All Things Wrong

Chapter 2099: The door to dreams

This of course makes Li Huailin a little surprised. It is well known that urban legends are very unreliable things. Li Huailin always thought that these things are basically nonsense things that people who are idle and bored have never believed, but never believed, but Now, Li Huailin really can't believe it.

Yes, someone should have seen the same thing with themselves, but it seems that no one believes, so it has become an urban legend. To tell the truth, if Li Huailin has not seen it himself or herself, he will not believe this kind of nonsense, but now he really can't ignore it.

So Li Huailin quickly looked for information in this regard, that is, the news of dreaming about the door, to see if everyone had any discussion. The result hasn't started to work yet. Suddenly I feel my head is dizzy. I think when I am sleepy, suddenly... He realizes that he hasn't eaten for two days. Can this tnd not faint? It was also a bit too hungry, and my stomach didn't respond. I didn't remind him to eat at all. If you go on, you might be hungry and faint.

Li Huailin quickly went to the refrigerator to find some bread. It looked like it had expired for a day, but there was no way to eat it first. While eating and giving himself a hot meal, Li Huailin continued to search for this news while eating.

Looking for Li Huailin to find a more reliable website, it is really very reliable, this website is basically the kind of website that directly goes to the next template on the free site and then changes it directly. It is estimated that it does not take a few hours, it should be a personal website, but Li Huailin only wants to find the above information.

The name of the website is called "the door of dreams". There is no forum function on it, but there is a message board. Li Huailin actually has a lot of visits, about 100 hits a day. After reading the contents of the message board, many people said that they were dreaming while sleeping in the game, and they also saw the door. Similar to his own situation, in the dream it seems that they will go in the direction of the door, but no one knows why, it seems to be going to that place.

Of course, there are also those who have said that there is also a direct demolition. The following messages also have people who have doubts. Of course, they have not seen it before. Some people also said that they have been sleeping in the game. After all, the quality of sleeping in the game is really good, but they have never dreamed of it, and have never seen any cyan door.

Of course, some people have refuted from the scientific point of view, mainly explaining what deep sleep is, and then it is impossible to dream under deep sleep. Nowadays, helmets and game bins are people who have been in deep sleep. So dreaming is impossible.

Of course, some people immediately said that they were dreaming. He didn't know what the principle was, but he just saw how to explain it. Of course, another group of people said that they did not believe it, nonsense. So this matter quickly became an urban legend.

Of course, Li Huailin does not care about the authenticity of this matter now, because he already knows that this is true. What he wants to see now is exactly what it is.

There was a circle on the message board. Although some people discussed it, it was basically a matter of whether this thing was really true. Li Huailin really could not find any useful information. So I thought about it, the person who founded this website should really encounter this thing, so Li Huailin thought about it and started to search for the information of the website creator.

Of course, the method used is hacking, and this guy has no contact information. Li Huailin looked for a little while, then I found the information of this guy and chose to call in the past.

"Hey, is Mr. Zhou Jigang?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, it is me, please who is there." The voice of an adult male came from the phone.

"This is the case, I saw the website you made on the Internet, so I would like to ask you about the door to the dream." Li Huailin said.

"Ha? Website? I don't have any website, I don't have access to the Internet, yes, it may be my daughter." Zhou Jigang here just thought about it.

"Your daughter?" Li Huailin said, although he found this, but Li Huailin did not know who the computer is. It seems that Zhou Jigang’s daughter used his computer to do the website. "Then I will talk to your daughter. Talk about it? Is she at home?"

"She is at home, but I am not." Zhou Jigang said that he was working, and then let Li Huailin call her daughter, but gave her a number.

Li Huailin, of course, made this call again soon. The phone connected to the voice of a very young girl: "Which one?"

“Is Zhou Ying’s classmate?” Li Huailin already knew the other’s name and asked directly.

"I am, are you?"

"This is the case, I saw the website you made on the Internet, so I would like to ask you about the door to the dream." Li Huailin said again.

"Hey? How do you know my phone?" Zhou Ying took a look.

"Oh, I will have a little hacking skills, I found it." Li Huailin explained.

"Hey? You are a hacker, so powerful?" Zhou Ying said directly, "Can you teach me?"

"I will say this later, I want to ask about the door. Do you dream of seeing the door in the game?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

“Did you see it?” Zhou Ying said immediately.

"Yes, I saw it too." Li Huailin immediately said, "so I will ask you to ask."

"How many times have you dreamed?" Zhou Ying asked immediately.

"How many times? Oh... once, I don't usually sleep in the game, I don't get used to it." Li Huailin replied, "Do you mean that you can meet every time you sleep?"

"Yes, basically can meet." Zhou Ying said, "How close are you to the gate?"

"Ha?" Li Huailin looked at the whole person. I really didn't expect the other person to ask this question. I thought about it. "How do you mean that everyone is different from the door?"

"Of course it is different." Zhou Ying said immediately. "It’s the first time you dream about it. You will soon find that you are slowly starting to approach the door, and each time you get closer."

"I am really walking in the direction of the gate. Is that really close to the gate?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Ying nodded. "I talked with other people a little. I found that everyone was just starting from the door, but everyone seemed to be moving in the direction of the gate. At first it seemed to be I can't feel it, but after a while you will find yourself close to the door."

"Hey..." Li Huailin is a bit inexplicable. "How far is your distance from the gate?"

"I started dreaming about the door a month ago. Now I am walking every night. I guess that according to this distance, I will be able to walk to the door in a little half a year." Zhou Ying thought about it, "I and others. I exchanged a bit and found that I should be the closest person to the gate. I can now see the size of the matchbox. Others can only see one point."

"Hey? The size of the matchbox?" Li Huailin took a look at it. This compares Li Huailin and finds that he seems to be very close to the gate, at least much closer than Zhou Ying.

"What's wrong, are you closer than me?" Zhou Ying suddenly asked. "I personally think that this door may be a hidden plot in the game. There is probably a treasure in the door, but not everyone can dream." To the gate, so many people do not believe this. But I think this door is definitely a kind of trial, but the people who want to participate must have certain qualifications, and the higher the qualification, the distance from the gate. The closer it should be, the shorter the distance should be. Of course, this is my guess, and there is no way to verify it."

Zhou Ying said that she was a little embarrassed, but Li Huailin suddenly felt that this guy said something.

"Really, what I think all day long is what is inside this gate. Whether it is the door that I opened, I want to see what is inside. But it seems that I can only walk towards the gate when I sleep. Unfortunately, I can't sleep all the time, or else I can be faster." Zhou Ying continued.

"Always sleep?" When it was said that Li Huailin suddenly thought of a person, thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to ask her quickly.

"Well, thank you for your information, I am very happy to communicate with you. I have something to hang now." Li Huailin said quickly.

"Hey? Wait, hacker big brother, aren't you going to teach me hacking techniques? And you didn't even tell me the name..." Li Huailin didn't wait for Zhou Ying to finish talking and then hung up the phone directly, then immediately dialed Another number.

"Hey, is it safe?" Hearing the call, Li Huailin immediately asked. Yes, the first person who thinks about sleeping Li Huailin is Enron, because this guy can sleep in any situation, and basically belongs to the 24-hour non-offline, it should be the most sleepable guy. According to Zhou Ying, I can go to sleep more quickly, maybe I can know what Enron can know.

"Hey, Captain Li?" But the phone was not the voice of Enron, but the mother of Enron, Du Yuanmin. "Are you looking for Enron? Enron is still in the game, want me to call her up to listen to the phone?" ”

"Oh, this way, I don't have to go directly to the game to find her." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Oh, okay." Du Yuanmin nodded, and then talked with Li Huailin a little bit about something else, such as the situation of Enron now, and heard that Li Huailin had no snacks and knew that Li Huailin was in a hurry, so he didn’t say much. Bye.

Li Huailin was indeed a little anxious, so after hanging up the phone, he quickly landed the game again. (To be continued.)

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