All Things Wrong

Chapter 2026: Final product

The sound of "咚" sounded, it is obviously the signal of the end of the game. At the same time, Montos also just lifted the entire mold plate that he had just made, and he slammed into the ground. Of course, the outer navy blue soil was directly shattered, revealing a copper-yellow shield inside.

"Complete, just catch up." Montos said with a sigh of relief.

“Is this really done?” Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah." Montos nodded and then sat down on the floor with a sigh of relief. Yes, it’s just that the spirit is too concentrated, and you know that this guy has not rested for three days. Now the spirit is relaxed and the whole person has a feeling of collapse. The station can’t stand.

Li Huailin did not go to the meaning of Fumontos, and directly picked up the shield that fell out of the mold from the ground. After cleaning up the remaining soil, Li Huailin finally saw the whole picture of this fast shield.

This is a shield that looks very modern in design, and it is actually a modern minimalist design. Unlike most of the flowery whistle-patterned shields that appear in the game, the shield is too clean and has no pattern on it.

The entire shape of the shield is a bit like a combination of radial rectangular strips, with a circular pattern of red and black in the middle. The whole shield looks like the sun, the middle seems to be the core, and the surrounding strips are a bit like the rays that radiate. This part of the middle is not made of Zhenjin. Li Huailin also saw that Montos had been adding various materials before the injection. These materials are composed of the red and black spheres in the middle. Of course, Li Huailin does not have a material. I know, so I don't know what it is for.

The whole shield is really beautiful, of course, it is for the beautiful beauty of Li Huailin, but Li Huailin doesn't know if this thing is not good looking at npc. After all, this thing and the shield that I have seen before. The difference in shape is a bit big.

But the point that makes Li Huailin more reassuring is that this thing shines, and it still emits orange light. Yes, this thing is actually an artifact level thing, but the specific attributes, Li Huailin actually can not see. If you look at it with reconnaissance, the orange word "shield" will be displayed here, and then there will be an "unnamed" symbol followed by no attribute comments. Of course, this thing does not show any system information such as "binding" at all.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin also knows that the artifacts in the past have names, so this shield may not be named by the producer, so it is not a complete equipment.

Of course, Li Huailin is a bit curious about the attributes of this thing, and there is no greed for things. Although it is an artifact in things, the problem is that Li Huailin's hands are equipped with excaliburs. You don't know what level of artifacts this shield is, and even if you are better, you can't beat the Excalibur. Besides, Li Huailin is a weapon warrior. All the skills have almost nothing to do with the shield, so this thing does not match Li Huailin. Li Huailin is not very wanting.

When Li Huailin observed the shield, the review of the results there has begun. Of course, the person responsible for reviewing the results is not St. Iloci, who is responsible for monitoring. St. Iloca is not very knowledgeable about forging, so the real review is still to be handed over to professional people.

Although Vulcan is not there, of course, it does not mean that the gods are not responsible for forging. The result of this review is an old man named St. Torians. Li Huailin does not know what this guy is, but the name is A holy letter indicates that this guy is a god.

Of course, he is not alone, and there are a bunch of estimates that are his servants, and Li Huailin saw a large number of dwarf servants. Li Huailin had seen the servants of the elves before. It seems that these people are not like Protoss, because the Protoss should be very similar to the Patriarchs. These servants, who are like dwarves, tell Li Huailin that the lower bounds may be able to become servants in some way, and even possibly acquire the gods as true gods.

The work of the review is that the dwarven servants are separated from all corners and examined internally. The first person who has not completed the work in the time is of course directly disqualified. This is really quite a lot. It’s too late, there are accidents in the forging process that can’t be called out of the finished product, and there is something like Lutney’s own problem.

The review after the gang was removed was a review of the finished products one by one, but the unexpected review progress was very fast. Li Huailin observed that these examiners basically spent almost 5 seconds when they looked at most of the works. It seemed to be a very quick glance, and then they said directly: "Retire." Going to the next position does not explain why you are obsolete.

And a small number of table examiners will seriously look at it for a while, and then there will be two results. One is that after a while, the examiner will talk to the forgeer for a while, then write a few strokes on his own book, and then go to the next one. There is also a situation where the examiner will let the presiding judge call this holy The old man of the Protoss of Torians passed.

The situation is very obvious. It is all things that are worthless to look at. The estimate that was asked a little more carefully was a bit of a sneak peek, and the works that asked them to ask Saint Torians to come were really good works. After all, this game only chooses one winner, so what makes St. Thorians look at is estimated to be the last winning work.

The review process was carried out in an orderly manner. Of course, at this time, the supervision of St. Iloci is also carried out at the same time. Some people lost him and he still didn't admit it. After all, what he had worked hard to forge was watched for a few seconds and he said that he would not accept it. He wanted to ask where the difference was, but just wanted to go up and beside it. The inspector took it away and did not give you a chance to argue. St. Ilowef also accompanied the St. Torians to preside over the overall situation. Li Huailin observed St. Iloci’s attitude towards St. Torians. It can be seen that St. Torian’s status seems to be more holy. Ilofre is slightly higher, and it seems to be a relatively high god.

In short, after a while, an examiner slowly came to the position 1307 where Li Huailin and Montos were located. Li Huailin estimates that this household is reviewing the examiners on their own side. They looked at each other, a black-bearded dwarf who looks a bit old, and looked at it as a good face, but the whole row in front is basically everyone. The kind of elimination, it seems that this guy's review is also very strict.

Li Huailin secretly prepared, in case this guy directly said what to eliminate, Li Huailin first went up and forced him into his own person to say, at least let him call that St. Torians.

Passing by the desk of Rutney, who had already declared a failure, the examiner finally came to the front of Montos and Li Huailin. At this time, Montos also took a break and took a breath. When the examiner came over, it was a little nervous to put the shield and show it to the other party.

"Well?" The first thing that saw this thing was obvious. The dwarf’s eyes blinked and looked at the shield carefully. He asked: "Is this Zhenjin?"

The other party spoke up. This is good news, indicating that the other party has already felt that this is something worth seeing, but still need to call him St. Torians. When he heard the other person's inquiry, Montos immediately replied: "Yes, this is made of Zhenjin for the material."

"It's actually Zhenjin." The dwarf nodded, then carefully looked at the shield and touched his hand in the red and black circle in the middle to reveal a slightly surprised expression. "Is it so?" Was it this design? This is this"

After thinking for a while, the dwarf here nodded and then shouted behind him: "Master St. Torians, please come here for a good work."

Looking at the other person is called, Li Huailin a little relieved, it seems that Montos is really very competitive. Wait a little while, St. Torians came over, and of course, also came to St. Iloci.

"What?" St. Torres looked at the shield on the table and then revealed an unexpected expression: "Is it Mandela?"

"Adult, what is Mandela alloy? This is what Zhenjin does." The dwarf here asked.

"It's a thing, I'm just getting used to it." St. Torians waved and said to Montos. "This is really a new raw material. You can get it, come on, young people, finish." Good, let me introduce your work."

"Yes." Montos seemed to know Saint Torians too. He heard a little nervous reply from his question. "This is the new shield I made. The biggest feature is the material first. This is Zhenjin. The shield is almost invincible, but there is one more important place, that is, I designed an organ that can detonate on its own initiative. You see it in the middle. When the opponent hits the shield, the middle of the shield There will be an explosion in the place, and the impact of the explosion will certainly hurt the user because of the relationship between the gold and the attacker. Not only that, because of the explosion, the impact on the opponent’s attack can also offset each other. effect"

Montos said that St. Torres and several casual auditors are listening carefully. It seems that I heard a very novel design, very pleasantly surprised, but Li Huailin next to it is really unbearable. Directly interjected: "Where, are you completely blasting reaction armor?" (To be continued.)

"I want friends to visit the phone."

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