All Things Wrong

Chapter 2045: the other side

A few minutes later, Mather Toline and his knight in the town center not only got medical supplies, the wounds were rescued, but even provided a barbecue meal, but Li Huailin’s mahjong was really not there, but However, some people have provided a game called "Sorce" that is often played between the nobility in the game. The approximate gameplay looks like a card.

In any case, there is something to eat and wear while there is something to eat, and Mather Toline doesn’t know what it is, so what is going on now, I really haven’t surrendered. So I said that I was under house arrest? How is the mainland treating the prisoners under house arrest so well? I don’t understand what it is.

However, just outside a wall, the rest of the city is simply the East Asia np and the player's hell. First, the np and players on the port are basically cleared by the players in China. Of course, the players in China. There is also a little loss on the side, but it is not very big. After all, there are many people and more blood, and there is no morale resistance in East Asia. It is really a piece of film.

Other players and np hiding in the city can't escape. There are people guarding the gates, and then there are people looking for people everywhere. The civilians of the demons in the city also help find people to provide clues. For them. People in East Asia are of course intruders, and of course they have to help find someone.

The worst thing is of course the resurrection point. The outside of the resurrection point is a large circle of Chinese players. The resurrected East Asian players are simply miserable. Basically, they just resurrected and died. Note that it is still during the siege war, so there is no safe zone in the city. The resurrection point is all the continuous magic thrown by the player. A lot of magic effects are stacked together, so the players in East Asia are standing at all. Not up.

In the face of this situation, of course, East Asian players can only force the line down, of course, people have to wait for the line to be on the line for a period of time, the equipment has exploded everywhere. By the way, because this is a war between the mainland, killing people will not only add bad names but will add honor points, so it is simply an honor for the players in China.

After a mad brush, gradually there is no living np in the city, and the number of players in East Asia is getting less and less, most of them are directly hit back to the live point and then go offline in the crazy mess. Some players in China have not found any people to kill, and can only sort out the equipment on the ground. Of course, because the people who come here are basically the people of the Great Guild, there is no such thing as robbing because of the equipment problem. I also said that the game equipment in East Asia is not as good as that in Huaxia District, so the equipment that fell is good, but it has not reached the point where everyone has to grab it. Everyone is consciously collecting and distributing it.

"It was very successful." The night flight is also probably heard about the loss of the guild side. The loss is not very big, that is, some players hang once, the harvest is much larger, and the first time I heard the situation of this big group battle and the profit of the night. Of course, the mood of the night flight is also good. "What should I do now?"

"Rotating the corpse, you will be arranged by several presidents." Li Huailin said, "I asked about the situation there and see how much I can earn this time."

"Oh, let's talk about it." The night flight nodded.

Li Huailin also immediately opened the communication page, and then found the summoned jade emperor in the buddy list: "Summon summon, how are you doing there, what trouble is there?"

"Can you have any trouble?" Calling the voice of the Jade Emperor came, "Nothing, but I am a little bored here."

“When can I finish it?” Li Huailin asked. “We are over here.”

"I want to hurry too, but the progress is very slow." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"Oh, then I will come over and speed up the progress." Li Huailin nodded and said.

On the other side of the continent of Trieste, which is separated from the mainland of China by the ocean, the main city of the Dolomite Empire is now undergoing a major war, and the two sides of the war are on the other side of the Dolomite Empire. The Royal Knights and the Royal Magi, about 25,000 regular troops, and a large number of players probably have more than 20,000 people; the other side of the team looks more chilly, because it seems like watching There are only 500 small individual troops, and the military strength on both sides is 100:1. This disparity ratio is reasonable in that there is no suspense in the battle.

But the problem is that the current situation simply does not want everyone to think that, now the 500-person force is actually pressed against the huge army of 50,000 across, and the 50,000 troops here are still slowly receding. This is really a little shocking to see people.

"What kind of monster is the guy with the penguin head in the trough?"

"Hell, how can this be played?" A group of players in East Asia can't believe what happened before, and said to go back.

The 500 people who appeared in front of them were all muscular and strong, and all of them had strange penguin heads. This look is like a funny character, but the strength of the other party is too strong. Look different.

Yes, this group of people is of course the people of the Torosge tribe under Li Huailin. The Torosge tribe has more than 1,000 people. Of course, it includes the elderly, women and children, although these old people, women and children can also fight. It’s terrible, but Li Huailin chose the team, and picked up the 500 teams that can play the most, and then sent them here.

Of course, Li Huailin will not let go of this Dolomite empire. They haven’t gotten them yet. They dare to take the initiative to provoke themselves? I’m sorry, Li Huailin must have hit you so far, but the battle between the mainland has been taking too long. Li Huailin’s lack of time is time, so I thought about it, Li Huailin decided to operate directly on the double line, and he has to deal with it. Landing the troops, temporarily can not go, of course, the offensive thing is handed over to the people of the Toros.

I heard that Li Huailin’s order was very happy for the Torosger tribe. Finally, I was able to fight. Although I don’t know who to fight, they simply don’t understand who the enemy is and why they want to fight them. Anyway, they can fight. Ok.

However, Li Huailin certainly will not send these gangsters in the past. Yes, they are really able to fight, but the problem is that they are too brainless. They can no longer be summarized by a simple "stupid" word. .

So Li Huailin found a more reliable guy, of course, is to summon the Jade Emperor. The benefits of calling for the Jade Emperor are too many. The first call to the Jade Emperor is definitely smarter, so she is more assured by her commander Li Huailin. Of course, it is the summoning effect of the Jade Emperor. Under the aura of summoning the Jade Emperor, these 500 people will basically not die, and they will be able to fully exert their strength. Although the people of the Torosger tribe did not have a brain, they had to admit that the combat power was really strong, so Li Huailin certainly did not want them to die.

So yesterday, Li Huailin contacted the summoned Jade Emperor. Of course, these days, the Emperor of the Jade Emperor was basically leveling. To tell the truth is always leveling. Calling the Jade Emperor is also a bit boring. Just in time to encounter the East Asian invasion, the summoned Jade Emperor certainly agreed to help.

Just summoning the Jade Emperor to help, but the people of the Toros Ge tribe disagree, the reason is very simple, summoning the Jade Emperor is a woman...

"We don't listen to the command of this woman." When Li Huailin came to the front of the Torosge tribe with the summoned Jade Emperor, he heard the Penguin answer.

"Hey, are you tn **** discrimination?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say, "Do you know that this is going to be drowned?"

"Hey?" The Torosgo people certainly didn't understand what was going on, but they thought about it. "In any case, women are weak. We only listen to people who are stronger than us. For example, you are better than us, we will listen to you. of."

Li Huaili turned around and looked at a woman next to the Torosgo family and smashed three cows ready to make a barbecue. I think about where these guys come from. Li Huailin said to the gang, "That's it, you are not saying who is listening to anyone? That line, you come out and call the call, who wins and listens, do you have any opinions?"

“Hey?” All the Torosgos looked at Li Huailin with a look of contempt. The consciousness in the eyes is that you are true? Summon the jade Emperor's thin arms and legs are not directly punched and disappeared.

"Hey, you can't be afraid of it." Li Huailin directly attacked.

This method is too effective. Originally, these guys didn't have any brains. Li Huailin certainly refused to accept this. After a period of chaos, they elected a person who can represent them. This is a Torosgo called Sonny. This guy looks very strong.

"Boss, really playing?" Although Sonny was introduced by people, but it is also a bit hesitant, mainly because he worried that he would kill the people brought by the boss.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "Come here, don't hesitate."

After talking about Li Huailin, he turned his head and said to the summoning Jade Emperor: "Come on, call me, I am optimistic about you."

"I..." summoned the jade emperor to express a headache.

"Then I really started," Sonny said.

"Hands," Li Huailin said.

Sonny nodded, and then suddenly approached the call of the jade emperor here is an uppercut, "嗖", summoning the Jade Emperor disappeared into the horizon of everyone. (To be continued.)

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