All Things Wrong

Chapter 2136: Various out of common sense

Yes, the other situation is expected by the guardian. The level of Li Huailin’s holy level is relatively close to the explosion. Of course, the damage is relatively large. The remaining five can still be expected. But the only thing I didn't expect was why Li Huailin was still alive? A few of them are clearly the closest to the location of the explosion, and even if Li Huailin really has the strength, their president, Veloc, can block the attack. The other two adventurers, how they survived.

This unexpected situation made the stalking guardians who came over have some doubts and did not immediately launch an attack. Although there are only five opposites in the Holy Order, there is still a serious injury that seems to be unable to move. The one who is holding it, but Li Huailin, these three adventurers can't be considered combative. Li Huailin just had their president in the second, but now that he has been bombed, is there still room for it? they do not know. And the two women who looked weak in the back did not die, did they also have combat power?

Of course, Li Huailin’s several holy levels are not dare to do it. Although they know Li Huailin’s “real strength”, they have just been blown up by such a short distance. They do not know whether Li Huailin is now a strong foreigner. They are also aware of their own situation. Now that they are dying, they are not afraid to move.

"Well..." When I was a little stiff on this side, suddenly there was a buzz on the ground not far away. Then quickly, a hand full of blood was stretched out of the ground. Yes, someone was buried directly by the mud that was exploding, and Li Huailin saw the name floating on the other side.

"Go and dig him out." Li Huailin is like not seeing the guardians of the sword standing in front of him, directly facing the holy order next to him.

"This..." So what is the trouble of facing the front six enemies and letting him dig people? Of course, this holy level is also a bit inexplicable to see Li Huailin, but thought that Li Huailin should be bottomed, otherwise it would not be so frank. Of course, Li Huailin’s order was also to be heard, so he thought about it and while he was on the side of the holy movement, he came to the buried side.

The opposite Sword Sword Guardian really did not take the opportunity to launch an attack. Yes, they saw that Li Huailin’s situation was even more embarrassing. How can the other party be so confident, this is not right.

When the people at the holy level dug out the people under the ground, everyone was stunned. Because they simply couldn’t think of who was dug out, actually Li Huailin’s men, Mel Greens.

The current Melgreens is of course not the same as before. This guy is almost completely undressed, and there are several rags hanging on his body. The most important thing is that it is blood, it is really blood. Mixed with dirt, the whole person becomes a black-red stick. There are wounds everywhere, and the left hand is almost blown up. In short, how miserable it is.

But the misery is miserable, the question is...why is this guy still alive? This is really unscientific, because Li Huailin is not the closest person to the explosive Isaac, and Melgreens is the one who is standing opposite Ishak. If Li Huailin can be second in this position, so strong, can live in such a close distance, they can still accept, what does Melgreens live on? His strength is absolutely obvious to all. It is impossible to survive in such a close distance to face the explosion of the Holy Class.

But although Melgreens is still alive, he is still alive. After all, he just reached out. There is no way to explain this. Not only is the opposite guardian of the sword unreasonable, even the holy level of Li Huailin can't figure this out.

And when everyone can't figure out why Melgreens is still alive, more exaggerated things will soon appear. Because it was not far from Melgreens, everyone saw the land and moved again. The sacred response that Li Huailin ordered in the past was very quick, thinking that in addition to Melgreens, some people were buried, so they immediately dug a little, and they dug up a person they could not even think of.

"This...this is impossible!"

"How is it possible!" Everyone was shocked, because this holy level dug out, actually Isaac?

It is necessary to know that the explosion is called a burst because it is really a name that can be blown up. In theory, Isaac said that it was just a move, but it was strange to see the human form. If Mel Greens can stop the explosion and still use the miracle to explain it, then the situation of Isaac is beyond the scope of everyone's understanding.

Of course, in the case of Ishak, it is much worse than Mel Greens. Mel Greens is only blood all over the body, and Ishak, is this now a hole in the chest? But everyone saw that Ishak's chest is still moving, yes, he still has breathing, although a little distance, but they are holy, after all, can still feel that he is alive, this... really can't understand.

"The original is so close." Li Huailin nodded and thought that he was flying far away, but he did not expect it to be dozens of yards. And these holy levels don't understand what is going on, Li Huailin certainly understands, summoning the aura of the Jade Emperor to open here, how can this make people die, not just Mel Greens, even if it is self-destructive Isaac Do you think you can die? It was said that Isaac’s self-destruction was not a rule of skill. No one in the aura would blow up, including himself.

As he spoke, Li Huailin walked over to Melgreens. At this time, several sword guards on the opposite side felt that their minds had lost their ability to think. They were completely in a state of sluggishness, and they did not stop Li Huailin at all. Because of the current situation, they did not know how to face it.

"Summon, treat." Li Huailin walked to Melgreens and pointed to him and summoned the jade emperor.

"Oh." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded, then instantly open the source form of the Excalibur, then gently pointed at the ground on the Melgreens. A red glow emanated from the body of Melgreens, and then began to repair the body of Melgreens, not only the wounds on the body, but also the left hand that had been blown up soon, and slowly began to grow. It came out, and soon Mel Greens recovered completely from the testimony of everyone.

"This...this..." is once again beyond the imagination of all people, which is a miraculous feeling in their holy ranks. Of course, the guardian of the Excalibur noticed the sword that summoned the Jade Emperor. Soon they all understood that this female adventurer is also the owner of the Excalibur, which is the power of the Excalibur.

"By the way, give them a few treatments." Li Huailin pointed to several holy levels next to him.

Of course, there is no objection to calling the Jade Emperor. This is a matter of convenience and does not consume anything. Then I waved my hand and a few red lights flashed. Several holy levels immediately felt that all the wounds on the body were well cured, including the holy level that just needed to be supported by people. Of course, it is all right. But of course the wound is completely cured, but the vindictive/mana of the body is not fully recovered. Even though the body is completely healthy, these holy levels can be revived more quickly than when they are injured.

"Your Majesty!" At this time, Melgreens on the ground also woke up, but to tell the truth, Melgreens did not know how he survived. He obviously felt that he should be dead, so close. The blasting attack that received the Holy Class was not possible to live, but he really saved it.

Looking at his body, the armor on Melgreens was all blown up, but the body actually had nothing to do, which made him unable to understand. Seeing Li Huailin, Mel Greens subconsciously felt that Li Huailin had saved himself. Apart from Li Huailin, he really couldn’t think of other people who had this method, because his Majesty always made him unexpected.

The situation on the scene changed again. Li Huailin not only had a holy level here, but everyone had cured the wound in an instant. The opposite Sword Sword Guardians are watching the other side's treatment, but there is no way to stop it. This is too fast. Is the power of the Excalibur really so strong?

I didn’t dare to do it before. Now they don’t dare to do it. They don’t say that they can’t beat them now. The other side has this level of healing skills. It’s really a fight to hurt each other, opposite. Another treatment, what should I do?

The guardians of several swords stood in the same place and didn't know what to do. At this time their president was dead, and no one was commanding. Now, in this case, they don't know what to do next.

At this moment, Li Huailin had an action, and he went straight to the side of Ishak, who had just dug it out.

"What do you think will cause me trouble?" Li Huailin's voice came over, although he did not face them, but several guardians of the sword knew that this was what they said.

"Do you think that the worst outcome is just war dead?" Li Huailin continued, "Death...where is it so easy."

As he said, Li Huailin was facing a Isaac on the ground, just a sword. "Well," a muffled sound, and Isaac moved on the ground, but the injury was too heavy, and he could only scream, but the reaction clearly told everyone that he really didn't die.

"Reassure, I won't kill him, and I promise that if he really wants to die, he can't die, understand?" Li Huailin smiled and said to several guardian guardians. (To be continued.)

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