All Things Wrong

Chapter 2077: Mozu

"Ladies and gentlemen, the big things are not good. Is there a gang of fire elements to attack the main city of the Mozu?"

"Ha? Niubi? Who is it?"

"It is the captain of Huaxia District."

"Is it sick, is the captain of China not playing the main city of the Terran?"

"Is the main city of the Terran already hit down? Are you not looking at the forum?"

"What is the situation with a bunch of fire elements to attack the city? Can players still attack the city with wild monsters? It is a kind of fire element to attack the city."

"It's okay, it's just a bunch of fire elements. I don't know how many fire elements I brushed."

"Not just the fire element, I heard that there is a big fire element wave ss."

"Fire element wave ss, that's just right, everyone hit the wave ss of the fire element together."

Li Huailin hasn't arrived yet, and the players in the main city of the Mozu have basically known the news. After all, some people have reported the whereabouts of Li Huailin. Later, there are some follow-up reports. It is said that Li Huailin came with a group of fire elements in the direction of the main city.

To tell the truth, the fire element is not too careless. They care about Li Huailin. After all, Li Huailin had a man who had settled the feat of the entire main city of the European Union. They were really worried that Li Huailin would destroy the main city of the Mozu. It is.

Of course, since you know in advance, of course, some people want to see what is the situation, so there are a lot of players going directly to the west to look for the direction that is said to be Li Huailin to see what is going on.

As a result, the players who went to check the situation were forbidden, because they did not encounter Li Huailin at all, but the fire elements in the mountains and plains. It was really a vast mountain and a variety of fire elements, and it was a huge one. The army is generally, and the momentum is coming in the direction of their main city.

Where the fire element has passed, it can be said that the burning grass is not born, and a group of fire elements is like a red line on the map, pointing directly to the direction of the main city. And in this pile of fire elements, they not only saw a huge fire element, but also a dozen, and one of them is particularly huge, this is not a wave ss problem, okay.

Seeing this situation, no one has noticed where Li Huailin is, and everyone’s attention is on the body of this fire. This is no longer a situation like a strange thing, this is simply a monster siege.

It’s not just the players who have received this information, but also the np of the main city. Yes, such a large group of fire elements rushing toward them, this can not be so strange. The ruler of the Mozu in East Asia is the Emperor Ebdic, known as the "vampire". Of course, the vampire here does not really refer to the vampire, but the emperor's special greed, which led to the soaring tax on the Mozu side. Ordinary people simply can't live, so they secretly called this emperor a vampire. As a result, I didn't expect this title to reach the ears of Ebdicix. This guy actually thought that the title was very good, so he still recognized it and continued to squander money.

Ebidex is 27 years old and is a relatively young emperor. After the emperor took office, he had no ambition to expand his ambitions. He just liked to collect money. Apart from collecting money, he seemed to have no other interest. Even the other basic things of the empire were too lazy to control. The emperor is so lazy, of course, there will be the emergence of the right minister. At present, the Mozu actually has two powers, one is the imperial prime minister, Dornsmai, and the other is the Duke of the Empire, the Duke of Vatoly, who basically hold all the The interior of the Mozu Empire.

At this time, the Mozu had received a lot of fire elements to march into their main city, so the Emperor Ebodix was a little scared to hold an emergency meeting. He is really timid. He is very afraid of war. Of course, the wars that the Mozu had moved before were all because they had nothing to do with him. They couldn’t get to the main city anyway, and they were all proposed by the Prime Minister and the Duke. He didn’t want to But this time is different. It is said that this fire element has already come to the main city. Of course, he is flustered to death.

"Look, I said before, don't send the Legion out. Now there is a bunch of fire elements. What do we do?" Ebodix said excitedly.

Ebodix had previously opposed the dispatch of his own army. According to his thoughts, his army would protect himself. What did you send to other people? Therefore, the place where the army of the Mozu garrison is located is not far from the main city of the Mozu. As a result, both the Prime Minister and the Duke said that the Terran Dolomite empire had an accident the day before yesterday. According to the news, the army was attacked from another big six. The prime ministers Dornsmai and the Duke of Vatoly both felt that this was an opportunity, so they quickly rushed to the Emperor Eberdix to attack the Terran Empire.

Emperor Ebodix refused at the time. He was not like expansion. He didn’t want to **** his own blood. Why should he beat others? This is too dangerous. As a result, the prime ministers Dornsmai and the Duke of Vatoly were desperately trying to persuade, but when it came to impressing Ebdices, it was still money. Both of them knew the emperor’s temper, so when they persuaded, they mainly mentioned the benefits of war. If you can lay down, of course you can get a lot of war reparations and the like.

Ebdics could have a lot of money to get a snack. He was originally an emperor who had no opinion. After two people persuaded him, he promised to send troops. I didn't expect the next day to have an accident.

"Is this the plan that came out of the power of the Big 6 Alliance that occupied the Dolomite Empire?" The Duke of Vatoly did not say what Ebodix said, directly to the next prime minister, Dornsmaid.

"Impossible, attacking us is an elemental creature. How can humans be associated with elemental creatures?" said Prime Minister Dornsmai. "But time is too coincidental. I think they should be out of touch with them. Maybe this is the case. The magic of the other party may have opened the elemental channel, allowing a large number of elemental creatures to come here, just in the vicinity of our main city."

"It turned out to be the case." The Duke of Vatoly nodded and thought that Dornsmai said it was very reasonable. "Then I have a plan..."

"Oh..." Dornsmai also laughed. "I have it too."

"Two Ai Qing, you are going to talk about what to do now." Emperor Ebodix was really anxious to die, and quickly asked, "We will quickly transfer our army back to defense."

"Your Majesty, in fact, the situation is not as serious as imagined." Dornsmai also thought about the lines.

"This is not serious. It is said that there are thousands of elemental creatures." Ebodix said anxiously.

"Your Majesty, these are just elemental creatures. They are not enemy troops." Dornsmai said, "They have nothing to do with a fixed offensive target, and they are not specifically targeted at us, but our main city is now out of them. The place is close, so the other party will threaten us."

"Amount... Ai Qing, I don't understand very well, you can say how to do it?" Ebodix asked.

"Your Majesty, we will send a fast force to attack each other, but don't fight with each other, as long as the other side is attracted to other places, it will not do." Dornsmai said with a smile.

"Hey? Is that true?" Ebdic is also a glimpse. "Is this OK?"

"Of course, there are no brains for these elemental creatures. They only blindly attack the creatures they see. All we have to do is irritate them and then pull them away." Dornsmai replied.

"Yes, Your Majesty," said the Duke of Vatoly, "The Royal Knights should be qualified for the job."

"The Royal Knights? No, no, if they go out, who will protect me, can't do it." Hearing to turn the Knights around him, Ebodiks immediately shook his head.

"Your Majesty, if this is not to remove the elements of the fire, they will attack the main city. When it is time... it is really dangerous. So many elements of fire, even the Royal Knights will not defend. Come down," said Dornsmaid.

"Return the first army back." Ebidex immediately said, "Let them do this."

"Your Majesty, it’s too late." The Duke of Vatoly said, "The position of the First Legion is now near the border. It’s too late to adjust them back. I think... or let the Royal Knights Let's attack."

"So I said that you should not let the Legion attack, you have to be dispatched, now you look." Ebdicix said.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to complain, or solve the problem now." The Duke of Vatoly is really not afraid, after all, he is still the emperor's uncle.

"This..." Ebdices hesitated again. This is his consistent situation. Dornsmai and the Duke of Vatoly also know the character of Ebodiks. Seeing this situation, the two quickly continually advised. . It didn't take long for Ebidex to loosen.

"Send the Royal Knights really can solve things?" Ebodix asked.

"That is of course, unless the elements of the fire are under the command. But how is this possible? Elemental creatures are just a bunch of beasts, no difference, who can command them." Dornsmai immediately said, because at all The elemental creatures in human cognition are no different from the beasts. They are the ones who see who they are, and no one thinks they will have any wisdom or civilization.

Ebodix thought about it too. Although it is really scary to say that the Royal Knights are transferred out, it is even more horrible if the fire element really hits the main city. If so, then it can only be promised. .

"Well, then this matter is handed over to the two Ai Qing." Ebodix thought about it and said.

"Yes, my Majesty." The two of them nodded. (To be continued.) 8

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