All Things Wrong

Chapter 2048: Unstoppable

However, although it is said that the players in the East Asian region were beaten by the Torosgo people, it was almost collapsed. However, they have to say that they really blocked the progress of the summoning of the Jade Emperor, because after all, Torosger Tribal people will not have any large-scale killing skills. They can only throw their fists everywhere. Therefore, it is quite easy to beat people. It is impossible to hold the number of opponents. It takes time to clean up.

Of course, the players who are flying and hanging will not come back again. Is this obviously not going to kill themselves? Therefore, the players on the scene are being cleaned up less and less, and at this time, the np troops have also reached the front line.

The situation here has already been known to the np. It is said that there are 500 invaders on the mainland. Although there are only 500 people who listen to the scene, these 500 people are definitely not ordinary people, and they are not strong. The emperor Mihhot Levin Durres heard that he was also cautious in the future, so he quickly sent out his Royal Guards, Royal Knights, and Royal Sorcerers. After all, the other party I have already rushed to the city, and I have to stop each other.

So when Li Huailin got there and contacted the jade emperor, it was such a situation. In front of the 25 thousand np troops, plus the luck of the player has not been beaten by 25 thousand, and the 500 Torosgo people confrontation, of course, the player forces are afraid of this time, by the 500 people The festival is retreating.

"The np on our side is coming."

"It seems like the Royal Guard, what it looks like is very good, let np."

"Yeah, these guys are not what we can deal with, let np fight with them."

Because np is still a lot stronger than the player, so the guards on their side have appeared a little bit stable. After all, your np in Huaxia District is only 500 people. We have tens of thousands of people here, and this will definitely win.

Of course, this group of np is also directly topped up, but they have the task of the emperor, they must block each other. One of them, wearing a golden armor and a pretty handsome 40-year-old uncle, went to the front and looked at the situation ahead. Then his eyes quickly gathered in the summoned by several Torosgo people. The body of the Jade Emperor.

"You are the leader." The paladin said to the summoning Jade Emperor, "Why attack the main city of China?"

"Deep well ice." Summon the Jade Emperor to help the amount, then find the next side and see Raymond, "You are called Raymond (you can directly see the name on the other side)"

"Yeah, female boss." Raymond nodded.

"This is the stronger guy you want, up." Summon Jade Emperor waved.

"Oh? You are the strong man here. Right." Raymond was so excited. "Come, come and fight with me."

After talking about Raymond, he rushed toward the captain of the Paladin. The other party did not expect that the game would be played directly without a word, but after all, it was the captain level, and the reaction was still quite fast, and he soon recovered. The next few paladins saw the other side rushing up, of course, to protect the captain, and directly raised the sword to stop Raymond. However, the captain shouted directly: "Let me come" to stop them.

The Paladin captain obviously wants to try the strength of the opponent first, so the top of the sword is ushered in toward Raymond. Looking at the other side seems to be directly preparing to attack him with his fist, so the insurance directly blocks the opponent's fist, and then the right hand's sword stabs the opponent's heart position. He is preparing for a second, Raymond, of course, the second time before the other side of the general (he thinks Raymond is a general) will certainly improve the morale here.

The unexpected things happened. Raymond didn’t think about defense. He couldn’t see the sword that the other side stabbed. When the captain thought that the attack was going to succeed, the shield blocked by the left hand suddenly met. The opponent's fist, actually made a "squeaky" sound like a metal collision. The captain of the Paladin couldn't hold the shield in his hand. When the reaction came, the shields had already flown out.

"Ah!" Suddenly there was a screaming sound behind him. It turned out that the shield that flew out was like a dart, and directly hit a few knights standing behind him. Although they wore plate armor, they did not block the shield at all. The building that was cut directly in the crowd and then flew to the back of the building had been worn through the wall and flew to the place where it could not be seen. And several knights were directly cut by the shield because they were completely unprepared.

The captain of the Paladin has no time to pay attention to this shield. At the moment when his shield was shot, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from the left side, the shield flew away, and the person also turned to the right. inverted. The captain of the Cavaliers immediately realized the strength of Raymond. Immediately, the temper broke out. One foot slammed on the ground and stopped to fly out. Then the body turned around, as if the warrior used a whirlwind Raymond’s body is on a stroke.

"唰", Raymond is finally hanging on the side, this is the first time after the injury, a huge wound in the abdomen, but it is not deep. Raymond tube does not care about the wound, do not retreat, forward one step left fist to the captain of the Paladin who just turned around is just a bit.

This time the Paladin captain did not escape, because the opponent's attack is really a bit unexpected, the other party is really not defense or how? This situation is still attacking again? The Paladin captain really did not encounter such an opponent. He did not respond to the face and it was heavy. There was no doubt that the whole person flew directly behind him.

"Protect the captain!" Seeing that his captain flew back, of course, the few knights in the back immediately yelled and picked it up, but the huge impact was not enough for a few people. The captain of the Cavaliers took him directly. The knights, and then the knights who slammed into the back finally stopped, and the entire knight team was taken halfway.

"Wow..." At this time, Raymond did not come up and pursued it. He touched the wound on his chest and said with amazement: "The female boss is right, you are really a bit powerful."

The Paladin captain really did not hang, after all, the captain is still a bit of strength, if there is preparation before, maybe it will not be two strokes will be labeled like this. But now I understand that it is too late, the captain is obviously suffering from serious internal injuries, but it is barely standing on the ground with a sword, but can not say a word, his mouth is still vomiting blood.

The Cavaliers next to the "Protection Captain!" also felt that they couldn’t watch anymore, or their captain was hung up. At this time, they rushed to hack the guy and said, so one of the knights shouted at the person behind him and reacted. The knights rushed straight toward Raymond with their swords.

"Hey, you are swearing!" Raymond was really mad at this time. To know that the Torosger tribe's favorite is to be singled out. He is now single-handedly with the Cavaliers captain. The pick is not over yet, what are you doing with these guys? Is this not a rule of destruction? Of course, this is the battlefield. The Cavaliers also feel that there is no problem, so no one cares what Raymond said and cuts it directly.

But there are people on their side. There are other people in the Torosge tribe who are watching Raymond and the other party’s duel. I feel that the fight is still wonderful. As a result, the other party suddenly screamed, and so many people went together. That's what they least have to do, so they don't have to summon what the Jade Emperor said, and the whole family rushed up.

The big chaos started again, but just hit the band of knights and found out what level of monsters their captain had just faced. Originally thought that the other party is Raymond, this guy is particularly strong, but when I found out that something is wrong, the other person seems to be a rhythm of a fist, and it seems that no one around me can stand up to each other. What the hell, don't tell me that the 500 people opposite are as strong as the strong man who beat his captain in front.

It is a pity that this is the case. Although Raymond is more militant, it is not really strong in the Torosger tribe. It is much stronger than him (after all, the young body is not fully developed yet), so One side of the two sides contacted the Knights and exploded. The Cavaliers flew backwards in rows. The people behind them rushed to the ground and crashed. The formation collapsed in a flash.

The Torosgo people were of course a rushing horse, and the scene was in a state of chaos. The np troops were defeated and beaten. When they couldn’t stand it, suddenly a row of fireballs was moving toward it. The Torosgos flew over.

The sound of the fireball explosion of "Booming and Booming", the hot fireball exploded on the Torosgo people, and the smoke and dust began. Finally, it was temporarily blocking the offensive of the Torosgo people. Everyone turned their heads and looked at the past. It was really the Royal Magic Division here.

"Everyone is calm." A bearded magician stood up and said, "The Knights in front are against the attack, our magic..."

The words of dust in front of the words have dissipated, and the Torosgo people have appeared in their vision in perfect condition. Yes, the people of the Torosg tribe don’t know why the magic defense is particularly high. Before the octopus’s laser tower was hit, it was a bit painful. Did you say that the fireball could kill them? Of course it is impossible, not only impossible, except for the black spot being hit, these humanoid orangutans basically have no injuries.

"Oh..." The words of the great magician stopped short and did not know how to proceed.

"Well, don't play, your boss is coming." Summon Jade Emperor waved and said, "He said that before he came, you wouldn't rush to the palace gate and he would be angry." (To be continued.)

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