All Things Wrong

Chapter 2177: occupied

It was too late last night, I can't see anything, but the situation is very obvious after dawn. The flames of the forest are basically burned all night. Until now, Li Huailin can still see a small piece of wood burning everywhere, except for what they can basically see is a scorched earth.

Li Huailin’s troops walked through the charred woods, and did not see any druids to stop them along the way, but they saw a lot of fire elements. Yes, after Gerkin’s “Dafa Shenwei” yesterday, the fire element was still quite chaotic. There are some elements of fire that are also out of the big forces running around and not going back. In view of this situation, the whole forest now looks more like the birthplace of a fire element, and yesterday is exactly the same.

Of course, Li Huailin, the fire element of these orders, let the soldiers deal with it directly, because the IQ of the fire element is too low, and Li Huailin is not recognized at all. If Li Huailin summoned the magical beasts, they would still recognize them, but Li Huailin... they really couldn’t recognize them.

I also said that the fire element is still the name of the red. In the case of Geerjin's absence, the fire element will see any creatures actively attacking. Li Huailin certainly does not bother to explain it.

All the way to clean up the elements of fire, all the way Li Huailin's troops continue to advance toward the Moonlight Valley. After a long walk, Li Huailin finally saw a bunch of moonlight valleys surrounded by scorched earth. What makes Li Huailin a little surprised is that the situation in the Moonlight Valley does not seem to be affected by the fire too much, because it looks like a green situation. If the scenery outside is too obvious, Li Huailin really can’t see it. It was such a big fire that happened last night.

Close to observe, Li Huailin found that there is a clear boundary at the entrance to the Moonlight Valley. It seems that there is a protective film to protect the Moonlight Valley and prevent the fire from spreading outside. It seems to be the Druid side. The spell protects the flames and protects the valley.

Although the Moonlight Valley has two characters in the name of the valley, it does not seem to be a valley shape. It does have a hillside on both sides. But the altitude is not very high. Actually, it looks more like two. The feeling of a natural fortress formed in the middle of the mountain.

When Li Huailin arrived, there were already people waiting for their arrival at the mouth of the valley. Yes, when I walked to the mouth of the valley, Li Huailin saw a row of druids standing there. Needless to say that this row of Druid looked at Li Huailin’s troops all revealed hateful eyes, but in addition to hatred, Li Huailin also saw fear, grief, confusion, and obviously, experienced the horror situation last night, In addition to the Druids who hate Li Huailin, the remaining question is... What should they do now? Do they still have a future?

Seeing this whole row of druids, of course, Li Huailin’s troops also stopped. All the soldiers lined up and directed the rifles directly to the druids in front. Because Li Huailin’s order was also to clean up all the druids in the Moonlight Valley, one does not stay. At present, of course, they still don't know that Li Huailin has changed his mind.

Seeing the other side directly preparing for the offense, the druids here are of course very nervous. Everyone has subconsciously clenched the staff in his hand and put on a look that is desperately ready. When I want to turn it on again, suddenly a voice in the middle of the Druid shouts at everyone: "Stop."


"Tesmoog adults!"

All the druids spontaneously separated, and soon Li Huailin saw an older druid wearing a purple handmade robes from the crowd in front. This is obviously a somewhat older elf, and it looks a bit old. The long, blue hair was tied behind and dragged to the ground. The other person's eyes seem to reveal a weather-savvy sensibility. Looking up and looking at the name displayed by the other party, it turned out to be Tesmoog. Sharp wind, Li Huailin really did not find the wrong person.

"Where is the mainland emperor, the boss of the heart?" Tesmoog also saw the position of Li Huailin at a glance, said to Li Huailin.

"Oh..." Li Huailin chuckled and completely ignored the meaning of Tesmoog. He turned his head and said to all the troops behind him. "Prepare to attack and occupy this place. Everyone inside, surrender free." Death, all other standing, no matter what identity, all removed."

"Those in the chest!" Tesmoog did not expect the other party to directly order the attack. I thought I was in front of the battle. Can you talk about it? Yes, Tsmoge also wants to surrender, because there is really no way. Last night, he had already heard the Druid who had escaped, and the elders of Trude died. The Druid's commando team also had no one. Not only that, but he also learned an amazing fact, that is the gang. The fire element was indeed found by Li Huailin, because the people who came back saw Li Huailin standing on the shoulder of the leader of the fire element. After that, Li Huailin let the fire elements go back to the druid in the woods. Chu.

Facts have proved that Li Huailin does have a way to completely destroy their Druids, and it is not known that it is a way for people to call for any mainland coalition. But the other news is that Li Huailin has let those elements of fire go back. If the other party wants to completely destroy them, let the fire elements continue to attack. From here, Tesmoog also sees the meaning of the other party. This is the feeling of compiling them.

Since Tsmoog and the rest of the elders discussed it all night, they finally decided to vote. At present, there are only two options left. One is to leave the Moonlight Valley day and night and hide everywhere, but here is their holy place. Of course they don't want to leave, and the entire mainland is Li Huailin's sphere of influence. How to hide? The other is to cast, so it seems that there is almost no choice.

When I heard that Li Huailin’s troops came over again in the morning, Tesmoog had decided to surrender with Li Huailin. I just didn’t expect Li Huailin to ignore his meaning and still let his troops attack.

No...Tsmog immediately wanted to understand. Li Huailin didn’t want to attack. He announced the order before they announced it in front of them, so these words are not just for his men, but also Say to them. Li Huailin’s order is very simple. He surrendered to death, which means that he is a choice for the druids, squatting, or standing dead.

"The other party wants to insult them." Tesmoog immediately understood the intention of Li Huailin. Although they are all surrendering, direct surrender and squatting are obviously different. This kind of obvious insult means more obvious, this ... should be the situation that Li Huailin wants.

From the Elves, Tesmoog has already learned about the situation of the newly appointed mainland emperor. The most obvious features of the other side are two, one is cruel and the other is said to be done. Tesmoge did not doubt the authenticity of Li Huailin’s order. His previous counterattack was to smash the face of the other party. The other party would not give up if he did not find it, and this is obviously one of the means for the other party to get back to the game.

"Offensive." Li Huailin can not return to the other side is how to think, directly to Regg ordered.

"Yes." Reggae certainly won't think there is anything strange. They were originally soldiers. On the battlefield, Li Huailin's order is too normal. He is strange that Li Huailin didn't say that it was Tu Guang. Now why bother? Prisoners of war? Of course, this is not what he decided. What Li Huailin said is what it is, so he waved at the soldiers behind him, "prepare... attack!"

"Oh!" All the soldiers stood up and started to advance. This program is very skilled. Because they were originally veterans of the First Legion, and they were brought to this army by Regra, and it was basically a victory to fight with Li Huailin, and the fact that they received prisoners of war was certainly skilled.

While walking on the neat pace, all the soldiers shouted at the druid in front: "Kneeling to death!"

"Let's put down your arms and leave you to die!"

"Your Majesty!"

Listening to the neat shouts of the soldiers here, the druids in front of them were a little bit flustered, but their anger was also hooked out when they were flustered. They are not regular soldiers. For them, Li Huailin’s order is undoubtedly very insulting. They have not participated in the war, so they do not know the rules of the battlefield, but in their view, only the moonlight goddess they believe in, they are willing to marry, what are you human beings, can they let their noble druids kneel down?

No one spoke, but all the druids held the weapons in their hands, and it seemed that they had to fight again.

Everyone can see the change in the situation on the spot, or else they will start playing directly, or else one will choose to give in. It is obvious that Li Huailin is not going to give up anything. After all, they are dominant here. Why should they take the initiative to retreat? It is obvious that the concession must be on the side of Tesmoog.

Tesmog certainly understands that the choice now is to humiliate surrender, or try to sigh, but the whole family is dead. For such a situation, Tesmoge is of course very angry, but ... he still collapsed.

"Tesmoog adults!"

"Elders!" Seeing Tesmoog's movements, all the druids were a glimpse. Then, the scene calmed down immediately, and all the druids understood the current choice.

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