All Things Wrong

Chapter 2037: Pressure

Shi Shilian certainly feels that something is wrong. The response in Huaxia District is too fast. It is impossible to have such a speed response without prior planning.

"What to do now, several guild members in Huaxia District are coming here, and the news just received has begun to enter the transmission array." Xuan Ming also agreed with Shi Shilian’s statement. It is calculated, and the problem is how to deal with it.

"Not good..." Shi Shilian suddenly changed his face. "I know what the other party wants to do. We have just occupied this territory. If the other party finds out, it should be shot faster. Now it is obviously After waiting for us to occupy the city, we will shoot again. This is to let us record a rebirth point here... The other party obviously does not want us to go back easily."

"This..." Xuan Ming was also shocked. Now I think it is like this. "Then we are not..."

"First look for the np, tell them the current situation." Shi Shilian thought about it and said immediately.

Shi Shilian said that it is true. Now that several large guilds in Huaxia District are looking for them, they are really unstoppable. After all, people fight on the ground, people are much more than you, and the equipment level is not comparable. Now, the average rank of players in China is ranked first and second in the world, and East Asia belongs to the bottom position, mainly because of the problems left by the cross-service battlefield. Therefore, at present, I want to fight against the cofferdam in Huaxia District. I can only rely on the np side, and the np side should have not received this news yet.

Shi Shilian immediately found the commander of the landing operation in the city's main government, named Earl of Mathertolen. At present, the work that Earl of Matherine Lane is doing is to clean up the entire city, especially to clean up the city's government, and then greet his superior, the commander of the Lord Marquis de Rydwar, to the city's main government. At present, the plan seems to go smoothly. After all, the attacking city has not received any decent resistance. It took half an hour to occupy the whole city. Of course, Mather Ryan’s mood is very good, and now I am waiting for the whole to be cleared. When he greeted his boss, he received the news from Shi Shilian.

"You said that our actions have been discovered, and the adventurers of this continent have begun to encircle us?" Matheron Ryan said uncomfortably.

"It’s not discovered, but they are good." Shi Shilian said quickly, "Our plan must have been leaked. We are now able to enter this city. The plan is for the other party, just to let us reset the rebirth." point."

"You said that the other party has already discovered our plan?" Mather Ryan asked. "And then let us take the city just to deal with you... Isn't this the other party's response? It seems that the other party only considered your adventure. The situation, but not taking into account our fleet is our dependence, you say that the mainland adventurers come back to attack us? Then let them come, our fleet is at sea, relying on our invincible fleet, we also What are you afraid of?"

"This..." The ten stone lotuses that Mathertoline said were smashed. Indeed, they also know that the level of their shipbuilding in the mainland is much higher than that of the Chinese side. The Chinese side of the naval battle should not win. So the players in China are forgotten to calculate the combat power of np? This is obviously not very likely. After all, he will not make such mistakes. Is it true that the players in Huaxia District can rely on the number of people to kill all the np...

"I don't feel right, I always think that the other party may have a plan." Shi Shilian thought about it. "The other party must know the situation of our navy, so Master Matheran Ryan, I think this matter should immediately inform Ryder. Master Watt."

"Don't worry so much, calm down, since the other adventurers want to attack us, let them try our power. By relying on this city, and the navy behind us, the other party is sending." Mather Toline laughed and waved. "You are going to prepare for the defensive battle."

Ten Shilian, they feel that something is wrong, but this is not useful, because the command of this battle is not him. At present, Shi Shilian can't go back. They have already recorded the rebirth points and the return to the city, so they can only go back by boat, but the ship is not controlled by them, so they have no choice but to do so. Think of a way to defend the city first.

And Matherlaline, of course, quickly conveyed the message to the Marquis of Rydevat, who was still on board. The Marquis of Leidwart felt a little bit interesting. I didn’t expect the adventurers of this continent to react so fast, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. After all, it’s just an adventurer. In their opinion, the adventurer’s troops are completely incomparable with their regular army, and They also support the fleet, and they can attack and retreat. This city is hard to take it down and it is impossible to run it. Of course, it’s impossible to play it first. Even if it’s really beaten, it’s definitely no problem. At least they think so.

So according to the decision of the Marquis of Rydwart, the city of Altering began to strengthen the defense against the city, and of course their warships were also close to the coast to prepare for defense. The news reached the city of Outleting. Of course, there is no way for Shishilian. If they don't sail, they will not go back, so Shishilian can only open the news to the people below.

Of course, when the Chinese players all come to this side, the players in East Asia are also very nervous. Especially those who are scattered players are taking a task to this side and are simply panicked, but Shi Shilian also said, They have np help, so it is definitely able to play, and then it is true that it is really no problem to get everyone on board. Shi Shilian's current prestige is still good, so it is all the players have settled down and began to actively prepare for the defensive battle.

However, there is not a lot of time left for players in East Asia. Just after discussing the defensive area and defensive configuration, the players in Huaxia District have appeared. Standing on the wall and looking outside, all the places that the naked eye can see can see the players in Huaxia slowly moving towards them. At present, the assembly is the top four members of the Huaxia District, including all the main groups and some reserve groups. They were all assembled, so just go directly to the transmission array, and several guilds will be sent to nearby. The city then gathers again, very fast, and the troops are very neat.

I heard that it is a person who plays in East Asia. Many of the members who have received the news have not eaten the food they have eaten. They go straight to the line and go there, so the number of players added by the four guilds has exceeded 20. Ten thousand people, the number is still rising. Many other players have received this news, but the problem is that they are not directly affiliated to Li Huailin, so there is no way to use the transmission matrix to send them over. There is no way to come over, but the players on the dark side are also scattered. There are a lot of scattered rushes, but at present, they want to help and can't help, and it is better to make up the number of people.

Seeing that the densely-manned head of the city outside the commander, Mather Toline, was shocked, and the number was too exaggerated. It was just like the horse cell. To be honest, he is a little embarrassed now, thinking about whether he wants to retreat... but the order of the Marquis of Leidwart has not come down, and he can't run directly.

I wondered if I was going to ask people to ask if the Marquis de Rydwart was running or defending. The result of a huge explosion directly answered Mather Toline’s question. Yes, the warships at sea were fired first, so there is no need to ask. The Marquis of Leidwart definitely wants to play first.

"Boom" several explosions, several fires exploded in the crowd of players in China, the other side almost no need to aim, because players are everywhere in the player area, these two tentative attacks are of course Hit the crowd, and several unfortunate players were directly bombed.

"How is the situation?" Li Huailin is now in front of the team, the place where the explosion is behind him, and Li Huailin asks for the night flight next to it, because the two bombs hit the troops of the Spiritual Guild.

"Can't stand a shot." Night flight replied, "Direct hit is seconds."

"Okay." Li Huailin helped the amount, although I thought about it for a long time, but it was still a little hurt.

"Booming and banging..." There was a row of gunfire in the speech. This time, the number is much more than before. In a flash, various explosions in the Chinese player group sounded, of course, everyone who was hit was also The pieces fell.

"The trough, the other's gun is too powerful."

"Yeah, how do you fight this? You have to die before you start the siege." For a moment, the players in Huaxia District began to get confused. The East Asian players who saw this on the wall were of course very excited. I didn’t expect the power of the ship’s cannon to be so strong. They also saw it for the first time.

"Wilin, what should I do?" Night Airlines quickly asked, "Don't you say that you can get these boats?"

"Yeah, but why haven't arrived yet?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say, "It's not that they should be ahead of us, md won't be lost."

"Oh..." Night Airlines didn't know what to say, it could still get lost. "That now..."

"You see what it is?" The words of the night flight have not been finished, and suddenly someone in the crowd shouted. Everyone looked up and saw a black thing appearing in the sky above the sea. It looked like a large group of birds, but the number was really a bit. It was strange at this time.

"It's time to come." Li Huailin pointed at the black shadow and said, "You see that this is not coming." (To be continued.)

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