All Things Wrong

Chapter 2079: Ignore

"Hey? Doesn't that matter?" Gerkin slammed a little, is this all right? The other party has beaten themselves and actually let them go? Isn't that a white fight?

"People are now arranging to harass you, the other party's mobility is faster than you, hit and run, what is your use?" Li Huailin immediately said.

"Well... this is also..." Gelkin thought about it and nodded. "What should I do? God makes adults, this group of people is really..."

"You haven't heard a sentence saying 'Running a monk can't run the temple'?" Li Huailin said. "The other party harassing us is nothing more than trying to slow us to attack their main city. We are doing their homework directly. How can I hide?"

"Although I have never heard this sentence, but this... seems to be a bit reasonable." Geergin thought about it. "God makes the adults really have a way."

"I..." Li Huailin said that he had a headache. How did the recent collection of these men have a bunch of mental retardation? This is really a headache. There is no subordinate who can be a little relieved.

When chatting with Geerjin, the elements of the firearms are still chasing in the direction of the Knights. Of course, the scene is just a mess. There is no cooperation between the elements of fire. Desperately chasing, the formation is nothing more, and there is no such thing.

Seeing this situation, of course, the Knights of the opposite side are also very happy. This fire element is really good to deal with, so it should be dragged to the Terran territory. Anyway, these elemental creatures will only be destroyed everywhere, and they will be taught to the dead enemy. Handled.

The result was just like this. Suddenly there was a roaring sound behind him. The knights knew that it was the voice of the biggest fire element lord. Of course, they could not understand the elemental language. They thought it was the angry roar. This biggest fire element is very strong, so after hearing the roar, they added the degree to go forward, and the province was really caught up. Yes, they still intentionally control the mobility, just to let the fire element keep up.

As a result, I rushed forward for a while, and suddenly the cavalry came back and reported that the fire element behind did not follow. This is of course, they can't understand the call of Gelkin, but the elements of fire are understandable, and Georgin directly let them all go back. The elements of the fire do not understand why they don't chase the wicked guys, but of course the Lord's words still have to be heard, so they are obedient to go back.

"What happened?" The Cavaliers captain carefully looked down and looked at it. As it was, no elemental creatures followed, and the troops were stopped.

"Is it just that we just added too fast, the other party lost?" The vice captain next to him said.

"It's possible." The captain nodded. Yes, they couldn't think of the previous squeaking in order to summon these elements of fire, because in their eyes the fire element could not have this wisdom.

"It doesn't matter, it seems that the effect is still pretty good. This time we pay attention to it, come again." The Cavaliers captain thought about it.

Turning around and turning into a temper, the Royal Knights team turned around and rushed toward the fire unit. Of course, they don't have any cautious meaning, because these elements of fire can still ambush them? Sure enough, they soon saw this long fire elemental unit, looking at the direction of the other side, still moving in the direction of their main city.

Seeing this situation, the Cavaliers captain was a little anxious. He quickly commanded the attack again. Like the last time, he was close and then attacked with magical arrows and then retreated. This time, he also learned the last experience, and those big ones. The fire element opened a safe distance and saved the opponent's big fireball.

"Oh..." The Knights are of course still a hit, shooting a lot of fire elements and then continuing to run, and of course the fire element is violent again, once again swarming towards the direction of the knight Go up.

"Awful worms, dare to come back, I want to..." Geergin’s words have not been finished yet, and Li Huailin’s face was directly punched. Of course, the damage is not very high, and the damage to Li Huailin’s injury is still More damage than Li Huailin caused, but it was to let Georgin return to God.

"God makes an adult, why are you hitting me?" Gerkin asked strangely.

"Hey, are you stupid, I said that people are coming to harass, you have to go to the second time, but still have a second time? You have no problem in your mind?" Li Huailin could not help but say that he is real I didn't expect to say what the other party wanted to do. I also said that the goal is toward the other side's main city. Don't take care of the knights. Anyway, they can't shoot a few fire elements, not to mention the ss level.

The result is so clear, when receiving the second attack, Gelgin is angered and wants to rush to kill the knight. Li Huailin is really speechless. Is this guy's memory only 7 seconds? ?

Gelkin had a big face because Li Huailin actually smashed it. Now that Gelgin is still hostile to Li Huailin, the reason has been said before, so when he hears Li Huailin, Gelgin is of course angry. After all, Li Huailin is also one of the "bugs." But thinking of the identity of Li Huailin, although Gerkin is not good, there is no way.

"God makes the adults, but these worms are... they are too arrogant, they have to pay for their actions!" Gelkin thought about it.

"You are not a consequence of this clerk." Li Huailin helped the group, this guy is really a headache, and the IQ is low, it is still very own, and this is the most troublesome. "You have to know that this attack is Keta." What is Nie's great god, are you planning to destroy the great **** of Getani?"

"Well... this..." Sure enough, he took out the sign of Gertan, the **** of Ketani, and hesitated. It is true that he cannot violate the meaning of the great **** of Ktani. "This is really the plan of the great **** of Ketani." ?"

"Hey, I am a god, I certainly convey the meaning of the great **** of Ktani. Do you still suspect that my identity is not?" Li Huailin asked.

"Of course not, God makes adults." Gerkin said immediately, doubts have long been doubted, and now Gelkin certainly believes in the identity of Li Huailin. "Good God makes the adults, since it is the great **** of Ketani. Plan, my Gelkin certainly obeys."

Once again, a squeaking sound, Geerjin called back the fire elements of the gang, and of course proceeded toward the main city in accordance with the original plan.

"Captain, they don't seem to be coming up." The Knights here ran for a while and the situation was now. The other side also chased it at first, but after a short while, all ran back, which is very Strange.

"What happened?" The captain did not catch up, but this time they are also slowing down. How can they not catch up? "Try again."

Of course, the Knights did not give up, and once again rushed to the side of the fire element, and then of course a round of volley. After the shooting, they wanted to turn around and ran for a while, and the other party still did not keep up. The distance that was chased this time was even shorter, that is, the few shots that were shot were slightly chased for a while, and the other elements of fire seemed to have no control over them.

"Captain, it's not right."

"Yeah, the other party seems to be chasing it at all."

"What happened?" The Cavaliers captain did not understand, this elemental creature can still know that his tactics are not good? However, the Cavaliers captain certainly will not give up, so I did it again several times. The result is still the same. These fire elements seem to know that they are coming to harass. They simply don’t chase after them. They come over and chase them. They are gone. Elements do not matter.

"This...this is impossible..." The Cavaliers captain was amazed. When was this fire element so smart?

"Team...Captain, what should I do? They are going to the main city."

"Yeah, Captain, our number of arrows is not enough." Yes, the Cavaliers did not bring a lot of arrows at this time. Of course, the magic did not bring much. The cost of the magic arrow is really very high, even if the elite Royal Knights are equipped with a quiver, the first few shots are almost exhausted, and they want to shoot them by fire. It is impossible to destroy the elements. They didn't think so. They used to pull the blame, but they didn't expect the other party to ignore them.

Now the Knights are really a bit of a dilemma. The mission given to them by the Emperor is not finished yet. The other side really does not cooperate. Then the other elements of the fire are still moving in the direction of the main city, and they simply ignore them. It is impossible for 15oo individuals to want to block positively, so what should I do now?

"Go back, tell this to you first." The captain here thought about it.

"Yes." All the cavalry certainly nodded. Then the troops of the Imperial Knights turned a circle around the fire element, and then shot all the magic arrows that they could shoot out, but surely the other party did not continue to catch up. Seeing this situation, they also rushed back directly in the direction of the main city. Of course, they quickly told the situation to let them make plans.

Not long after, the Mozu Palace received news of the failure of the mission, and of course everyone was bitten by this news.

"You... you help this waste!" Emperor Ebodix couldn't help but yell at the Cavaliers captain.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to say this." The Duke of Vatoly immediately said, "Now..."

"No, I have to run." Suddenly Ebodix said to the table, "Call me orders, ready to withdraw from the main city." (To be continued.) 8

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