All Things Wrong

Chapter 2053: Big ups and downs

Summon the Jade Emperor to help the amount: "What the **** is this guy, what can we do with the ss of the classics? How do you always get something out?"

"When you do, listen to what you listen to." Li Huailin nodded, then turned to Satoslan and said, "Well, this boy, seeing the summoning to your pleading, I will send you soon. On the road..."

As he talked, Li Huailin pulled out the light. Anyway, the two places where they stood now have just been hit by a big hole in Sotoslan’s fighting spirit. The two of them are inside the hole, so the rule of the fading rule of the glory is also Only two people can be convicted. Others will of course lose blood, but they will not die if they lose blood. At least they will not die. After all, there is a halo protection that summons the Jade Emperor.

Of course, it takes 10 seconds to determine the time. Li Huailin is also wearing a sword and swinging his face. It is really impossible to hack this guy directly. However, it seems that the situation will not be countered, so it looks like a wave. Sword, and then wait until the last second to stab, it feels like this guy is the second of his own, this wave can be.

However, when Li Huailin was posing here, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Stop!"

Li Huailin looked up a bit strangely. As a result, he saw a huge thing flying over his own side. He was directly hit by the reaction. The person next to him saw a huge icicle suddenly flew to Li Huailin. Of course, after hitting Li Huailin, Li Huailin took the whole person out.

Everyone is of course a glimpse. Where did the sudden appearance of the icicle come from? Still strange, I saw a person suddenly falling in the sky, just happened to be next to Sotoslan who fell to the ground. This new guy looks like an old man over the age of 70. Because his hair and beard are white, people look quite spiritual and have a sense of inexplicable majesty.

From the magician suit in the words of the other party, it can be seen that this guy should be a magician, and it is a very magician to look at it. Summon Jade Emperor also saw the name displayed on the other side of the head, Aileed Tosmit, of course, because the display is a red name, so I know that this is an enemy.

"It’s Tosmit’s teacher!” After seeing the people at the same time, the soldiers of the Dolomite Empire were also recognized. It’s actually the sergeant Tosmit, which is another holy class. Big man. Master Tosmit can be regarded as the pride of the Terran. He is currently the only holy master of the Terran in the mainland and the idol of all Terran worship. So his appearance suddenly pulled the npcs back from the abyss.

This group of npcs feels that the big ups and downs of life are too stimulating, and they will be desperate for a while, and they will give them hope soon. Sotoslan Juggernaut was actually defeated by Li Huailin. Just when they were desperate, Tosmit's Faye appeared. These two holy levels are here, and it is impossible to beat it.

"Sotoslan, it's okay." Tosmite fell to the side of Sotoslan Juggernaut and asked immediately. Yes, he also received a message to help. As a result, he saw Sotoslan Juggernaut fell to the ground, and an adventurer next to him seemed to be ready to work on Sotoslan Juggernaut (that is, Li Huailin was there. When posing,) because there is a similar organization in the holy level here, regardless of whether the racial camp will help each other, so see Sotoslan Juggernaut Tosmit, of course. The first time to choose assistance.

As the sacred master of the ice system, the ice magic of Tosmit is different from the general magician. The speed is very fast. When an ice spurt is raised, Li Huailin flies out. In his opinion. Of course, the Sotoslan Juggernaut was saved directly.

"Tosmit?" Sotoslan certainly knows the Tosmit law, but he never thought that the other party would come, but now there is no time to ask what Tosmit will come here, Toslan said anxiously, "Tosmit, be careful, this guy is not an ordinary person, it seems that there is only the ability of the first level of the Holy Order, but..."

When the words were not finished, Sotoslan suddenly stopped, because he directly saw Li Huailin appearing behind Tosmit, still holding a brick in his hand...

"Tosmeet! Be careful!" Sotoslan immediately shouted.

Tosmit was a glimpse first, but immediately found someone behind him. At the same time he turned around and he did not know how many layers of magic shields. The ice magic on his hands was ready, and he was going to be behind him.

The result was a "squeaky" sound. Li Huailin's bricks completely ignored all the magic shields, magical defense equipment, life-saving props and the like in Tosmite, and directly took the head of Tosmit. Of course, the first time Tommy's head broke the blood, and then the body fell to the ground.

"Md who are you, inexplicably came out and attacked me, want to die? Sorry that I am already dead." Li Huailin looked at the **** Tosmite on the ground and shook his head, "cut, rubbish."

The bricks on the handles were sneaked aside, and then Li Huailin looked at the scene as if everyone was stunned, and looked at himself inexplicably.

"What's wrong? Second old man is very strange?" Li Huailin asked, suddenly saw something on the ground, "Hey, this guy is also explosive equipment, and tn is purple?"

I looked up and found that it was not bad. Enhanced storage bag: Add 10 backpack spaces in your backpack. Use requirements: Level 50.

This white plus backpack thing is of course very useful, Li Huailin of course put it directly into the package, and immediately increased the position of 10 spaces. But there is nothing in it. Li Huailin thought that there was something good in this backpack. Nothing happened, but this guy was a savage mage. Originally there should be good things in the space bag. Have you been eaten by the system?

It wasn't until Li Huailin had all the equipment on the scene that he hadn't reacted. Is this just the case of Tosmit's Law, which was stumped by others? No, say good law, don't tell me that the law can be stumped by bricks, what a ghost? This is really a big ups and downs.

Although the process is clear to everyone, but it is impossible to believe the facts that I have seen. How is this possible? Sotoslan Juggernaut also stunned, and a little lost to go up and look at Tosmit, and found that the other party is really dead.

Turning to look at Li Huailin, Sotoslan now really believes that Li Huailin is a master and then disguised as a sacred elementary person to play with him, after all, the other side is a holy level. Although Tosmit is a mage, but it is higher than Sotoslan in terms of strength, but Li Huailin’s second move, or the bricks are dead, this is definitely the strength of the two sides is really too big to appear. The situation is.

So who is this pretty normal guy, is it a second level? So is the legendary god? Sotoslan also can't understand Li Huailin's identity, but I can know that this time I must not be able to hide.

Sotoslan is now in a state of desperation, and he can't hurt Li Huailin by using any tricks (at least he looks like this), and then the opponent is strong enough to play at the second level and play himself as a toy. However, his own state of mind has not broken, and even the resistance does not want to resist.

Sitting directly cross-legged, Sotoslan put the sword next to himself and said to Li Huailin: "You do it, just ask for a pain..."

When the words were not finished, I saw Li Huailin over there and took out his sword and smashed the body of Tosmit on the ground. Then suddenly the body of Tosmit began to tremble.

Sotoslan was a little stunned and thought that Tosmit was not dead. Was he just checking himself wrong? As a result, Sotoslan immediately felt that something was wrong, because the skin of the trembling Tomsmet suddenly became dry, as if the water on the body was all discharged. The color of the skin is also an instant that becomes darker and becomes an abnormal feeling of brownish black. The hair and beard on the head all started to curl, and then all fell off.

At the same time, Tosmit trembled from the ground, and the movement was very strange. It didn't look like a normal person's movement.

"Death...the undead..." At this time, Sotoslan saw that Tosmit’s appearance finally came to understand. Yes, Tosmit had already become a dead soul at this time, and turned to Li Huailin with surprise. You... are you a necromancer?"

"Hey... Do you think I am like a spell career?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

It is true that Li Huailin, who has two-handed swords in his armor, doesn’t look like a necromancer, but Sotoslan really can’t understand what Li Huailin’s guy is. And although he doesn't know much about the resurrection of the Necromancer, he knows that the more the resurrection of the undead, the more mana needed, and the longer it takes to cast a spell, and Li Huailin resurrected a holy magician. It’s not a strong problem, it’s just not understood.

When Sotoslan Juggernaut looked awkward, Li Huailin suddenly smiled and said: "Oh, yes, what have you just said? Want to die, right? Come, I will send you a ride. ”

Sotoslan was forced in a moment. (To be continued.)

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