All Things Wrong

Chapter 2183: escort

Sitting on the transmission array Li Huailin came to Hollsk City, did not come to the Moonlight Valley because the Druid's troops have already set off, and the starting point is Hollsk City.

Li Huailin did not see the plot because he was not in the place. According to the retelling of the night flight, the situation in the front is like this. After the player completes a certain number of basic tasks, the druid will tell the player that they have found out where the contaminants came from based on the source of the material (of course, at the same time the shaman in the dark also suddenly knows where it is, The two sides are simultaneous), then the Druid side will be ready to set up a stronghold on the front line.

According to the Druids, they found that the source of these pollutants was an underground relic called Teldistan, and the city closest to this underground relic was the city of Horace. They have to travel from Hollersk City to establish a stronghold near Teldistan.

It should be noted that these np are also escorted, there are **** tasks, and it is still a very large **** mission, because now the players in the mountains are surrounded by these np to help them to the target location. So since there are so many players, of course, the task will be prepared a lot of strange, and indeed there are a lot of polluted monsters now, attacking the players.

Riding on Xiaomi Li Huailin directly flew into the air, flew a little out to the outside and saw the following players' troops. It was really a player all over the mountain. At present, it is a situation of 30% in the outside, but fortunately, Li Huailin has a flying mount, otherwise It is estimated that it will not be squeezed in at all.

Looking ahead, I found that the player in front is fighting with something. It is estimated that the task is strange. Of course, Li Huailin can't see what it is. It is a bit far apart. However, Li Huailin actually saw the position of the following Druids, because it is obvious that several players were surrounded by carriages, and there were several np with names (the player did not display the name, so it is still obvious ).

Of course, Li Huailin landed directly toward the np side. The players saw that Xiaomi certainly knew that Li Huailin was coming, so he would not be too nervous and gave Li Huailin a way out.

Just approaching, Li Huailin immediately jumped out of the task prompt: the **** mission is being carried out in the area, is it a task?

Li Huailin clicked on it, and then immediately received a prompt. I looked at this **** task a little bit similar to the emergency battlefield task I encountered before. After I confirmed it, I immediately showed an integral column. It is estimated that it is also distributed according to the final points. The prize, of course, the points are obtained by killing the enemy.

"Huai Lin." Looking at it, some people shouted at themselves. Li Huailin looked down and saw that the night flight was just next to the carriage. Li Huailin of course immediately landed.

Of course, Li Huailin also understood this time. This first car is the most important car. The following horse carriages are all pulling goods. The above is still human. It is estimated that it is labor, only the first car. Sitting is the druid. Now a large number of players are guarding this first car, and the night flight is also standing next to the first car.

"Your Majesty!" Li Huailin just landed, and immediately someone was saluting Li Huailin. Looked at it is a team of Druids, about 20, and soon the door opened, inside is the Druid boss Tsimog. Of course, he is also here to hurry down to Li Huailin.

"So there is such a person?" Li Huailin asked a bit strangely. Although the Druid was killed by him, there should still be thousands of them. How come more than 20 people now?

"Your Majesty, others will stay in the moonlight forest to study those substances, I will lead the team to build the outpost," tesmog replied.

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded slightly.

"At present, the mission requirement is to protect the advance team." The night flight next to it said, "There is a percentage of the mission. It is estimated that these carriages and materials will be deducted by this percentage. If it reaches a certain level, it will fail, but I estimate the carriage behind this. Not worth much, these druids will be deducted more."

Of course, Li Huailin also saw that when he received the task, he jumped out of a percentage of the task schedule, which is still 100%. Obviously this is to replace the blood volume.

“The reward for the mission is also issued according to the remaining percentage. This has been confirmed from the server that has been completed.” Night Flight continued to analyze, “Of course it is related to the points.”

"Is the monster strength high now?" Li Huailin asked.

"At the moment it is not very high," said the night flight. "But according to the experience of the European Union and Magnesia, there will be more and more blame, and more and more trouble, there will be wave ss level. ""

“Magnesium District has also completed the pre-order task?” Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, it was completed at noon. Now the mission in the South Asia area has begun, and the progress is a little faster than us, so we should be the fourth one." Night Airlines said.

"Yeah." It seems that finding a trouble has affected the whole progress. If there is no day wasted, it is estimated that Huaxia District should be the first to complete the pre-order. Now... except for the East Asian region, which has no line, and the weakest region in Africa, the other has been completed.

"I didn't expect that there will be so many polluting creatures here." Tsmoge next to him said seriously. "If it weren't for everyone's help, we would really have a hard time passing through it, so please."

"Is there anything I can help?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, I really need your help." Night Air immediately said, "Although not yet, but according to the experience of other regions, there will be a lot of flying monsters in a while, although the ground can also attack, but wait for the other party to approach The ground is fine, and the accident will be lost if you are not careful. The biggest task progress loss in other regions is this, but fortunately you have flying mounts here, you can deal with them in the air, so wait for them later. They can only be solved by you after they appear. It is best not to let them approach the team here."

"Oh, this way, OK, the air is handed over to me." Li Huailin nodded, then directly rode Xiaomi and flew up into the sky again.

At present, flying monsters still do not appear, so Li Huailin can look around the situation. Judging from the current situation, the top of the front is still pretty good. After all, there are so many people, the front line has been pushing forward, and there is still no pressure at present. Li Huailin also saw new players coming in to join the rear. These are of course the players who have received the news. Of course, there are also people who ran from behind in the front line. This position is still very close to the city. Even if you die, it will be very fast. If you come over, you will not be able to squeeze into the front line again, so you can't earn points.

Li Huailin did not intend to grab points with these people, because at present, this point is not very fast, and now even the first player is only 17 points. It can be inferred that these strange points are very few, and now such a large group of people to grab it, the points are not enough. Li Huailin quietly waited for the flying monster to appear, because no one was robbing him of these strangers, why should he take the effort to grab the people below.

Sure enough, I waited for a while, and Li Huailin saw something flying over here. A piece of black pressure in front of it was covered like a blanket, although Li Huailin knew that there would be flying creatures, but he did not expect this amount.

Of course, everyone on the battlefield now sees this situation. The lower-level wizards, hunters and other remote occupations are also ready to attack, but their range is also 35-41 yards (related to talent), so they can not attack. Too high a blame, the person who can fly in the air, that is, Li Huailin alone.

"First come to see the ceremony..." Li Huailin looked at the black bird group flying over here, directly aiming at the position in front, "嗖", a white light from Li Huailin's right eye, directly penetrated Black bird group. Li Huailin dragged the laser to the side, and the laser sang a small arc, and the monster that was hit was directly killed by Li Huailin.

"Booming and banging" a few explosions sounded, this is the explosion of Li Huailin's laser sweep on the ground, and Li Huailin felt a bit uncomfortable when he saw the explosion.

"The trough, who puts the big move, how can everyone fight."

"艹tn is his own person, hit the friendly army!"

"Big brother, are you wrong?"

Yes, Li Huailin’s attack is indeed a lot of flying monsters, but at the same time it has hit a lot of players. The people who don’t know the truth in front of them don’t know what’s going on, they’re bombed up, and of course they’re directly on the battlefield. The channel is screaming.

However, at this time, Li Huailin suddenly noticed a situation, that is, the points on his side showed 895 points. This is not because Li Huailin's bird is more than the number of people he beats. In fact, a bird only has 1-2 points, but killing oneself can be directly reversed by 25-50 points.

Yes, I saw the score Li Huailin just remembered, this bug physique, the battlefield killing blame is simply deducting points, only to kill himself will rise points, just completely forget this thing, still feel no one and himself It’s very lucky to grab a blame. Now it’s not like this. It’s strange who wants to take it.

"Huai Lin, this has reached his own people." Night flight saw the situation also said in the team channel.

"Nothing, more strange to hit." Li Huailin casually said, "If you look at the score, you know that there are not many injuries, and the defense is important." (To be continued.)

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