want to participate in a forged competition, anyway, need the original mine of Zhenjin." Li Huailin simply said, "I did not hear that a Hormelt tribe controlled the origin of Zhenjin. ?"

"Oh, do you know this too?" Sethi was a little surprised. "I have seen this, but the news has not been confirmed yet. In fact, this Homers tribe is also an unconfirmed tribe."

"Ha?" Li Huailin took a direct look.

"Yes, there is no substantive information to determine the existence of this Homerst tribe, so even if it is made up, it is possible." Sethi thought and said, "I think Zhenjin is such a thing." The collection value is more than the use value. The information in this area is too professional. I think we should find a more professional person to ask."

“A more professional person?” Li Huailin said a little, “Do you mean a forge or a collector of Zhenjin?”

"The forgemaster who uses Zhenjin...there is not much, but the collectors should still have it." Sethi said, "Let a few ask questions, and then find out the sources of their collections, they should be able to ask. Just a little bit of information."

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded and was similar to his own thoughts. "But do you know the collectors of Zhenjin?"

"Of course I don't know." Sethi spread his hands.

" famous collectors collect this one?" Li Huailin asked.

"This has never been heard," said Sethi. "But it doesn't matter. Anyway, you don't have a dagger in the hands of Zhenjin."

"Well?" Li Huailin took a moment and didn't respond.

"You released the news that you want to auction this thing. Isn't it that the collectors of Zhenjin immediately cast their own nets?" said Sethi.

"Where, I didn't think of it." Li Huailin shocked the whole person. "This is a good way. You are really useful for Sethi."

"Oh... why don't I think I am very happy," said Sethi, frowning.

"Don't care about this, I know what to do." Li Huailin said that he immediately went out, and then immediately found someone. The Polit and Intel who just left were looking for it.

"Auction?" Both of them were shocked, but they immediately understood the meaning of Li Huailin. "Your Majesty wants to find some collectible collectors through this auction."

"Yes, can you fix it?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"This... In fact, our Dean Chamber of Commerce will hold auctions on a regular basis. Generally speaking, large-scale auctions are held once a month, small ones, several times a month. If you remember correctly, there will be a small one in the main city tomorrow night. Auction..." Polit said.

"That's right." Li Huailin nodded.

“But...” Polit said immediately. “All the auctions for the small auction have been confirmed, and the merchandise has already been sent out. It’s a little too late to make a temporary increase. And the small auctions are generally inviting. , we are inviting some specific customers who have the ability to buy..."

"Md will change it for me immediately." Li Huailin said with a wave, "I don't care what you guys do, I will come up with an auction tomorrow, and everyone in the whole continent knows that we have to sell a gold-plated dagger. This matter is handed over to both of you, and in the end I will see the auction tomorrow."

"This..." Both of them are a bit embarrassed. Merchants are based on honesty. In particular, their big business associations are of course more focused on integrity, so you have already said how good auctions can be changed suddenly. However, although it is difficult, there is no way. Who makes Li Huailin the boss?

The two were very headaches, but they still took the matter down. This time they decided to work together. The two men soon left again. And Li Huailin looked at the time and almost rested, and soon the next night.

Time is really very fast. Li Huailin’s time of day is not idle. I just want to ask if there is any news about Zhenjin. After all, I can’t put all the hopes on the auction. So Li Huailin is also very hard to find a lot of people who may know to inquire.

First of all, Li Huailin also found some blacksmiths to inquire about the news of Zhenjin, but it is a pity that Li Huailin did not know any master of blacksmiths, and Zhenjin had no use other than forging, so other people are not very clear. And Li Huailin asked several blacksmiths that there were several things that even Zhen Zhenjin had never heard of. After all, it was too little, and they were all collectibles. The only few that have been heard are basically the level of the name.

Li Huailin also asked a few famous collectors in the main city of the Terran. They all knew about Zhenjin, but they didn't have a collection, and they didn't know much about Zhenjin. According to them, although Zhenjin is a collection of things, it is also for fixed people, at least they are not very interested.

This is a headache. I asked Li Huailin almost no information, and it was a waste of time. In the afternoon, Li Huailin has already given up. There is no way to pinpoint hopes at the auction in the evening to find a few reliable points.

Taking the time, Li Huailin also went to the blacksmith shop rented by the spiritual world to look at the situation of Montos. At present, Montos is retreating to study mysterious equipment. Li Huailin is looking for him and he is not in charge. I asked the people in the spiritual world, saying that Montos had not eaten anything in the day and night, and it was really hard to disassemble in the workplace.

By the way, Li Huailin also encountered a night flight, and then the night flight also said the progress of the current collection of materials in the spiritual world. This Li Huailin is not very worried. After all, there are two of his own men collecting there, so the auxiliary materials should be able to meet the needs. In short, the most troublesome thing is this Zhenjin.

Of course, the night flight also said that he also knew about this matter. He was looking for someone to inquire about Zhenjin. However, he has not received any clues yet. To be honest, this material is also the first time that they have known that they have never heard of it before. .

I heard about the auction. The night flight said that I had no arrangements at night. Since there is an auction, I can participate in it. I can also see if there is anything I can buy. According to the night flight, the auction of the Dean Chamber of Commerce is really a relatively high-end auction. The list of invitations is really difficult to do. It must be paid a certain amount per month to get vip treatment, so the player wants to get it. It is not impossible to invite, but it is very troublesome. At present, even the Grand Council does not specifically engage in this.

The auction venue is not in the main city of humanity, but in the neutral city of Brasov. The largest auction venue here has been purchased by the Dean Chamber of Commerce. It is currently the largest auction house in the mainland. At the auction house's scene, Li Huailin found that the rankings here are still quite big. At present, the entrance of the auction house is very lively. At present, it seems that the doorway has directly completed a red carpet, and then many passenger carriages parked in front of the auction house. After that, I walked into the red carpet and entered the venue. There were a large number of people watching the crowd, most of them were players, and the atmosphere was very good.

"Hey... let's go." Li Huailin didn't think there was such a thing about the red carpet. In fact, he didn't want to go, but it seems that this is an entrance. It is impossible to go to the back door.

With the night flight to the gate of the auction house, of course, before they even arrived, they were discovered by a large group of onlookers.

"Look, it’s the president and the spiritual world president. Come here to participate in the auction?"

“Can this player participate in this auction?”

"I heard that it is a list of invitations. Not everyone can enter. At present, I have seen the two players who are the tycoon and the spiritual world president."

"Sleeping... It’s not a big brother."

Many people know that the auction of Dean Chamber of Commerce is not something that ordinary people can enter. Players can now enter less, so Li Huailin and Ye Hang can go in and hate it. I didn’t expect it to be too much for others to follow. The invitation letter went in, simply saying that it was swiping, and Li Huailin was brushing his face.

"What is the invitation letter, I will ask you if you dare to stop me?" The guard at the door was so mocked by Li Huailin, and then the people gave way. Seeing the passers-by around the player can only say "slippery" ......" And the guards are also a bit bitter, I really are not ready to stop you, everyone knows that you are the boss, I just stood in front of it...

Just entering the auction house, I was also looking for a person to ask where Polit was. As a result, I saw that Polit had already greeted myself and was still anxious.

"Your Majesty, I am looking for you for a long time." The proportion went to Li Huailin and said anxiously, "I just came in the afternoon to say that I want to sell Zhenjin items at this auction."

"Sell?" Li Huailin.

"Yes, sell." Polly said. "Now in the VIP room, we dragged him to the present and waited for you."

"Okay, let me see." Li Huailin nodded immediately. (To be continued.)

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