All Things Wrong

Chapter 2087: Trial office

While Li Huailin was talking, the door next to the room opened. Several people just came in from the door. They just wanted to yell at the inside. As soon as they came in, they saw Li Huailin standing in the room. A few people were a glimpse, then immediately shouted: "You... who are you?"

Li Huailin looked at the people who appeared. These people looked like they were wearing uniforms. They should not be holy people. They might be guards on the side of the Holy Alliance, but they did not carry weapons. Obviously, they didn't expect the Holy Alliance to have anyone dare to come in, so it was a long time to see Li Huailin appear here.

"Into the ... intruder?" One of them saw that Li Huailin did not answer, and said again, "Come... go to the notice..."

Sotoslan, who hadn't finished talking about it, immediately held him down. After all, it was the strength of Juggernaut. Although he was injured, he wanted to hold down a guard or casually.

"Your Majesty, you go first." Sotoslan said quickly.

"Go?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "I just came here to find them. Why are you leaving?"

"Your Majesty, here is..." Sotoslan also wanted to persuade, but Li Huailin had come up and said to the guards here: "Is the trial here ready?"

"This...Yes, Master Gyllen Hill asked us to inform the adults of Sotoslan and the adults of Tosmit." The guard looked at Li Huailin in front of him, then looked at the Sotoslan, and then answered Road.

"Let's go, don't waste time." Li Huailin said with a wave.

"This..." The guards also squatted and didn't know what to do now.

"Your Majesty, you can't go," Sotoslan said immediately. "That's a holy trial..."

"Yeah, what happened?" Li Huailin replied casually. "Let's go, hurry."

It seems that Li Huailin really wants to participate in this holy trial. Both Sotoslan and Tosmit are anxious, but they don't know how to persuade. The guards don't know what to do, but if they think about it, they should take the people and talk about it.

So several guards led the way, and Li Huailin walked out of the empty room. Just before the door, Li Huailin saw a spectacular scene.

Because Li Huailin was directly transferred here, I haven't seen where the Holy Alliance is in the past. Now I go out to see the whole situation of the Holy Alliance. The headquarters of this holy alliance was actually built in the middle of the cloud. When Li Huailin went out, he saw the sea of ​​clouds below. Li Huailin doesn't know how this thing can be built in this place. I don't see whether there is support underneath or use magical devices to let it float in the air, but the construction is really beautiful.

The headquarters of the entire Holy Alliance looks like a huge floating disc, and then builds the building on it. The architectural style is a bit quaint, of course referring to the architectural style that is close to ancient Europe, which is the architectural style with a more religious style. Li Huailin is located in the lower part of the place, and according to their direction of advancement should be toward the position of the upper disc.

There are steps between the discs, no armrests, and it feels a little scary when looking down, but the holy level can fly anyway, it is estimated that these steps are only used for these guards.

Going up the steps, Li Huailin saw the destination, a huge church-like building. At this time, the side was very quiet. Li Huailin did not see any passing people, or even soldiers, all the way. There was silence everywhere.

Walking to the door, several guards stopped and directly said to Sotoslan and Tosmit: "Sotoslan, Osmite, please enter."

It seems that there is no guard to enter here. It is estimated that only the people of the holy class can enter, so these guards also do not know how to do it, looking at Li Huailin, because there is no other person here. Happening. The Holy Alliance has never encountered an intruder, because no one wants to provoke a sacred alliance, so Li Huailin really doesn’t know how to run these guards.

"Your Majesty." All of them have arrived here. Sotoslan and Tosmitt still want to persuade Li Huailin, but Li Huailin has ignored them and walked directly into the building. The two also looked at each other and then followed them up. They didn't know what Li Huailin was planning. Now it can only be a step by step.

Going inside the building, the surrounding light slowly darkens. After a less bright corridor, there was a brighter room in front of it. Li Huailin walked in the first place, and his eyes were slightly brighter. Li Huailin saw the whole room.

This room looks like a room for trial. The room is round and divided into upper and lower floors. The upper level is the position of the judge. The person who is sitting around the middle is now a full circle, and the person below is of course the person being tried. The location, Li Huailin, where they are now, is below.

Now the room is full of people, of course, sitting on the upper floor. Li Huailin looked around in a circle, a total of twenty people, it seems that these people are full members of the Holy Alliance, and I did not expect a large number of people. Of course, although there are twenty people, the status of the highlands can still be seen.

Sitting in front of the five people in front of you, these five people sit high and sit flat, so these five people should be the leader of the Holy Alliance. The other people just sit on the sides of the room, the position is slightly lower than the five people, it should be an ordinary member.

Looked at the five collars above, the age is generally larger, and each look is more serious. But the other holy levels around are not the same, some are sitting seriously, but there are still yawning beside them. It looks very boring, some are still eating, and even lying directly on the table. Sleeping. It seems that the main responsibility for the trial is the five leading figures in front. Others estimate that there is only no way to reluctantly come to the trial meeting.

Of course, when Li Huailin observed each other, these people also saw Li Huailin for the first time. Of course, everyone is a glimpse. Obviously, they have never seen Li Huailin. The people who are going to judge today are Sotoslan and Tosmit. How can this guy appear here?

"Intruder?" One of the sacred priests who were still yawning immediately came to see this situation. They sat up and looked at Li Huailin and asked, "Are you an intruder?"

"Who are you?" One of the collars in front of him frowned and asked Li Huailin.

"I am really weird, why do you guys judge my younger brother not to call me." Li Huailin said in the middle of the trial seat, "The dog must also look at the master."

"You are the main lord of Sotoslan and Tosmit?" The sacred leader in the middle of the front frowned slightly. Of course he also heard about the situation, but he did not expect that Li Huailin would appear directly. Here.

"You are this guy!" There was a snoring sound. Li Huailin turned around and saw that the person who spoke was originally Sike, who had seen it yesterday. The other person is now sitting on the right side of the room, looking at it with amazement. Li Huailin did not expect Li Huailin to dare to come here.

I heard a little bit of confusion around Sike’s voice. Several holy levels were whispering, mainly because I’ve never seen the Holy Alliance and others invaded. This is really the first time, of course they are just I found it interesting. I didn't expect anyone who dared to come to the Holy Alliance.

"Quiet." The middle of the collar said a faint voice, although the sound is not big, but the surrounding is still quiet, it seems that this guy's prestige in the Holy Alliance is very high. Li Huailin also observed the other side, the other party should be a personal class, the age seems to be at least 8o years old, a gray head and a beard, Li Huailin still can not see the other's occupation, because the other is wearing a set of black and white It seems to be a uniform-like costume. I don't know if it is the uniform of the referee. After all, the people next to it are wearing this suit.

"What we are going to do now is the trial of two members of Sotoslan and Tosmit. This is something inside the Holy Alliance. Are you prepared to interfere in the internal affairs of our alliance?" Li Huailin, who is staring at the bottom, asks Tao, some of the meaning of questioning in tone, although the tone is not very strong, but the momentum that is revealed is not small.

"Oh, this way." Li Huailin nodded. "I don't really interfere with the internal affairs of your holy league, but I don't really care about it."

"Haha..." Sike directly laughed. At first, I thought that Li Huailin was pumping his brain. Yesterday, he clearly thought that they had taken them away. Today, he suddenly found the door and thought he wanted to What did you do? The result is still awkward, so is it here to come to the house to apologize?

"Oh? Then you are here..." asked.

"How do you judge the two of them really have nothing to do with me." Li Huailin said, "I came here mainly to talk to your holy league."

“What do you want to say?” asked the stranger.

"I personally feel that there is no need for the organization of the Holy Alliance. I think you are still directly involved in my power, so this time I am here to ask your thoughts and see if you disagree with me. Li Huailin said with a smile.

As soon as the words were finished, the whole room suddenly disappeared. (To be continued.) 8

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