All Things Wrong

Chapter 2144: batch

Time is indeed a bit late, Li Huailin has just got off the plane and went straight to the game. To be honest, it is still a little tired. The most important thing is that Li Huailin wants to let her go offline soon, because she just drifted, and now it should have been down, but it is estimated that her mother will take her to do a lot of checks, etc. Otherwise, it won't be reassuring, so if you go offline now, you can check it out earlier.

Of course, Li Huailin and Enron said that they will start the task tomorrow. In fact, Li Huailin has no interest in this task. Although it is a ss-level task, it is still a main task, and it cannot be given up, but it does not stipulate the task time. You No matter what it is, no matter what. Li Huailin is here to solve the problem of Bailong seal on the side of the task. The main reason for not wanting to do it is the unpleasant tone of dreams.

However, it is surprising that the summoned Jade Emperor said that he would also participate in this task, which is more troublesome, because Li Huailin really did not want to finish this task.

"You have not received the task, what trouble are you looking for?" Li Huailin asked.

"Hey, ss-level task, I am afraid that you two can't help me, I will help you?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

Li Huailin did not know whether the summoning of the Jade Emperor was worried about the problems that he and Enron would do when they were tasked. However, if you think that there is a call to summon the Jade Emperor, the task is indeed convenient: "Go, let's talk tomorrow."

I agreed on the time for the collection tomorrow, because there is no way to recover the treatment in the morning, so the time is set at noon. After discussing Li Huailin, Enron quickly got off the line, because Du Yuanmin over there is estimated to be waiting.

Li Huailin is also on the line soon. After the line is down, Li Huailin directly sent a call to Liu Heyun. The main reason is that the problem of Enron’s flying has been solved.

“Really solved?” Liu Heyun asked. “That is, Enron has already got the mysterious sword?”

"This is really not." Li Huailin can only explain the situation with Liu Heyun. After listening to it, Liu Heyun is also a bit surprised.

"I didn't expect there is such a world in the game." Liu Heyun said, "The world of consciousness... This is really bad, I want to see..."

"There is no way to open the system, and I can't take pictures." Li Huailin said, "In short, you have to find a way to fool her mother."

"Since it will not happen again, I will help you to say that there is no problem, just the dream world..." Liu Heyun is now more interested in the dream world, probably because the scientist’s curiosity has been committed, but Li Huailin Give him a clear opportunity. Just utter a sentence and hang up the phone.

Of course, Liu Heyun has no choice but to think about it. Anyway, it’s really here anyway. If you really want to communicate, you can ask Enron to ask clearly, so I didn’t say anything.

After the account was finished, Li Huailin found that she was really a little sleepy, so she did not do anything and quickly took a break. It was a little late when I woke up the next day, but I didn't get to the time of noon. While I was just grabbing something to eat, Li Huailin went to the forum. Yes, he wanted to see what was happening in East Asia.

The current situation of the forum is still the state of the explosion. The fact that Li Huailin is doing too much has caused the heat of the forum to never fall, especially now that there is still new progress. Yes, the netizens now know what happened after Li Huailin and Yutian Qianli met yesterday, because someone has broken the news.

Of course, they don’t know that the person who broke the news is actually Li Huailin. They are the news directly from the forum in East Asia. That is, Li Huailin has given a lot of badges to Youtian, and the role of these badges is to bring them later. Np does not attack you, allowing you to go online.

This matter was quickly confirmed to be true, because some people have already posted a confirmation. The person who posted the post is a Japanese-speaking player named sakiya. She is actually a friend of You Tian Qianli, and is also a part-time model. Of course, it is mainly a game anchor. Of course, although it is said that there is a bit of a competitive relationship between the two friends, and this time, the friend Tian Tianli is obviously envious of hatefulness when she is seen by Li Huailin. After all, how to see the friends of Tian Tian is going to be a fire.

So I thought about her feeling that she had to take a ride, so I got a badge from the side of You Tian Qianli, and then began to broadcast the post. Simply put, after wearing the badge, look at the reaction of np.

The result is that she is also a big surprise, because these np not only do not attack the person with the badge, but also very respectful to the person with the badge. Yes, after all, it was Li Huailin’s order. Li Huailin said that the person with the badge is the person of his mainland league. Of course, these holy levels do not dare to move, so the forces that order them to their subordinates must not be neglected.

Of course, the forces under the order of the Holy Order must not listen, or else they are dead. Although they do not know what it means to bring this badge, it is only a person who has a relationship with the Holy Class. Since there is a relationship with the Holy Class, they certainly have to be respectful, and it is always true.

Therefore, after sakiya went online, these np not only did not attack her, but also called her a "sakiya adult", and even had a special show. And the most powerful thing is that sakiya said that the np that saw his badge basically increased her feelings of love by more than 10 points.

10 points of good feeling, this is very uncomfortable for the average player, because you have to know how difficult it is to brush the sensitivity on the average player side, this half-day task does not necessarily rise a little, But it really fell off casually. So you said that there is a badge that allows np to see a 10 point sensation, which is really too hoisted.

In the live broadcast of sakiya, they see more than just the benefits of np. The bigger advantage is that there are no other players. Yes, the city is completely empty, and there is no one at all. Sakiya is a herbalist in her own right, so she realized that it was a refreshing point of rare herbs. It is normal that this refreshing point is guarded 24 hours a day, and it is basically occupied by the Great Guild. Now, empty, no one, the so-called rare herbs, because no one has collected all the time now, everywhere.

Seeing this situation, sakiya knows that he has to send it. So many rare herbs can sell a lot of gold coins. Who do you say to sell to? Everyone knows that players can't go online for the rest of their lives.

Although sakiya only showed herbs, but everyone knows other mines, strange points, and rare waves ss refresh points. Now it is definitely unattended. At this time, people who can go online are definitely big. The kind of special hair.

Li Huailin’s current behavior is very obvious. Everyone knows that he wants to open up the players in East Asia. After all, the pressure on the game companies in East Asia is very high. Li Huailin can understand this. However, I did not expect that Li Huailin actually came to such a hand, let some players go online first, the advantage of this first online is really too big, it is too embarrassing.

From the now more reliable information, Li Huailin has given hundreds of badges to You Tian, ​​which is not enough. The attention of players in East Asia was quickly distracted, and they were very anxious about the attribution of these hundreds of badges.

You Tian Qianli also contacted Li Huailin, the way he used the private message of the collar. Yes, the situation here was exposed, and her phone was blown up. The people in the mountains and the mountains all contacted her and said that they wanted the badge. It is not only the friends who want it, but also the price to buy directly. Directly use power to force her to hand over the kind. Yoshida is very anxious, and she realizes that she seems to have picked up a hot potato, so she thought about how to contact Li Huailin to ask Li Huailin.

Li Huailin smiled. Without the management of Tian Qianli, it was not important for those badges to fall in the hands of them. Li Huailin did not care. Laughter smiled, Li Huailin continued his plan, so soon Li Huailin's collar had a second message.

"The first batch of badges have been sent out. The second batch of badges, the number of 3,000, was issued after one week. As for the way of distribution... When it comes time, it will not give s13."

This collar is obviously a recognition of the role of the badge, but also provides two very important information, one is that the badge is issued according to the batch, the second batch is more than the first batch, but the release time is one week later. After that, it is estimated that there is a third batch of the fourth batch, and the like, but the first to get online first, which of course is very different.

The second information, although the method of distribution did not say, the statement of not giving s13 is also vague, but the meaning is understood by everyone. You said that you are still clamoring that Li Huailin is using the system bug, Li Hualin's title, and what other people will apologize to the East Asian players? Li Huailin’s words are simply saying that those people are s13, and quickly come over to call the big brother, maybe I will give you a badge.

Li Huailin’s subtext is easy to understand. The first message is of course the players in Huaxia District. A group of people said “666”. “There is really a beautiful play in the hands of Niu. This is the forced force of East Asia. ""

After finishing the collar, Li Huailin did not wait for a reply, and soon he went to the game. (To be continued.)

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