All Things Wrong

Chapter 2033: Enemy gap

When Li Huailin came to his house again, it was already the morning of the next day, because both Gert and Amara had to conduct the dispatching and measuring at the headquarters of the Ellard Explorer headquarters, so yesterday was not coming. Li Huailin sent all the people of the Torosger tribe back, and then almost got off the line.

I got up at the normal time the next day. When I first came to my own house, I saw the unusual excitement in the house. After walking through the sound, I saw a lot of Torosger tribes hanging around and screaming. I don't know what I am doing. Of course, Li Huailin walked over and looked at it. The crowd in front of him found that Raymond was fighting against another human being. The human Li Huailin also knew that his men were Bruno.

The match between the two seems to be a wrestling match, and Bruno is also shirtless, and they compete with Raymond. The people of the Torosg tribe reminded that they are bigger than the average human. Although Bruno said that it is already a big one in humans, it is still smaller than Raymond. However, it seems that it doesn't matter at the moment, because Raymond seems to be like Bruno, although the two seem to be holding back, but Bruno is slowly pushing Raymond back. Raymond wanted to stand still, but couldn’t stop the car, leaving a very deep foot mark on the ground.

"Good!" Although it is the disadvantage of Raymond, the Torosger tribe is a tribe who worships the strong, so the people around are still very happy and cheer for Bruno. The atmosphere is quite good.

"I lost, lost!" Bruno went back and made a road. The Raymond here finally gave up and shouted directly to Bruno.

"Call..." Bruno also let go of Raymond, and then sighed heavily, obviously not easy.

"Well, well..." The surrounding Trosso tribes immediately applauded again, and several people immediately went up to support Bruno and began to praise.

Just at this time, Li Huailin also walked over. Seeing that Li Huailin came, everyone immediately asked Li Huailin: "Boss. Boss. Your Majesty."

Of course, it was Bruno, and he immediately gave Li Huailin a military ceremony. A group of Torosger tribes next to them did not know what was going on, but when they saw Bruno’s posture, they also had a kind of learning to salute Li Huailin.

"When is it coming back?" Li Huailin asked.

"Your Majesty, come back for a few weeks," Bruno replied.

"Amount... How many weeks?" Li Huailin’s support, it’s been a long time since I didn’t care about the military’s situation. Last time, Regg did not say that he would come back to establish the mainland government. After Li Huailin agreed. After that, Regg seemed to start pulling the officers and elites of the First Army to Li Huailin. The current situation seems to be that a 30,000-strong force has been pulled. Of course, this unit has not yet fully formed. After all, it is not enough for the regular troops to have elites. The preparations for the reserve, logistics team and engineering team must keep up. Li Huailin does not know how it is going on.

"Your Majesty, are these newly recruited guards?" Bruno asked, yes, he was not there yesterday, because Li Huailin’s new army’s resident is certainly not in the government, but outside the city. Today, Bruno saw this gang of soldiers in the morning. It is said that Li Huailin came back here first, and asked them that they also said that they followed the boss. Bruno certainly thought it was Li Huailin’s Guards.

"Guards?" Li Huailin shook his head. "I don't need any guards. These people like to fight. I will let them fight. Recently there is a war. How about the new army?"

"Your Majesty, of course we can fight at any time." Hearing the recent war, Bruno's eyes glowed. Yes, the thing to be invaded in East Asia is of course a high-level secret. It has not yet been announced to anyone, and no one knows it except for a few ministers. Bruno is a general, of course, I don't know. Although I don't know who to fight with, but there is war Bruno is happy, just not playing for a lot of time, no matter who he is, he is excited.

"Are you sure?" Li Huailin asked, although there was no time to care about the military situation, but the last report was still far away. The training was not a matter of a moment. Li Huailin was a bit skeptical.

"With confidence, we can fight at any time," Bruno said again.

"Oh? Is it..." Li Huailin nodded a little, just to see Gert coming to this place, Li Huailin waved. "You bring these guys first, let them not mess, let the soldiers stay alert recently." And you may be going to go out at any time."

"Yes, my Majesty." Bruno nodded happily.

"Your Majesty, the meeting is ready." Gert walked over and said, yes, just before Li Huailin came to see Gert, let him come back and ask people to prepare for the meeting. Hearing Gert's words, Li Huailin nodded and then followed Gert to the conference room again.

The meeting room is still the gang of people yesterday, but the atmosphere seems a bit nervous, at least more nervous than yesterday. When Li Huailin didn't come, everyone was whispering, until the meeting saw Li Huailin appear, the meeting room was quiet.

Li Huailin walked directly to the main seat and sat down and said to everyone: "Well, let's talk about the current situation. It is said that there is news."

"Yes." The answer was Yamara. Hearing Li Huailin’s inquiry was also to stand up and say, "After a night of investigation, we have mastered a lot of new news."

As he spoke, Amara went to the stage and walked to the front of a map. Li Huailin also noticed that the map on the wall was also replaced. The map of the mainland was expanded. Some maps of the new continent have appeared in the east.

"Look, please, this is the continent of Trion." Amara said.

"I remember you said yesterday that this continent of Triojou is in the west of us." Li Huailin looked at a little inexplicable and asked, "How come to the east now?"

"Yes," said Amara. "After investigation, we found that the territory of Trionjoun is indeed in the east instead of the west. The news we got before said that it is in the west of us. The messenger of the Mute empire told us that we did not actually go by boat. It seems that the messengers of the Dolomite Empire have long been wrong with us, and even the position tells us that it is wrong."

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded. "Continue."

"Everyone can see that the continent of Triojou is very different from ours. The coastline of Terujuan is long, mostly on the peninsula, there are many islands, and the most important one is the middle. The existence of the huge inner sea known as the inner sea of ​​Sesorlin led to the development of the sea in Trio's mainland, which is completely different from ours,” said Amara.

Li Huailin nodded. Yes, he just saw it. The terrain of the Triojuan continent in East Asia is different from theirs. The mainland of China is directly a complete continent, very simple, the situation is a bit like the enlarged version of Australia, although there are some small islands around, but the main one is such a large piece.

But the East Asia area is different. First of all, the whole continent is said to be the mainland. It looks a bit like the feeling of a broken island. The coastline is also extremely complicated. Of course, the most important thing is that there is a huge inner sea in the middle, that is, Yama. Pulled the Saslinin sea before. The situation in the inner sea is a bit like the situation in the Mediterranean on the European side, just in the middle of the mainland. Of course, all the important cities on the mainland are built along this inner sea, and all cities are connected by sea. together.

Shipping is of course very convenient, especially if there is such a large inner sea in the middle, this is a natural advantage. For example, although the land in Huaxia District says that the land is very large, if you want to send things to the other side, it can only be transported by car. The transportation volume and transportation time are not comparable to those of sea transportation. But there is no way, who makes this continent is such a big piece.

"So the military situation on the mainland of Trionjoun is completely different from ours." Amara continues. "On the mainland of Triojuan, the military strength of the navy is very important in the country's military strength. portion."

Li Huailin nodded. After all, such a large inner sea, if it can be controlled, of course, it is invincible. If Li Huailin is there, of course, the first time to control the entire inner sea, the navy is of course important. And the Huaxia District... You can't open the warships to the land. You have a role in the seaside. The important cities of the countries are inland, the coastline... no one at all.

"Let's see this area is the territory that is currently attacking our Dolomite Empire. You can see that the entire west side of the inner Sasolin is occupied by the Dolomite Empire. From what is currently being heard, The Dolly Empire’s navy is very powerful and is the most powerful navy on the continent of Trion.” Amara said, “The information obtained from the present shows that the Dolly Empire’s navy is currently three more. The main fleet, the total number of navies is more than 280,000, and the warships are at least tens of thousands of ships."

"Oh." I heard an exclamation from the number below.

"Although we still don't know how much they invested in attacking our mainland, what we have to face is definitely a serious war." Amara finally said.

"Hey..." Li Huailin nodded and then asked, "We are on the navy..."

"Your Majesty, our navy has just been established for 2 days, currently serving 17 people, and temporarily a ship." The newly appointed Navy Chief Wilken stood up and replied.

Li Huailin: "..." (to be continued.)

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