All Things Wrong

Chapter 2035: Ready to land

The intense day passed quickly. On the evening of the next day, there was a huge fleet in the mainland of China. This fleet is of course the naval force of the Dolomite Empire.

The main structure of this fleet is 27 main ships, all of which are new type of armored warships. The style is slightly different from the actual battleships, but the general composition is similar. Of course, in addition to the main ship, there are various frigates, support ships and the like. The naval tactical system of Trio's mainland is much more complete than that of the Chinese mainland. The fleet of people is really a fleet of ships, and each ship has a cooperative and quite mature combat system.

Of course, the largest number of ships are transport ships. Yes, this time they came here to occupy the land, and not to fight the sea, so most of the role of the warship is to escort. The landing forces on the rear of the transport ship are the main force, at least they think so.

Like Li Huailin, in fact, the Dolomite Empire also threw a spy on their side, but there is not much news about the same, and the reason is exactly the same as before. Of course, because the plan of the Dolomite Empire is relatively early, at least it is much earlier than Li Huailin, so the intelligence is still slightly more than Li Huailin.

According to the information they received, they are probably aware of the combat effectiveness of the Chinese mainland. The other side’s navy is simply too backward in their view, and it is impossible to pose any threat to them. It is mainly troublesome to land the troops. Therefore, according to this idea, the chief commander of this war, that is, Dolomite The plans made by the Marquis of the Empire's Leidwart are basically related to the landing forces.

At present, according to his plan, the landing troops will not go deep into the mainland at once, but slowly establish a base on the coast. After all, they have the advantage of the navy. If the other side chooses to attack, they rely on the navy to destroy the offensive forces. If the other party does not attack, they will establish a stronghold, a bunker, and then rely on the navy to transport reserve personnel and supplies. They are not in a hurry, and they will not be able to finish it.

The Marquis of Leidwart itself is the captain of the First Fleet of the Dolomite Empire, so of course the Navy and the Army are biased towards the Navy. In his view, as long as he occupies the right to control the sea, then the other party who is steadily and steadily has no power to fight back. Even if you are in trouble, everyone will board the boat and there is no way for the other party to catch it.

"The captain, the ship in front can already see the name of the Huatuo mainland China in the game." In the bridge, a naval soldier reported to the Marquis of Leidwart, "It is expected to arrive in an hour."

"Don't worry," Marquis de Rydvat said, waving. "The fleet is moving 20 degrees to the north and adjusting the speed to the speed of the ship in the 40-meter game."

"Yes." The soldiers immediately went on the order.

"The Marquis, have you decided on where and when you landed?" asked Sampus, the adjutant of the Marquis of Rydwart, to come over. Yes, this battle plan is completely confidential, and because the information on the Chinese mainland is not enough, the location and time of the landing are determined by the chief commander of the Marquis de Rydwart. Even the adjutant does not know.

"Yes." Marquis de Rydvat nodded. "I looked at it. According to this map, this side is more suitable for landing and homework after landing. As for time, it is now the best time to log in. After a while, it’s still unfavorable for landing. Before the sun sets completely, we must send the first wave of troops to the shore, and then let them raided the city at night to establish a stronghold. Then tomorrow morning we will be able to Have a frontline base."

"Is the goal a city called Outletin?" Auxiliary Sampus looked at the route map and pointed to the goal of Marquis de Rydwater, and then thought about it. "According to the current information, this is called Altering. The city is a relatively large city on the east coast of the continent, will it be more radical?"

The responsibility of being an adjutant is of course to make some suggestions to the commander. The Marquis of Leidwart certainly understands, but still shakes his hand: "No, with the help of our fleet, the landing operations should soon end. According to the current information It seems that the demons of this continent do not attach great importance to the eastern cities, so there should be not many guards in the city. We mainly attack quickly. I want to get the city soon. Once the occupation is successful, we will have it. This reliable frontline base is much more profitable than those in smaller cities."

"Yes, Lord Ryde Watt." The adjutant thought and thought and nodded, and thought that Leidwart was right.

The entire fleet began to accelerate in the direction of Altering, ready to land before the sun completely set. In the latter ship, another group of people also received this order, which is of course the leader of several players.

The leaders of these players are mainly composed of the presidents of the Great Guild. The more familiar ones are the Shishilian, the president of the Vengeance Guild, and the president of the Taiji Guild, who is the enemy of this battle. The Korean Association and the Japanese Benz Association have united because they now have a common enemy, so they are currently in a cooperative state. Compared with them, the other leaders can only be regarded as the president of the ordinary guild. All the decisions are basically made by these two people.

"At present, Huaxia has not found our plan." The revenge leader, Shi Shilian, said, "Not only hasn't found it, but China is still playing a civil war. It's ridiculous."

The civil war that Shi Shilian said was this morning. Just this morning, the two largest guilds in the Huaxia District and the gods were picked up again. The word "again" is because the two guilds are fighting for the first place after all, so it is not uncommon to pick it up, but today's situation seems a bit complicated, because it is not only picked up, but developed into the afternoon. It’s time to fight directly. The current intelligence seems that the spiritual world is not satisfied with the response of the gods, so they directly convene the troops to prepare to attack the guild territory of the gods. On the other side, the third largest guild, Lei Cast, seems to be making a statement saying that he is ready to help the gods. This is currently the guild of the first two or three, to confront, this of course immediately attracted everyone's vision, such a big thing, of course, East Asia also knows.

"Yeah, the spiritual world is currently leading the guild territory to attack the gods. Lei Casting is also ready to send reinforcements, but the speed is very slow, it seems that it is ready to wait for these two guilds to consume for a while, then take the profit. The look of the way." Xuan Ming nodded, yes, of course, there are spies in these big guilds, so they are also very clear.

"The president of Nangong is a good abacus, but unfortunately we are the one who is the oriole." Shi Shilian smiled and said, "But it is mainly the situation of the dragon domain. After all, the place we log in is Huaxia District. The territory of the Mozu, and the largest guild on the Mozu side is the Dragon Field."

"But there is nothing moving in the Dragon Field today." Xuan Ming said, "It seems that the elite group is also organizing the guild activities normally."

"It seems that they did not find it. When we officially landed, they are expected to be shocked." Shi Shilian smiled. "What's wrong, what do you seem to have?"

"Overall strength, we still have a gap with the guilds in China. After all, they have brushed the cross-service battlefield for so long. The equipment level is much higher than ours, and there are advantages in terms of numbers. At present it seems that we can only Relying on the power of these, but the Huaxia District will certainly respond." Xuan Ming thought about it.

"I have been here, are you still entangled in this?" Shi Shilian said, "Yes, it is true that there is also the possibility of organizing troops to crusade in Huaxia District, but when is it, you know that we are now and the guild gap in China How much? Do you blame the **** Chinese captain, so that we can't brush the battlefield at all, now we don't take advantage of the naval advantage to do something, until the players' engineering is up, the ship's advantage is gone. Are we still having a chance to turn over?"

"Also." Xuan Ming is still a bit worried, but Shi Shilian said that he is already here. It’s impossible to tell the members now that we don’t know how to get home. It was also Shi Shilian who personally persuaded him to move him. Now I think it is a bit reckless. Xuan Ming is a little upset now, but he doesn't think much about shaking his head.

"Adventurers, ready to land." Someone on the above told them to be ready to land, already close to the coast of China mainland.

"Oh, this gang will use us as a death squad." One of the presidents said uncomfortable. Yes, of course, this mission will not discuss with the adventurers. The plan is set above. The reason why the adventurer is because the adventurer is not afraid of death.

"Don't say it, everyone informs everyone to prepare for the battle." Shi Shilian said immediately.

On the other side of the Chinese mainland, a player is watching a large number of ships appearing on the sea. Nodded, the player directly opened the remote call bar: "The president, found, is near the city of Outlet."

“Do you see it clearly?” asked directly from the distance.

"Yes, look at it, it's all here, at least hundreds of ships, big and small," the player replied.

"Well, you should go back to the city first." Nodded away. After a little while, the news also reached Li Huailin.


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