All Things Wrong

Chapter 2157: Broke

The next day, Li Huailin still got up on time and washed a little. Li Huailin did not play the game for the first time. Because the time they agreed with Enron is still noon, in the morning, Enron is still doing restorative training. Although Enron itself has recovered almost, but training is still to be done.

Li Huailin also took advantage of this time to look at the situation on the forum. After all, I had a post yesterday. Let's take a look at the response today.

The situation is the same as Li Huailin imagined, and the reply of the collar is explosive. Although Li Huailin’s collar has been opened, but because it has always been the company’s management, it is also the official language of some Huaxing companies. Therefore, although there are still many concerns, the amount of response has not been much.

However, the recent posts have been Li Huai's own, and of course the moment the collar exploded. Li Huailin looked at the line and saw Li Huailin’s 134 fans in one day. There were also 14 private letters received.

So many private letters, of course, Li Huailin has no time to look at it, only to sweep it. Looked at the situation is probably three categories, the first category is to come over Li Hualin, said that he will always support Li Huailin; the second category, that is, professional come to black, the entire private letter is basically swearing; the third category is Give yourself apologize.

Yes, there is also a post that apologizes to Li Huailin. After reading Li Huailin’s post yesterday, many people immediately understood the meaning of Li Huailin. Of course, someone came to apologize. Li Huailin looked at these people who apologized. They were basically newcomers who had just registered their collars. It was obvious that they were from the East Asian side.

Of course, do you say that these people really come to apologize? Obviously not, the guys who came here meant the equivalent of a "sorry" to participate in the bib lottery. After all, Li Huailin said that the number of badges in the next batch would be oo. They think that Li Huailin’s post is definitely from the inside of the collar. Pumping people, that feelings are good, come over and report a name, maybe you will be drawn.

Not only the private letter Li Huailin, Li Huailin, but also the private letter only Li Huailin can see, and a is a public apology. Of course, this is actually no difference for them, because these people are directly applying for the bib, who knows who they are.

Therefore, these people Li Huailin is not ignorant, but looked at the situation in the East Asia Forum. The East Asia Forum is much more troubled than this. Yes, Li Hualin’s provocation is that the players in East Asia are finally quarreling. Originally, these people were against Li Huailin. After all, Li Huailin made it impossible for everyone to play the game. Of course, everyone joined forces to oppose him, but now Li Huailin gave the opportunity, although there is only such a chance, but everyone wants If you want to try it, if you really get it, this is not only a problem that can go online, but it will get a big wave of benefits after going online.

Everyone has an illusion, that is, they feel that they are the protagonists. This situation is more obvious on the Internet, so although this is a place, most people think that they are definitely the lucky one. Of course, there are also another group of people. Some of them have seen Li Huailin’s sinister intentions. Some are just the identification of Li Huailin. They certainly strongly oppose this. In their view, Li Huailin certainly needs to attack. What is even more unpleasant is that the guys in the country who are surrendering in the country, for the sake of a little profit, don’t even have a sense of national honor. It’s just a shame in their East Asia, so they don’t get any more than Li Huailin. In response to the situation, it is better to ask them to come directly.

Of course, the two factions immediately began to tear up, and they themselves got into trouble. In fact, this group of people did not support Li Huailin. They just wanted to go online soon. The result was too uncomfortable for the people on the opposite side, so they inexplicably identified the determination to stand on Li Huailin. Most people have forgotten why they have to stand here. Anyway, some people blame themselves, and of course they will go back.

All in all, the East Asia Forum is really a mess. Li Huailin feels that the current situation is not bad, so there is no more to say, let this side continue to show up, and what Li Huailin pays more is actually the other side. It is the case of the Magnesia District Forum.

After reviewing the Magnesia District Forum, the Forum of Magnesia District has exploded, and the entire forum is hot. Of course, what is discussed here in the Magnesia region is not the East Asian and Huaxia districts. They are talking about rumors about the end of the world.

Yes, this is what Li Huailin is investigating now. As for why this matter is now known to the Internet users of the Magnesium Forum, of course, some people have reported it.

In the morning, Li Huailin had already seen the message in the chat room that he had established. The person who posted the message was “beating peanuts”, which is the one of the five people who had participated in the trial. Of course, the person who broke the news is not him, but he also has a relationship with him. The person who broke the news is actually a good friend of the beating peanuts.

Li Huailin did not say that they were completely confidential, and they asked them to study whether they should go out. However, given the fact that this fact is too big, and it is hard to believe, so five people are not talking about it everywhere, but it is like Li Huailin also told the night flight that the peanuts in the Magnesia area are also Some friends who feel that they can trust have said this.

There has been no problem before, but recently a friend of Peanut suddenly decided to break the news out of it, and chose to cooperate directly with the media. He chose abs, which is a relatively well-known TV station in Beimei. Of course, people on the abs TV station think that this cooperation is very good, obviously can improve the ratings, why not do it, so the two sides decided to directly interview in the TV station. The show broke.

The time of this program is the night of Beimei time, which is just the morning time of Huaxia. The peanuts also know the news, so they have also made a statement with Li Huailin in advance. Li Huailin now looks at the forum in Magnesia District. Of course, this program has just ended. Li Huailin looks at the situation.

For this matter, what will happen to the public side? Li Huailin actually wants to see the reaction. Sure enough, the Magnesium Forum is discussing this matter, but the direction of discussion is basically the question of the authenticity of this matter.

Yes, this friend’s breaking news is actually very accurate. Basically, the current situation is completely explained, but the problem is that he cannot provide complete evidence. In fact, Li Huailin and the night flight can confirm that this is the trust of the night flight, and the other is the ability of those strange codes. Li Huailin can read the code and be able to accurately tell the prophecy on the code, but others can't do it. This led to the friend of this peanut, although it was true, but it caused many people's doubts.

The current situation seems that most of the players in Magnesia are not convinced. After all, this is really hard to believe, and everyone is more skeptical about the officialness of this matter. This friend He is not one of the people who participated in the trial. He is only a friend of peanuts, and peanut himself, he has not responded to this matter.

In fact, the abs staff also contacted the peanuts, but he refused. This matter, peanuts and Li Huailin said that he said that this is his friend’s personal behavior. He does not want to disclose this. Yes.

Of course, Li Huailin did not care about public disclosure, not to mention that Li Huailin did not know much about peanuts. So he said that Li Hualin could not judge this matter, and Li Huailin wanted to see everyone’s Responding to the attitude, so I did not reply to anything, just wait and see what happened.

However, the reaction of the public is mainly to question the authenticity of this matter, but those who know the insider, such as the Zheng people, may really believe this, after all, Zhang Youdong or Peter Rey’s mentioned Things they may have a little investigation may know that they are not fabricated.

Of course, Li Huailin also wants to see the reaction of the Zhengzhou government. At present, his investigation of these two people is also a bit of a stalemate. If someone can help, of course, it is the best. However, he reminded him of the peanuts and asked him to pay attention to the situation in the Zhengzhou government.

After dealing with these things, Li Huailin also looked at the time, almost to the time of collection. Li Huailin took a short break and immediately went online. The location of the collection was still in the bar of the main city of the Terran, and when Li Huailin arrived, he summoned both the Jade Emperor and the Enron.

"Did you not say that there is a new plan suddenly? What is the plan?" Seeing that Li Huailin came, summoned the Jade Emperor.

"We are going to deal with the Protoss right now." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Yeah." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded.

"But I thought about it. Is the inside of the Protoss a piece of iron?" Li Huailin suddenly said, "What happened yesterday suddenly gave me an idea. You said that we can try to win some of the Protoss to help us..."

"Ha?" summoned the Jade Emperor directly. "Do you mean to draw some of the Protoss and let them help us to deal with themselves?"

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "After all, we are now righteous."

"Dayi?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Yeah." Li Huailin said that he looked at Enron. (To be continued.) 8

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