All Things Wrong

Chapter 2067: Behind the temple

At this time, the retreat was really a bit surprising. It was beyond the expectation of Mesaro. To be honest, Mesaro felt that it was impossible for the other party to choose to retreat at this time. ★★

In fact, the position on his own side is already very obvious. Since he chooses not to withdraw from the army, he means that he has a picture of the other party. The other party’s commander will not understand this truth. Then, do you say that after dawn, the other party will see more people here and want to retire? surely not. At this time, it’s been a while since dawn. The 200,000 coalition forces that can defeat the Dolomite Empire are definitely powerful conductors. They won’t hesitate for so long, and they will retreat early.

The adjutant next to "Mesaro's sister..." is very anxious.

"Melume, I said the rank of the army in the army." Mesa Luo said a little bit of a headache in the silent temple.

"Well, the head of the army leader, let's go," said Mei Lumi, next to him. "The other side seems to be really going to retreat. Let's hurry up and chase them."

Mesa Luo did not care about the title, and thought about it: "The other party must be relying on it, so they will retreat. Otherwise, when they are now, they must have retired, and now it may be ready." What is better."

"But there are no traces of the existing troops around." Mei Lumi immediately said, "Sister, are we letting them go? Now they have defeated the first and second legions of the Dolomite Empire. It seems that the Dolomite Empire is going to have an accident. If we let them go back, will it make them so big?"

"I know." Sure enough, the views of the elves are the same in this respect. Mesaro also has a hunch that this time, if they go back, the elves may have a big problem. "In short, I will slowly post it and say it now. I still don't quite understand the situation of this unit... Do you want to send someone to test it first?"

"Okay, okay, I will go." Mei Lumi immediately said, "We will conduct a temptation attack first, and see what the other side is."

"I mean to get in touch first," Mesaro said. "First ask what the other party is."

"That's me too." Mei Lumi said, "I'm going to get in touch with them... sister, what is that?"

The two sisters are discussing it. Suddenly, Mei Lumi said with a bit of surprise. Of course, Mesaro also immediately looked at the past, and the result was in front of the camp, and the shadow of the sun reflected slowly toward them.

Mesaro directly glimpsed, because now the other's troops are withdrawing, and this person is moving towards their camp, which is of course too obvious. Take a closer look, the other party is really a person, it seems that carrying a big sword should be a swordsman.

"Hey, is the messenger of the other party? The other side wants to contact us?" said Mei Lumi next to him.

"Not very similar." Mesa Luo frowned, never heard that the messenger really sent someone to come over, how to have a few followers. And the feeling that the other party came over is not like the feeling of negotiating.

It is doubtful that the other party has already reached the front of the Elf army, and that Mesaro is a bit surprised that the other party is actually an adventurer, and that this face always feels a bit familiar...

"Melume, this guy seems to have seen it, do you have an impression?" Mesalo couldn't think of it, and immediately asked me next to Melum.

"This... I seem... don't remember." Mei Lumi thought about shaking his head.

"The head of the army!" suddenly shouted next to a general who looked like a general. "This guy... this guy just took the queen before..."

I didn't say that Mesaro had already remembered it. Yes, he finally remembered where he had seen this guy. When Li Huailin took the call to the emperor to go to the palace of the elves, he touched the elves. The alarm caused all the Elf Palace Guards to appear. Mesaro actually happened to be in the Elf Palace at the time. It was also far from seeing this guy, but after that, the two sides did not fight. The Queen received the guy. Mesa Luo thought that this guy was good.

After the result, Li Huailin was born and the queen was abducted. The tree of life was also ruined. Mesa Luo suddenly hated Li Huailin (hostile), but I didn’t expect this guy to dare to appear. In front of yourself.

Yes, the person who came to the front is of course Li Huailin. After seeing the situation of the elves, Li Huailin did not worry. First, he asked about the situation of Regg’s battle yesterday. According to Regg's report, they were of great victory last night's battle. The enemy did not count much, but it is estimated that between 5 and 60,000, there are not many prisoners, but hundreds of people are all senior officers. Others No, don't kill it directly.

Of course, the remaining ten thousand people basically ran, running everywhere, it is too difficult to catch it. They could still chase them, but the appearance of the Elves forces interrupted their pursuit plan, so the ten thousand people could not find it.

Fortunately, these hundreds of thousands of people are basically reserve forces. Of course, the first and second legions of the Dolomite Empire are not likely to be full 100,000 people, including formal troops, reserve, logistics, Subdivisions such as engineering teams. The tens of thousands of people that Li Huailin destroyed were basically formal troops. Others who escaped were support troops. In addition, the captives were basically senior officers, so the first and second legions wanted to integrate again. Very difficult.

Of course, the most important thing is that both the Queen of Verant and Marshal Heisenberg are caught. Li Huailin left them for the news that the first and second legions have been defeated. It was reached that this battle was very successful.

The rest is the problem of retreat. Of course, Li Huailin also saw that the troops of this elves would not let them go easily. Although they did not know what their purpose was, the other party would only come to Li Huailin’s troops. Will definitely attack, after all, Li Huailin is still hostile to the entire elves.

Of course, Li Huailin didn't have time to continue to consume them. Before that, there were other things to do today. Li Huailin didn't have this effort and the people of the Elf. So Li Huailin waved his hand directly, the troops retreated, and they retreated to the former Uzumite City to take the transfer back. Of course, when the retreat, the transfer array was stopped.

"But we will go after the elves will chase it." Although this is not far from the city of Uzmit, but the other side of the hundreds of thousands of people, chasing them to play may not be able to go. Regg asked a little worried.

"I am behind the temple." Li Huailin immediately said.

"What?" Regg said directly. "No, your Majesty, how can you get behind the temple? You should go first, I will come to the temple."

"Don't talk nonsense, I still have something to do today, I don't have time to accompany these guys." Li Huailin said with a wave, "I will follow my orders."

"This..." Reggae really has a hard time implementing this order, but Li Huailin’s attitude is very determined. Reggae is really incapable. In the end, it can only be heard.

When the troops began to withdraw, Li Huailin went straight to the camp of the elves. At this time, Li Huailin was preparing to launch the elves directly. Unlike the Terran troops, Li Huailin really only needs to break them up, and does not need to destroy them directly or how. If they were beaten once and still didn't know how to continue, Li Huailin didn't mind killing them too.

"It's you!" I was about to start playing. Suddenly, the person in the other camp who came out of the elf female general looked at Li Huailin's anger.

"Oh? Recognize me?" Li Huailin asked with a smile.

"Her Majesty the Queen?" Mesa Luo asked angrily. The elf next to the sentence is of course a glimpse, but I will understand it right away. Yes, Queen Amelia was abducted by a human adventurer. Although the elves had blocked the news inside, they still heard about it more or less. Now listen to Mesaro’s question. Everyone probably understands that this is really true, and the person who has taken the Queen seems to be this human.

"You said Amelia?" Li Huailin smiled. "Now, I am a wife in my house."

"You!" Mesa Luo's anger, "What do you want to do? Before you left the Queen, destroyed the tree of my life, and now attacked the Terran troops."

"Oh... I don't need to explain it to you." Li Huailin said with a smile.

Mesaro, who saw the other side's smiling face, couldn't help it any more: "You dare to appear in front of us again, and still be alone... Is it ready to go back with us?"

"Of course not." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Do you want more? I mean... I have to deal with these tens of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers. I don't think I need any troops at all. I am enough alone."

"Ha..." Mesa Luo couldn't help but chuckle. The elves next to him were also a glimpse, and then they wanted to laugh, but they still resisted seeing this situation.

However, at this moment, Li Huailin, who was talking, suddenly fell straight ahead and leaned forward, which made everyone's smile stiff on his face.

"Sister, what happened to him?" Mei Lumi stepped forward and asked Mesa Luo.

"I don't know, there may be..." Mesa Luo just wanted to say that there was any suicide, and the result was not finished. Suddenly a loud noise, Mesarot turned around and saw Li Huailin’s "corpse" in front. A huge black arm stretched out from the back and slammed into the ground with a loud noise.

"That... what is that?" Mei Lumi was really scared this time, watching the black monster crawling out of the ground panic. (To be continued.) 8

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