All Things Wrong

Chapter 2102: forest

I heard someone shouting that Li Huailin realized that he had already stepped out of the devil's throne. Yes, Li Huailin walked out directly through the transmission array, because it was also a while to find someone to go there, and when he thought about things, he was unconscious. Going out, the result just came out and I heard someone calling him.

The person who turned around and looked over was a swordsman, but Li Huailin didn't even recognize the other person at first glance, just looking at a bit familiar, as if he had seen it there. Looking up at the other person's name, called Sodro, is also a bit of an impression, but it is really not very familiar.

But what makes Li Huailin a bit strange is why the person who called himself is this Soderro guy, because he came out of the transmission array and came to his embassy, ​​and the person here should be Melgreens. I sent Mel Greens to stare at this side. Of course, he can feel that he has appeared in this holy level. Why didn’t he report it in the first place?

Is there something left? Li Huailin looked at this Sodro and asked directly: "What about Melgreens?"

"Your Majesty, I want to report this to you." Sodro immediately said, "Your Majesty, two people have suddenly appeared from the transmission array here two days ago, and Melgreens is of course the first time." I found out, but the previous order was to let him stop people close to this side, and did not tell the adults what to do from the transmission array. But the adults of Melgreens think that these two people are a little weird, one of them It seems to be the person who brought him into the transmission array before, so I feel that I have to follow them. Considering the adult, he asked me to come here instead of looking at the situation here, and I went directly to the two people. ”

"Living trough?" Li Huailin had a whole meal.

"What's wrong?" Sodro asked a little nervously. Yes, after all, Li Huailin’s order was to let Melgreens look at the seal here. He didn’t let him follow these two people, so Melgreens It is already illegal. He also said this to Melgreens. Of course he did not recommend it. He also said that he really wanted to follow him. He followed them and Mel Greens stayed here.

But Mel Greens thought about it and decided to follow it, and said that one of these two people is very powerful, Sodro estimated that it is difficult to not be discovered, can only come by himself, so he personally followed up. Sodro and the relationship with Mel Greens are not bad. Now I am worried that Li Huailin will punish Mel Greens and look at Li Huailin a little nervously.

"I actually have such a worry-free man?" Li Huailin is excited, and I think about my own hands, md is basically all mental retardation. In general, Li Huailin’s situation has already told them to do this. They should do what they should do, even teach them the kind of things they can do, such as the gorillas without heads and various idiots. Biology, but now I have encountered a person who can not solve the problem at all. I can solve Li Huailin’s problem at a glance. Li Huailin couldn’t help but sigh. How did he find that there is such a useful guy? what.

"Amount... Your Majesty is not going to punish the adults of Melgreens?" Sodro asked carefully, because now I know Li Huailin's temper, it is really inexplicable.

"Of course... go back and reward him with 50 boards." Li Huailin immediately said, "He has followed, is he still following?"

"This... I don't know." Sodro shook his head.

"Ha?" Li Huailin said directly. "Is there no communication between you?"

"Your Majesty, Melgreens left this thing." Sodro immediately handed the things in his hand to Li Huailin. "This is the induction stone. There is also a pair of adults in the hands of Melgreens. Knowing the location of the adults of Melgreens, as for the contact... then there is no more."

"Give me." Li Huailin directly took the stone that Sodro handed over and looked at it. The system actually showed that this thing is the stone of the application, and it is very intimate and directly shows the position of a coordinate. If it is not wrong, This coordinate is now the position of Melgreens.

"This time I did a good job, it made me look at it." Li Huailin said what to do with his headache. As a result, his own hands can help solve this problem. Li Huailin instantly felt that these guys did not support themselves.

"Oh... although this is a boast of me, I always think..." After listening to Li Huailin’s words, Sodro’s side should have been very happy, but suddenly his face became a bit strange.

"I am boasting that Mel Greens has something to do with you. What have you done to make me look across the eyes?" Li Huailin said quickly, "You are here to continue to look at the situation here. I killed you directly."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Sodro said immediately.

Immediately left the embassy Li Huailin to find the transfer point here. Because the induction stone gave a coordinate, Li Huailin did not know where it was, but it didn't matter. There was a big map on the transmission array. Li Huailin quickly found the position of the coordinate point according to the map.

"Smog forest?" It was a bad name. In order to understand the situation, Li Huailin directly pulled a service staff of the transmission array and pointed to the map. "Where is this smog forest?"

"Adult, this is a very dangerous place." The service staff already knew the identity of Li Huailin at this time, of course, what Li Huailin asked.

"I know when I listen to the name of md. It is definitely not a good place to call this name." Li Huailin said, "I am asking what is going on inside."

"I... I haven't been there..." The transmitter service staff was really scared by Li Huailin, stuttering. "I heard that it is a place surrounded by fog. It is a few restricted areas in the mainland. I heard that there are A lot of monsters."

"Big brother, you have to go to the smog forest leveling." Just talking, a few players came next to him, asked Li Huailin, after all, this is the transmission point, although there are still players passing by, I heard Li Huailin said It’s also a bit of a good thing to say.

“Is this place a leveling point?” Li Huailin turned and asked.

"Oh, no, the current level of players can't be practiced. The blame inside seems to be above level 95." The player smiled and said, "Someone went in and saw it, but the blame is really fierce, can't go in, However, inside it is a map of treasures, and this level can be entered."

"This way." Li Huailin nodded. "Thank you for your help."

Li Huailin probably knew what it was, so he left. These two players did not ask for any requirements to bring them to level with them. It seems that they are more familiar with the advance and retreat.

Continuing to ask the transmitter service staff, Li Huailin was quickly transferred to the city of Sostil, the city closest to the smog forest, a city in the northwest of the mainland. This smog forest is still far from the city, because it seems that the danger is there, so no one dares to establish a city nearby. This city of Sostil can only say that the position in the air is relatively close, but actually it is separated. The distance between a mountain range, you want to go straight over and don't know how long it will take.

Of course, Li Huailin flew directly. In addition to the transfer point, Li Huailin flew to the north and flew a little. Li Huailin saw the mountain in front. It is really a green hill, like a barrier in front, the scenery here is really very good.

After flying for a while, Li Huailin crossed the hill and saw the situation ahead. At first glance, Li Huailin couldn't help but frown his eyebrows, because the front is really in line with the name of the smog forest. Li Huailin’s high-altitude vision is really a foggy sea. In addition to seeing the top of the trees between the clouds, Li Huailin can hardly see anything else.

Not only that, but also some strange screams came from time to time, I don’t know what the animal’s voice is, but I don’t think it’s a friendly thing, and Li Huailin can’t see what it’s called. This place can really be said to be a little scary place, you should choose here to shoot horror movies.

Although I can't see anything below, there is no object to refer to, but Li Huailin has coordinates. According to this coordinate, Li Huailin flew straight, and then in a position slightly closer to Li Huailin thought about jumping directly from Xiaomi, and then chose to walk toward the coordinate position.

From the information on the current induction stone, it can be seen that Melgreens has been moving all the time. The coordinates are slightly changed after a while, but the change is not counted, so the speed should not be fast, Li Huailin is slowly Relying on the past.

Surrounded by a fog, the following situation is still relatively good, although there is fog, but it is only in the distance can not see what the situation, close distance is no problem. At present, it seems that Li Huailin has not encountered anything strange, such as bears. While continuing to move closer to the coordinate point, Li Huailin was in contact with Mel Greens. As a result, Melgreens first appeared in front of Li Huailin.

"Your Majesty, I know it is you." Mel Greens said with the induction stone, thinking that Li Huailin did not understand, this induction stone should be biphasic, so Melgreens should also guess that he is coming It is.

"What about people?" Li Huailin immediately asked, "I haven't lost it."

"Not lost, in front." Melgreens saw Li Huailin's expression also relieved, it seems that he is right, and immediately said. (To be continued.)

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