All Things Wrong

Chapter 2050: stop

Judging from the current appearance of this guy, this guy is definitely a relatively powerful wave ss level character. ({[[[{?网{Of course, summoning Jade Emperor is not worried about himself at all. After all, I can’t find a way to die now, but these guys with no brains are different. Of course, she can Protect them, but it’s hard to say when you fly out.

Looked at this wave ss, it looks like a swordsman type, the name on the head shows Dolan Sotoslan, of course, the red name is directly displayed. When the summoned Jade Emperor was watching him, the other party began to speak.

"Invaders, let's leave, this is not where you should come." As he spoke to the other side, he turned around. This is a look of a young man who seems to be less than 30 years old. Of course, because he is not a human being. I don't know how many years old. It looks very handsome. After all, the elves have the added value of the face, the golden crown, the whole person is very heroic, but like most elf men, they always feel a little bit...

However, this is not a brain, the Torosgo people know that this guy is a master, just that shock actually shocked them all, although there is nothing to prepare, but after all, the other side has strength. Of course, the Torosgo people will not be afraid to see the strong players appear, but they will be excited.

The most exciting thing is Raymond. The first reaction to seeing each other is to fight with the other party. So I went straight up and said, "Okay, this is me!"

However, Raymond was stopped, and the person who stopped him was his brother Ugta: "No, this is mine."

Pulling the thunder back, Wugta went directly to Sotoslan, and Sotoslan held a hilt in his hand. A long line was drawn directly in front of Ugta. The sword marks were clearly visible and extended to the left and right sides to the wall.

"I didn't want to participate in this war." Sotoslan's very comfortable voice came again. "But it also promised the Durres royal family to protect their family, so this is the last warning, as long as you don't cross this. I will not do it with the line."

The words are arrogant, after all, it is a holy level, with a sense of pride in the tone, of course, this makes the Torosgo people very uncomfortable, although they have no brain but understand the meaning of the other party, this is And they are provocative.

"Let me come." Ugta certainly won't be embarrassed, and the war is even stronger. He squeezed his fist and walked toward Sotoslan in front. According to the tradition of Torosgage, it was single-handed, so although other people were very upset, there was not a whole brain rushing up.

Summon Jade Emperor is also judging the strength of the other side, so I thought about it and did not stop Ugta. Of course, it is impossible for the other party to let them go. They really go. Let’s see what happens to the other party. Can you deal with it?

Soon Ugta was close to the line drawn by the other side. Without stopping to look at the situation, Ugta walked straight ahead and was ready to cross the line. But just as he crossed the past, Sotoslan’s body suddenly moved, because the degree was too fast to see the other’s movements, but saw a blue sword rushing directly to the Ukrainian The body of Geta.

Ugta showed a glimpse, and then the subconscious handle protected the front defense. As a result, the sword gas slammed directly. The Ugta’s arms suddenly spurted blood, and then the whole person was beaten toward the back. Fly out. However, the distance to fly out is not very far. Ugta turned over in the air directly, then fell to the ground and looked at his own hands. Two sword wounds on the upper arm were almost deep visible bones. The kind of blood, of course, is the flow of sputum.

This made the Torosgo people shocked. Raymond’s strength is not the strongest among them, but Ugta is definitely the top. The other side will fly Ugta and it’s also affected. Injury, this is definitely a great guy. The Torosger tribe is of course worshipping the strong, even the enemy is the same, so they began to admire this Sotoslan.

"Not bad..." Sotoslan spoke again. He nodded at Ugta. It seemed to agree with the strength of the other side. It was still a high-pitched tone. "You haven’t crossed the border yet, my words are still the same. Effective, look at your good strength, leave, I am not embarrassed."

Only though Ugta suffered a loss in this round, he has not given up the duel. With the blood on his hand, Ugta rushed toward Sotoslan in front.

"Unfortunately." Sotoslan also understood the meaning of the other party. It seems that he is ready to fight with himself. Sotoslan is certainly not polite. At this time, Ugta had already crossed the line he had drawn before. Sotoslan had a sudden outburst, and the man disappeared in the moment.

"噗", Sotoslan was already in front of Ugta when he appeared again. The long sword in his hand did not know when he had been inserted in the chest of Ugta. Sotoslan did not use any swordsmanship, but just a casual sword pierced the body of Ugta.

"Wow..." Ugta didn't see the other side's movements at all. Now I reacted to my sword and spit out a blood.

"I said, don't cross this line..." Sotoslan said faintly.

"Ugta! Ugta!" Behind the Torosgo people, of course, this situation is very nervous, but they did not go up, after all, the duel is sacred, no one can interfere, unless Ugta admits or dies. Otherwise they can't hinder it.

Now Ugta is seriously injured, but still does not mean to admit defeat, although the head is a little dizzy, but when the enemy has come to himself, the first reaction of Ugta is actually an attack, so it is almost subconscious Ugg The tower slammed into Sotoslan.

“Well?” Sotoslan was a little surprised, but the expression didn’t fluctuate, and the other’s movements were clear to him, so...

Just thinking about this, suddenly a gray light appeared on Ugta’s body, and the momentum suddenly expanded several times. Sotoslan was also shocked. I still didn’t react. Ugta’s fist suddenly One plus came to his face. Because this addition is a bit too sudden, Sotoslan did not respond, Ugta casserole-like fists were printed directly on Sotoslan's face.

"砰" was a muffled sound, Sotoslan’s handsome face was deformed, and then the whole person flew out as he swung away, and after hitting three times on the ground, he slammed behind him. On the wall, knocked out a big hole.

"Cheng...has it?" Ugta himself did not react, looked at himself dumbly, and suddenly the whole person lost his strength and fell to the ground. At first glance, this duel seems to be over (after all, Sotoslan has been beaten), and the Taurus people in the back havetened up to see the situation in Ugta, and of course... Ugta is not dead. This is of course, because the law of eternal life calling the Jade Emperor is put on the Ugta.

Yes, of course, it is the summoning of the Jade Emperor. When I saw Ugta injured, I also knew that the swordsman opposite was very powerful. It seemed to be a beaten, so I gave Ugta directly to eternal life. Then I saw the opportunity just now, summoning the Jade Emperor to ignite the Ugta directly. At that moment, the whole property of Ugta rose by 5oo%, of course, it was different.

However, the life value of Ugta itself is not much left, so the blood volume is quickly deducted, and the fire-fighting skills are automatically stopped. Only the last breath of Ugta will fall directly to the ground. Of course, it will not die, but the station must not stand up.

When the Ugta was not dead, the Torosgos were relieved, and then they began to praise their Ugta: "It’s a beautiful Ugta, and it’s good."

"Yes, I just thought you were going to lose."

"Brother, when did you become so powerful?" Raymond asked in surprise. Of course he knew Ugta. They also often fight, although Uggeta wins every time, but Raymond thinks that There is too much level in Ugta.

"'s not too clear." Ugta is a bit strange, but of course he doesn't understand.

The soldiers on the other side are of course collapsed. Many people here know Sotoslan Juggernaut. When they saw Sotoslan, they felt that they were saved this time, especially before Sotoslan. The series of pretending behaviors thought that they could finally fight back. As a result, Sotoslan was shot in the next moment. This...

Just when the soldiers felt that I was dead, I didn't expect the building behind me to suddenly make some noise. When I turned around, I saw a figure standing there, of course, it is not so much Sotoslan Juggernaut. Looking at the current situation in Sotoslan, it seems that Sotoslan is a little dizzy. The right half of the face looks a bit serious and the nose is almost snoring, but in general, it seems that the problem is not very big... ...

"Sotoslan Juggernaut!" Seeing this situation, everyone suddenly felt that hope was coming back.

"Hey, is this guy okay?" All the Torosgos were a little surprised, this guy is really amazing.

"Sure enough, a little trouble." Summon Jade Emperor also has a headache.

The result was a headache, and suddenly there was a voice coming from the side: "Summon, why are you standing so high?"

Summon Jade Emperor turned around and saw Li Huailin not knowing when he had arrived, and now he is looking up at her.

"You will die soon after you come." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "Is it? The guy looks like it is very powerful. Your little brother seems to be unable to fight. What should I do?"

"Oh, nothing." Li Huailin waved. "I didn't want to come over and force it to show you, let me go." (To be continued.) 8

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