All Things Wrong

Chapter 2030: Calculation

"Is it true?" Night Airlines was shocked after hearing about the situation that Li Huailin said. I didn't expect it to be a mission of npc. This is really a massive invasion. "How many troops are there? How many npc players?"

"How do I know, you should calm down first. Please search for the most complete! Li Huailin said, "Not so exaggerated, the other party is coming from afar, the number is impossible more than us. ”

"Yes, I know, but the other party will leave tomorrow. If we don't start to deal with it immediately, it will be occupied by the other party and then slowly expand. This is not bad." Night Airlines said.

"Don't worry," Li Huailin said. "You think about it. This is actually not so urgent. If we don't know, we still have some troubles to deal with, but now we know it in advance, then there is no problem."

"Well..." Nodded at night, "I know that it’s better than not knowing it, but I still don’t know how many people there are. I think that since the Vengeance Association has already participated, there is no possibility that other East Asian Associations will participate. They want to not know the news is difficult to estimate, so it is estimated that there will be a very large number of players invading, plus npc, the scale of this battle is very large, can we stand up?"

"Hey, don't you want to let the spirit world be top?" Li Huailin said a little. "The other party has sent out a lot of big guilds. Can you stand up in the spirit world? Really withstand the loss of your spiritual world." No loss?"

"Well... yeah." Night voyage also found that he entered a misunderstanding. This does not seem to be a matter of a guild in the spiritual world. The other party directly opened the mainland invasion mode, so all the guilds in China should have responsibility. To resist, "I understand, I will contact the president of other guilds."

"Wait a minute..." Li Huailin said quickly. "There are many people. We call a few major ones. You call people first. Let us discuss them together. I think it is necessary to give the other party a big lesson this time. ”

"Oh? Good." Although I don't know what Li Huailin planned, I didn't stop at the overnight flight and started to contact the president of other guilds. Of course, it was only the main ones, and the name used was not the name of the joint resistance. Just saying that I will get together, he has something to say.

Now the spiritual world is the largest guild in China. Although there are contradictions in the guild, it is certainly not a trivial matter to say that there is something to talk about. No matter how the president who receives this news, of course, give a face to at least one to listen to what to say.

The meeting place was a pub in the neutral city of Brasov, and there were a few invited people, and they were basically the old acquaintances of Li Huailin. The first person to arrive was Lei Gong’s president Nangong Yishou. The night flight only said that he would talk to him. He came. He thought that they were talking alone. When they came, they knew that Li Huailin was also there. There are other people who have not arrived.

After waiting for a while, the people immediately arrived, that is, the gods and the presidents of the two sides, the president of the Leizhu, Nangong Yishou, and the president of the Dragon Domain Association. Among them, only Li Huailin, the president of the Dragon Field, is not too familiar. The name has been heard many times, but it seems to be the first time to meet, and the relationship between the two sides is not very good, because Li Huailin has pitted the dragon field twice.

The president of the Dragon Field, known as the long-distance, looks very young at the age of 30 and is very young. The appearance and the reverse are the idol route, not the steady flow of the night flight. Li Huailin is not very familiar with him, but the president who can do such a big guild believes that it should not be s13.

The four guilds are now the four largest guilds in China. To tell the truth, the relationship between them is not very good, and everyone feels a bit strange that the night flight suddenly called them all here.

"The president of the night flight, what is it all about calling us here this time?" asked the front.

"I am more afraid of urgent matters, I am afraid that you have not received the news, so I will inform you now." Night Airlines said that after the night flight, of course, the current information was given to everyone on the scene.

Sure enough, after listening to it, all the presidents were a little shocked. The battle for large-scale invasion of East Asian players? Since the server was opened, they knew that there might be a war between servers in the future, but they did not expect that the first war would come so fast, which is really unexpected. Like Li Huailin, they think that it is impossible for players to build ships, so they are not aware of the crisis. I think that everyone here is a cold sweat, and when I really don’t pay attention to it, the other party’s sudden attack on this side is definitely being caught unprepared. I don’t know what the consequences will be.

"The president of the night flight, is this really true?" Long Domain will ask immediately.

"Is it really straightforward to find someone to go to East Asia to see it." The counter-country directly said, "Since it is a good way to openly recruit, this is just not paying attention. It is easy to check now. Can confirm, I believe that the president of the night flight will not be so boring to call us to lie to us."

"Recently, Xiaozi BB is getting bigger and bigger. The guy from Shishilian is still playing Yin." The trip was a bit uncomfortable. "But this time I really didn't pay attention to this aspect. If it wasn't for the night flight, I was alert. We are really likely to be recruited."

"Not what I found, but Huai Lin found." Night flight pointed to Li Huailin next to him.

"There is still a concern for the big guild in the heart of the bulls?" said the front wind cold and hot.

"How I found this is not important. What is important now is how to solve it... No, how do you hang this guy?" Li Huailin said with a smile. "You can understand the purpose of calling you, now you are not prepared." Dry?"

Everyone looked at it and nobody suggested it. This is simply nonsense. Other server players invading the Grand Council are of course obligated to resist. There is no reason for this reason. Even if they are not willing to come out, it will definitely be the reputation of the guild. And as I said before, the most important thing for the Grand Council is reputation. This is the most famous thing, why not do it.

"Very good." Li Huailin nodded. "Now everyone is their own. Let me talk about it first. This time, I am not just trying to repel their offense. I am preparing to hang this East Asian, whether it is a small day. Benzene is still a stick, it is absolutely necessary for them to rise and remember. So at this moment, I hope that everyone still pretends to know nothing, or else others know that we are prepared to prevent bad things."

"I don't even know what my members mean?" asked the front.

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded. "There are only a few of the nights in the spiritual world. The members have not notified them. I hope that you will not let them down."

"How do you organize people to resist?" asked the distant traveler.

"That depends on everyone's ability. If you don't let the other party know, you can quickly organize your own members. This is not the right to organize the strengths of several presidents. The presence of the famous Chinese Association will be held. Long, this will not be done," Li Huailin said.

"You don't want to put them on the mainland." The reverse asked suddenly.

"Of course." Li Huailin nodded. "I am afraid that I can't record the rebirth point, so I will send them a city to record the rebirth point, so we can educate each other well."

"But they can not only players, but also the npc army." Nangong Yishou here said, "NPC soldiers are very powerful now. Players have to play several times, and it is even more difficult to organize them. If the other party's npc troops log in, this is going to happen."

"Not only are they npc troops, we also have them." Li Huailin said.

"Do you mean that we also contact our npc forces here?" Nangong Yishou nodded. "It is true that other countries launched the invasion campaign. If this information is told to the npc chiefs, it is estimated that they will also organize troops to fight. ”

"And then let them also set up a battle to fight, and then recruit a large number of players to fight?" Li Huailin lifted the amount, "This is not the same as telling the other party that we already know that you are here? Now East Asia is definitely concerned about our situation, think To know if we found out, we must be aware of it immediately."

“What should I do?” asked Nangong Yishou. “Doesn’t let npc organize a team to fight back like us? Is that different from our sudden attack?”

"Hey..." Li Huailin sighed. "You really don't pay much attention to the situation of npc. I am the boss of this continent, so what I said is what I want to organize npc. I will never adjust. What's the problem, understand?"

"Ha?" Several people are a glimpse, a little bit too convinced.

"You go back and ask a few npc mainland emperors who you understand, okay?" Li Huailin helped.

"Hey... is that mainland emperor you?" The frontier said with a little surprise. Yes, the name he heard, but the name of the emperor is of course not to be said casually. All npcs call Li Huailin respected, who dares to call him casually. The name, so they really don't know that this mainland emperor is Li Huailin.

"Yeah, what happened?" Li Huailin asked.

"I... I really don't want to be a savage brother." Nangong Yishou couldn't help but say for a long time, and the opposite side and the long-distance line were also a look of a sly look.

"In short, you adjust the players here, I will go back and arrange the action of npc." Li Huailin said, "I don't know the target location of the other party, but remember that the organization must be secret. This time must be good. Gan, he shot a shot." (To be continued.)


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