All Things Wrong

Chapter 2016: source

This is a group of people who look really strange. The appearance is human, but the skin is reddish brown, with a little luster, a bit like the feeling of a smooth and waxed leather armor. There is no more hands, feet, and the like on the body. It is also two hands and two feet, but the hand is a little bit thick, a little bit of a unicorn arm, or both hands. The footsteps were more disgusting. Li Huailin saw that their feet seemed to have a large orange sarcoma, and they swollen out of pieces. Even people who were not intensive phobia felt sick.

Li Huailin, who is their family, has never seen it. The race in this game is a bit more, so it is not a strange thing to have such a strange family.

Randomly counted, the total number of people currently appearing in front of Li Huailin is 20 people. Counting other old people and children, it is estimated that there are 40 tribes, similar to Li Huailin’s estimate.

Of course, at this time, Li Huailin’s person was frightened by Xiaomi. Someone could not stand up directly on the ground and his feet were soft. However, Li Huailin still saw one of the longest and strongest guys standing in front of Xiaomi with a machete, and seeing this machete, Li Huailin directly glimpsed because of the color and the vibration that he had seen before. The color of the dagger made by Kim is very similar. Is it also Zhenjin?

"Wow, wow, wow..." But it took Li Huailin a little headache. This group of people actually stalked Xiaomi, and he couldn't understand it.

Just as Li Huailin was blaspheming, Wilken next to Li Huailin suddenly jumped in front of a few people. And seeing Wilken, these people seem to know each other, it seems to be relieved.

"Go and call Donie, Donnie!" Wilken shouted at these people, of course, using the lingua franca, but focused on "Donnie". The opposite side also understood, one nodded, and immediately went to the village behind him.

"Do you understand what they say?" Li Huailin asked strangely.

"I don't understand." Wilken said immediately. "The estimates they said were from the native language. I stayed here for 10 days and learned a little bit."

"Who is that Nie?" Li Huailin asked immediately.

"It's a human being living here," Wilken said immediately. "She was drifting here in a shipwreck. It's not the people here. I have been here for 10 years. The language of the people here, we When I was here, I was translated by Tony. She is my benefactor."

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded casually, and it was really good to have a translation. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to die.

Waiting a little bit for a while, and sure enough, the guy who left was pulling a human woman back. Li Huailin looked at it. This human woman looks like it is almost thirty. It is very mature, and it looks good. The red hair is very conspicuous. However, the current situation is a bit bad. The main thing is that it is too dirty. It is really like looking like a savage. It is estimated that it can be washed and cleaned. However, Li Huailin does not want to read more.

"Wilken?" Seeing Wilken appearing in front of Doni is also a glimpse, but immediately excitedly shouted, "You... how come you?"

While talking about Doo's face, she was red. Li Huailin saw that she seemed to have a little meaning for Wilken. I thought about you saying that the island is full of these red-skinned guys. Do you see a normal point? Human Li Huailin also feels pleasing to the eye.

"Donnie, it’s not a good thing to come back this time." Wilken sighed and pointed to Li Huailin next to him. "The adult caught all my crew and forced me to come back here to find you... ..."

“What?” Donnie looked at Li Huailin. “You...what do you want to do?”

"Hey... aren't you saying that you have to negotiate? Give it to you." Li Huailin was too lazy to explain, directly speaking to Wilken.

Wilken nodded and then quickly talked to Donnie about the situation. A bunch of red people can't understand what these humans are saying, but the dragon next to them, everyone has been careful to hide and not come over and ask.

Slightly explained for a while, after the estimation is finished. Doni looked at Li Huailin again, and her eyes seemed to be asking this guy to be the hegemon of the mainland next to him?

"So, what is the current situation?" Li Huailin said that he was finished, so he said, "My purpose is very simple. I want to mine the original mine. You will help tell these things... Flash... Wear red tights), or give me the original mine, or I will kill them and understand, please? Ms."

"You... how much do you want?" Danny thought for a moment and asked suddenly.

“How much?” Li Huailin said, “Oh... of course, the more the better.”

"At least?" asked Donnie.

"At least? At least there must be a quantity of weapons that can be built." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Build a weapon." Danny thought for a moment, then nodded. "I understand, what you said is true, really just as much."

Li Huailin thought about it. First of all, tomorrow's forging contest is estimated to have no second chance of forging. The final victory is a piece of equipment. If it is, it is estimated to be just one. Li Huailin wants to get more points to practice with Montos, but it seems that the other party refuses to give it. Li Huailin thinks about it or not to tear his face directly. After all, he still doesn’t know where these mines are, and he promised to get it. The amount of the bottom is said.

"Yes." Considering Li Huailin nodded.

"Well, I will discuss with them." Doni said very decisively.

After saying that Danni went to the side, and then a few red people were there, "Wow, wow," I don't know what to say, Li Huailin can't understand, of course, can only wait. Probably said that there are fifteen minutes, and Donnie is back.

"They agreed," said Tony.

"Hey? It's so easy." Li Huailin is also a glimpse. It's really good to get what you want so simple. "That's me."

"You come with us." When Doni finished, she walked outside the village. Of course, a bunch of red people followed. Of course, Li Huailin has nothing to worry about and directly follows the past.

After a little walk, Li Huailin found that they were heading in the direction of the volcano in the middle of the island. It was all woods along the way, and Li Huailin found that the ground on this side was really a bit soft, and it was very troublesome to walk. However, it was very quick to look at the few reds in front. I observed that the other’s feet were very large. Well, if you walk, you won't get stuck, so the action is very fast.

Walking and walking, the group of people came to a mountain pass. Before they entered Li Huailin, they felt the feeling of a heat wave coming out from the inside. Li Huailin looked inside a little and found that all of them were magma. Looking at the location is just below the volcano. It is estimated to be the entrance to the volcano.

"We don't want to go inside here." Donnie said to the nearby Wilken. "The heat here, it is estimated that it will not last for 3 minutes."

Duo Ni is talking about the Terran. Of course, it does not include those reds. Li Huailin also saw these red people go straight inside. It seems that they don't worry about the temperature inside.

"So the original mine is inside the volcano?" Li Huailin asked.

"Oh... tell you the truth." Doni said with a smile. "The so-called Zhenjin has no raw ore. The liquid secreted by the Hommel's feet will become a hard metal after solidification. What is the shape, that is the true face of Zhenjin."

"Ha?" Li Huailin said directly, "Hey... is it something inside the big meat **** on the feet?"

"Yes, that's the situation after the gathering." Donnie nodded. "Once the temperature is lost for a while, the liquid will slowly solidify, so the Holmelsts come here every day to soak with magma. In the footsteps, if they are not, their feet will slowly harden and they will not be able to act."

"Ha?" Li Huailin was stunned. Isn't that too bad? "Is it impossible to cut these meat **** directly?"

"It's not the meat ball that secretes liquid, but the foot. The meat ball is just a place to store it," said Donnie. "Even if you cut off the meat ball, the liquid will slowly be secreted. When there is no storage, it will be." Slowly stay along your feet. After cooling, you will get stuck on your feet and never get it. Finally, you will not be able to walk slowly..."

"Okay, I understand." Li Huailin has a headache. This red man is really misplaced. This is really a bit too bad.

"I don't know when some people discovered that these liquids could forge invincible weapons, so the Hommelites received persecution. They killed the Hommel people just to get the liquid stored on their feet. At present, there are only a few Holmelsts on this island." Doni sighed and said.

"It turned out to be like this." Wilken, next to him, said with a little emotion, it seems that he was the first to hear about it. "That is going to take now..."

"It doesn't matter, even if there is a meat pouch storage, it will be full. It will be released some time. Of course, the amount is relatively small. Everyone here is more than enough to force a weapon. Those who persecute them are of course waiting. Can't do this, but you only need this on your side, that's right," said Donnie.

"Amount...Yes." Li Huailin just thought about something not very good at this time, but he thought about it and nodded.

"Bring your containers and hand them to them," said Donnie.

"Container?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Oh... don't tell me that you didn't bring it. Without the container, the liquid will solidify in a while. Are you not going to the ore?" Tony said with surprise.

"Hey..." Li Huailin helped the amount. "Nobody can say anything to md in advance, you wait, I will go back and ask." (To be continued.)

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