All Things Wrong

Chapter 2170: deal with

I have to admit that this Continental League’s beating is very ugly. The main reason is of course that I don’t know much about my opponent. No one has had the experience of fighting with the Druids, because the Druids have not participated in the battles of the mainland for a long time. The last time they were dispatched is the time of the undead war a hundred years ago. There is no movement in the Moonlight Valley. Although it is part of the Elven Kingdom, it does not participate in the war of the Elven Kingdom. This has led to other people on the mainland who have very limited understanding of them.

What's more, the time that Li Huailin now asks is a bit tight. In two days, this makes Gelter really have no time to explore these things. It seems that it is not incomprehensible to harvest a failure in such a situation.

Of course, the news of the defeat was passed over this morning. Gert has been waiting for news since the army’s departure yesterday. He has not rested until now. The information that was defeated was also jumped directly. There was no rest in the evening and this irritating news made Gerd, a good old man, break out.

But the worse thing is still behind, because this time it was a raid, so Regg didn't prepare anything for it. After this defeat, I wanted to get a camp on the ground. Of course, the opinions are returned and reorganized. But Gelter certainly refused. This Li Hualin’s order is two days. Are you going to retreat now? Can you make it? What happened to Li Huailin’s decision to take responsibility?

So Gert ordered Regg to wait, and immediately sent the heavy troops to send them the necessary military supplies. For example, in the previous battle, many soldiers even got rid of the weapons, they are not heavy. Now even the weapons are not there, this can't be beaten.) Even the result is not smooth. Ilzma, who is in charge of this piece, actually said that this armament needs to be shipped tomorrow.

When I heard this news, Gelter certainly broke out. Tomorrow is the last day that Li Huailin has set. Then you explain that Tianyun is here. Is there still time to fight? So Gert directly blew the dog of Ilzema, and this was the case when Li Huailin came in.

When listening to the whole thing, Li Huailin’s face changed again. Yes, I thought that Gert was too late to prepare, so I didn’t have time to fight. Li Huailin would say good. As a result, I now tell Li Huai-lin that I have already played. If I hit it, I will lose it. You can make Li Huailin not angry.

"Very good." Li Huailin said with a sneer. "You can do such a big thing for the first time without worrying about the battle. It’s good."

"Oh... let's forgive me!" Everyone heard Li Huailin's irony tone. This time everyone was really panicked.

"Really, I suddenly feel that I want you guys to have any fart, just let you do something that can't be done well." Li Huailin helped the amount. "All the people sitting here are responsible. Erte, prepare a lottery box, ten black signs, pull out and hang up."

"Your Majesty, this..." Although I know that Li Huailin wants to punish them, but I have never thought of such a penalty, can I still do this, draw lots?

"Speed ​​point, I have to deal with the mess you left behind." Li Huailin said without any tone.

"Yes, yes..." Gert nodded immediately, then went out immediately. A group of civil servants in the rest of the room looked at Li Huailin with horror. There are probably more than 30 people in the room, so if you say ten black tickets, the chance of death is about 30%, but it is possible to die. This fear is not a joke.

Although everyone wants to ask for mercy, no one opens this mouth first. Yes, Li Huailin is really terrible. Who dares to question Li Huailin’s order at this time. They don’t speak and have a 70% chance of living. Absolutely 100% dead, everyone understands this truth.

The waiting time was not too long and it was short. Soon Gerter came back, holding a box in his hand and returning with a team of guards. Did not say anything, Gert directly handed the box to Li Huailin.

Li Huailin shook a little, and the box should be something like a ball. Li Huailin nodded and said directly to Gert: "Start from you."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Geer’s characteristic head, he already had this consciousness when he was preparing, and indeed this time his responsibility could not escape. He never thought he could be an exception.

Taking a breath, Gert reached into the box directly, grabbed it, and took out a small white ball. Obviously, he did not draw.

"Ok, next, come up yourself." Li Huailin nodded and continued.

Escape can not escape, sitting on the left side of Li Huailin, a seemingly fifteen-year-old np immediately stood up, and then began to draw directly, luck is good, he also passed.

Then came a 30-year-old civil servant sitting next to him. The result was very unfortunate. He just touched his face and changed directly because he touched a black ball.

"Oh... sire..." The clerk frightened the urine directly, and the ball in his hand fell directly on the ground, and everyone would stumble. However, when he did not fall down, there were two guards next to the left and right, and they directly dragged the other side and dragged them out.

"Next." Li Huailin's cold voice continued.

Even after pumping ten people and dragging out three, Li Huailin found that the movements of these guys were getting slower and slower. Of course, this is also human nature. After all, in this case, everyone’s mind is in the battle of heaven and man. However, Li Huailin did not have time to wait for them to play slowly. After a guy had finished pumping, Li Huailin handed the lottery box directly to the captain of the guard next to him.

"Deli, the rest of the work is handed over to you." Li Huailin said to the captain (his name on his head, Li Huailin does not know), "I have to deal with other things."

"Yes, Your Majesty." This is called the Deli Guard Captain immediately saluting.

"Gerte, come with me." Li Huailin directly waved at Gert, of course, Gert immediately followed.

Of course, Li Huailin is ready to go to the front line to see the situation. As a result, he has not had time to go out. He suddenly received the system information. Li Huailin looked at it and found himself at night.

"Wilin, where are you now?" Night Airlines asked a little anxiously.

"I am at the Duke's Mansion, is there anything?" Li Huailin asked.

"I am at the gate of the Duke's House, something is looking for you." Night Airlines said.

"Then you wait a little, I just have to come out." Li Huailin really saw the night flight standing at the entrance of the Duke's Palace. Yes, the night flight was yesterday at the entrance of the Duke's Palace. It seems that there is no Go far.

"What is the situation?" Li Huailin asked.

"Wilin, is there something happening here? The people in our meeting can't get to the Druid in the Moonlight Valley now, and they are directly attacked by those druids," said Night Flight. Not only us, but also the same for several other guilds..."

"Lei cast, the gods?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes." The night flight nodded.

"Know it." Li Huailin quickly understood what was going on. Yes, the Continental League is now officially fighting with the Druids, and now the guilds of the spiritual world, Leizhu, and the gods are still affiliated with the Li Huailin Continental Alliance. Yes, the last guy in the server war joined Li Huailin here, in order to transmit. But then they felt that this function was so convenient. The places that could not be used before can now be transmitted directly. Of course, they don't want to retire. So until now, players in East Asia have basically been beaten back. These guilds are still hanging on Li Huailin.

Yesterday, Li Huailin’s mainland alliance directly fought against the Druid. Of course, the players who hang under Li Huailin also automatically declared war on the Druid. Since it is hostile, entering the opponent’s territory, Druid, of course Help the guys are welcome.

According to the night flight, although the content of this version update is not much, but according to the prompts, everyone knows that the place to trigger the task is on the Druid side of the Moonlight Valley. Of course, all the players on the line go to the other side. Pick up the task. As a result, the people of the spirit world, the gods, and the Leizhu Association met this situation. The night flight thought about it and probably guessed what happened, and immediately came to Li Huailin.

"I didn't expect this kind of problem." Li Huailin said, "You also know that my mainland coalition forces are now integrating the forces of the whole continent. Those neutral forces are now gathering. I let these np go and get it." I didn’t expect that the guys just found the Druids when we upgraded the line. After all, they didn’t join us. According to my previous orders, they did not join us to conquer, so they went to war. ""

Li Huailin explained a bit, and the general meaning is that these people are arrogant, just to fight against the Druid. I did not expect that this version just had to pick up the task on the Druid side, so there was a problem.

"This way." The night flight nodded. "What do you do now? It seems that the mission is still going to the Druid side. If you don't pick it up, we can fall behind this version."

"Although you can retreat directly from the league, I recommend you wait a little longer." Li Huailin said, "I am going to solve this problem immediately, and the Moonlight Valley is estimated to be very messy. You still let the spirits Don't go close to the person first, wait a little longer." (To be continued.)

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