All Things Wrong

Chapter 2185: Battle completed

"Where is the trough, what is the situation?" Li Huailin did not respond, of course, everyone in the room was stunned. Now that the wave ss has fallen, the mobs are of course alive, and they are still attacking the players. Some players directly look at them and have been killed by the strange singer.

Of course, it is indeed very surprising that the two knives slash the ss, but everyone is surprised at the same time, that is... why the person doing this is not Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin is also strange here. People who usually do this kind of thing are not themselves. It’s really a little uncomfortable to pop up another guy this time.

So who is it? Everyone's eyes quickly turned over, and the huge waves ss crashed on the ground here. They finally saw the people who had just shot after the dust was rising. Unexpectedly, he was still an acquaintance, another professional **** in Huaxia District, one by one.

Although this is also a famous god, the problem is that everyone's understanding of him does not seem like this. Because every party in the sky is powerful, but it is not so powerful that people can't understand it. Simply put, in the eyes of everyone, each side is a master, and Li Huailin belongs to the "hanging ratio", so now why each side has become a "hanging ratio" Ah, what the hell?

When I saw each other on the other side of the day, Li Huailin also understood what was going on. Others do not know that Li Huailin is of course clear, and this is of course the credit of the Excalibur.

Think about it before Li Huailin helped the day to complete the demolition task of the Excalibur, and now enlightenment is completely unblocked. Although Li Huailin doesn't know what the enlightenment is in the end, but there is no special skill to do before, just use the initial aura.

Yes, the aura of enlightenment can increase the attribute in the case of a lot of teammates around, and the range of the aura is obviously larger after the deblocking. According to the previous estimation, it is similar to the aura of the current light. It is the range of 480 yards.

The increase in the range of the aura is not doubled. It is necessary to know that the coverage of the aura is circular. This increase in radius allows the aura that the aura can cover to be linearly enhanced. In the current situation, it is surrounded by mountains and plains. All of them are players, opening a halo in the middle, and the level of each side of the sky can be raised to what level of metamorphosis.

So there is such a property improvement, it is not very difficult to understand the wave ss directly. Of course, this is also a situation that can be understood by people who know the Excalibur. The average player does not know the aura, of course, they all look at it.

"There are lying in the trough, and each side of the sky is so powerful."

"I seem to have seen the second bully brother." The players who have been a little bit back after a while can't help but discuss it. After all, the situation is really shocking.

Of course, Li Huailin also fell directly to the side of each side of the sky, could not help but said: "This time the loss is big, forced to be loaded by you."

"Well? What?" One of the parties did not know what you were saying.

"Compared to this, your indifferent attitude makes me angry." Li Huailin lifted the amount, "What do you say?"

"Nothing, after all, the new version, come over and see if you can get some new equipment." Heaven said each other simply.

"It seems like a little like my thoughts." Li Huailin also nodded.

Although both sides are chatting, the players next to them seem to be not like this. As far as they are concerned, Li Huailin and Tianyi should be relatively hostile. After all, in the national competition, it was completely the identity of the opponent. Li Huailin also robbed the champions of each side before becoming the captain of the national team. They did not understand the two. In the case of people, I just think that the two are definitely quarreling.

"The people who are so eager to show off the limelight are estimated to have been robbed of the ss and are now looking for each other to settle accounts."

"Will you fight? Will you fight?"

"It won't be played. After all, it's still in the mission. But it's going to be the final of the team in this quarter. It will be good at that time."

"This is p, definitely p."

Regardless of the players who guessed the situation, Li Huailin and the parties talked about it is still a very simple topic. The most troublesome wave ss has been killed anyway, so there should be no more problems now.

Li Huaolin also talked about the topic of the Protoss, because the days of the war with the Protoss are also close, and Li Huailin, the holder of the sword, is to use it.

"The road to the gods?" asked one by the other side.

"Yes, at the southernmost tip of the mainland, there is a promenade-type peninsula with a passageway that can reach the elemental plane. Through it, the border of the gods can be reached." Li Huailin said, "This is also the protoss I know. The only way to reach the mainland side."

"Do you mean to let me defend over there?" asked each other.

"The specifics are still to see the situation at the time." Li Huailin said, "But if you want to enter the border of the gods, you will only have this method. The people who care about the gates are also their own. If they want to pass, they will help." ""

"Yeah." Each side of the day also nodded, did not say much, but it seems to be promised.

Just as Li Huailin chatted with each other on the side of the day, the battle on the scene was basically coming to an end. Although there are other mobs after the huge wave ss falls, it seems that it will not be refreshed again. The number of mobs is of course slowly decreasing. The players madly harvested the last points, and after a while, they finally jumped out of the battlefield information, and the battle was finally over.

Everyone looked at the final battlefield statistics panel. The progress of the task was finally fixed at 74%. In terms of points, the first place was actually Li Huailin, and the score was 26,489 points. The second person is the party, the score is 10574 points. By the way, the final wave ss that each side kills directly adds 10,000 points. In addition, each side of the day basically does not kill other monsters, because it is really There are too many people, and he can't grab anything on each side of the day. After all, he...has no flying mounts.

The scores of these two people are a bit too abnormal, and the scores of other people can hardly be seen. The remaining third place is directly more than 700 points. Even if it is the team's points, Li Huailin and Tian's scores are far ahead, occupying the first and second positions.

At the end of the mission, the Druid's team also stopped. Yes, they have arrived at their destination, so they started to build a stronghold on the spot. Only Li Huailin looked at it and didn't see any copy of the entrance. I was looking for this Druid to ask what was going on. I found that the Druid couldn’t get in. Because people are too much.

Now the battlefield mission has just ended, and the **** mission is the Druid they sent out, of course, the final reward is also to find the Druid to receive, so now after the mission is completed, of course, a large number of players are looking for this Help the Druid to receive the reward. By the way, even those who have zero points can receive a little experience or gold coins as long as they participate in the battle, so so many people present must talk to this group of druids once, this... one and a half I can't really finish it.

Not only that, from the news inside the night flight, the Druid is still setting a new task, that is to help collect the building materials of the stronghold, and then clean up the nearby monsters, as well as defending the strongholds. Simple tasks such as construction, of course, the players are also willing to do these tasks, so the people who pick up the task also put the water around the Druid. However, the night flight also said that according to the standards of other regions, these are just general tasks, and there will be no such thing as a temporary battlefield.

By the way, the night flight also said a bit. The completion of the task in the Hualiang District Bright Camp is the highest in the server that has completed this task. 74% of the completion is already very horrible. After all, they are almost playing less. A wave of ss, because the wave ss just appeared and has not had time to do anything, it will be seconds by each side, compared to other servers, this is really a big profit. Of course, 74% completion means that the rewards in this area will be higher. Now, from the player's exchange of experience points, the same points are more than those exchanged by other servers. If this is the case, Li Huailin’s first place The reward should also be much better than the first place in other districts.

This is a good news, but Li Huailin’s eyes are only the gods, this Druid... Is it going to be a gods? Li Huailin is not sure. Of course, it is a little troublesome to redeem now. After all, it is too chaotic here. Li Huailin is too lazy to squeeze with this group of people.

When asked about the night flight, the night flight also indicated that the base was not changed in a flash. According to the experience of other regions, the construction of this stronghold will take some time, but a temporary stronghold will soon appear. So, just wait a little bit.

Although the words are like this, but Li Huailin looked at the current time is almost the same, think about it or go offline early, as for the task reward anyway now, the task will not fail to disappear, feel free to take it, When the person who is tomorrow is a little less, then I will get rewards.

Thinking of this, Li Huailin also directly greeted the night flight, and then went to rest, and the night flight, it seems to be ready to fight overnight. (To be continued.)

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