All Things Wrong

Chapter 2189: Small accident

The movement there is really too big. This is far from here. All the way is the sound of something that is forcibly penetrated. It hits the mountain and rushes over here. Of course, all that is present at this time. Players have noticed this.

Also noticed is np, obviously they don't know what the road is rushing toward them, but it is obvious that the other side can penetrate the mountains, if it is left, it will only be established. The base of the (foundation) side has also suffered.

"Dr. Mosmoge!" Druid next to the shouting a little nervous.

"I don't know what it is, but I still have to block it and say it." Tesmoog nodded, and then went straight to face the direction of the other side, it seems to be ready to do it. Of course, the strength of Tesmoog is still very strong, at least not inferior to the holy level.

The speed of the other side is very fast, Tesmoog has to start to cast spells, only to see that he buried the seeds of an oak tree directly on the ground, and then took out the staff, facing the seeds on the ground, a huge surrounding The green array appeared. The seeds on the ground began to germinate in an instant, and then a giant tree popped out in an instant, and the direction of the tree growing was very strange, actually growing horizontally, feeling like a giant spear facing the front. The red ball flew in the direction of the past.

At the same time, the red ball has already rushed to the front, just the position where the big tree spear summoned by Tesmoge is right, and the two sides meet in a narrow way, but it is a moment to separate the winner, because just a contact with Tesmo The tree that was summoned by the grid was instantly crushed, and the broken method of breaking into powder, the wood chips splashed.

"What?" Tesmoge simply looked at it. Others didn't know that he knew the hardness of the oak he had summoned. This is not bad compared with steel. The result is that he can't stop the red ball. It’s just like being shattered like a bubble.

I didn't give more time to surprise, because the red ball rushed toward him without slowing down. Of course, Tesmoog has no time to do other actions. In order not to be hit by the front, Tesmoog directly moves toward the side to avoid the action. After all, the other side is seen in the straight line.

Sure enough, a thrilling dodge, Tesmoog was able to escape the frontal attack of the red ball, but even if it was wiped from the side, the huge wind pressure that was set off also flew out the whole people of Tesmoog. It’s not just Tesmoog. In fact, many players on the scene are completely out of time to escape. They are all flying out, but it’s amazing that no one is directly killed by the red ball. They just fly out. .

Because the process is too fast, everyone has not kept up with the rhythm. In the eyes of ordinary people, the red ball almost came to them in an instant, and then directly shattered the big tree. Then the next second, the surrounding suddenly seemed to be Everything is blown up, everything is flying in the air.

Yes, what he didn’t see was that the red ball suddenly stopped after a short period of time after breaking through the big tree of Tesmoog. The object moving at such a high speed suddenly stopped here, causing it There is something like a pressure shock wave. The power is like the bomb explosion. It is centered on the place where the red ball stops. A huge shock wave spreads around, and the houses that have not been built around for a moment are Instantly leveled, and np, the player was blown out by the shock wave in a flash, and flew out a long distance.

A dusty scene, the players almost never know what happened, is this a special plot? Think of the task currently underway. Is it an attack sent by the ancient gods? Dedicated to destroy the outposts?

They didn't see it until the smoke slowly dispersed. Just before the red ball paused, a figure stood there. Of course, the players immediately took out the weapon, because how to see this figure is something like the wave ss that attacked the stronghold. The result is that everyone didn’t think that the smoke was almost scattered and they saw the standing. The figure in the middle is actually...

"Bulky brother?" Everyone is a glimpse.

Yes, in fact, this red ball is really Li Huailin. I said that he is testing the skills of this god. Now that the close-up situation is almost tested, Li Huailin is what makes it happen at a distance.

So before, Li Huailin left a mark on the ground, and then he flew directly to the Dragon Valley with a transfer necklace, and it was inside the hole of Erweigangte. This time, Erwei Gangte is sorting out his treasures in the cave, that is, a lot of gold coins. According to the dragons, this is making a bed.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the sudden appearance of Li Huailin, Erwei Gangte certainly asked what was the case. Of course, Li Huailin suddenly became accustomed to this incident. After all, it was not twice.

"Nothing." Li Huailin waved. "Do you know which direction Hollsk City is coming in?"

"Hollsk City? I don't know, but if it's a human city, it's probably in this direction." Erwin just pointed out one direction.

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded and looked at the direction that Erwei just pointed out. He looked at the sprint distance in front of him. It was probably enough. "Well, you continue, I will go first."

"Ha?" Ewegant didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly there was a hurricane around Li Huailin. Then Li Huailin flew out like a cannonball, and then it was a "beep" because it was already In the cave where Erwin Gent lived, Li Huailin directly hit a hole from the cave and then went out through the mountain.

"Ha?" Erwei Gangte looked at the whole dragon. When did humans have this kind of ferocity? It takes a little effort to open a mountain for the dragon. and also……

"Md Laozi's cave!" Erwei Gangte looked at the passage that Li Huailin had knocked out and couldn't help but swear.

Of course, Li Huailin will not look back. In fact, he will not be able to return. After using the long-distance sprint, Li Huailin also discovered the specific situation of this skill. Before, because he was too short, he didn't have time to react, but now he discovered it. After using this skill, he can't cancel it. It feels like It seems that it is being pulled by one force and going in one direction. It is not the feeling that I am running.

In the middle of the road, Li Huailin almost couldn't see anything because of the speed, and he couldn't cancel the skills halfway. He could only wait until the skill was finished. Therefore, Li Huailin did not know what Li Huailin had encountered along the way.

What he didn't know was that he had triggered a horror of the mainland, because this time he rushed from the Dragon Valley to the city of Hollersk in the middle of the mainland. The roads that passed through were basically the boundaries of the orcs. The place Li Huailin did not see clearly, but other people saw a red ball flying in front of their eyes.

Of course, this red ball basically passes through places like mountains and woods, and there are also unfortunate cities that appear in front of Li Huailin. For example, the Orang's city of Kelantru, this is a medium-sized city of the Orcs, because it was spared in the previous Orc war in the east, and it was not happy for a long time. On this day, a red ball suddenly came from The northeast corner of the city flew in, the southwest corner flew out, and the wind pressure brought up almost flattened the entire city.

The disaster happened so suddenly. Many orcs didn't know what happened. The whole city was overturned. Later, I heard that many people saw that this is a strange red ball. Of course, they don't know what it is. In the end, they can only be attributed to God's punishment.

Li Huailin certainly didn't know what was going on in the middle. He couldn't see it clearly. He didn't know what he had hit. In the end, what he could do was to calculate the time until he stopped at the Druid's stronghold. Li Huailin looked at the system time, and it took a total of 9 minutes and 40 seconds to fly, which means he probably spent In 10 minutes, it crossed the distance of half a continent, which is ten times faster than the flight of Xiaomi.

"This skill is a bit powerful." Li Huailin couldn't help but say, now I look at the previous task of unblocking artifacts. It doesn't seem like a big deal. After all, the speed is only 1 million kilometers. It will be done soon.

After calculating the time, Li Huailin discovered the situation around him. The foundation that had just been built by the entire stronghold was gone. The surrounding area was actually blown out by a hole. Of course, Li Huailin did not expect this to happen. If you know it, you won't be experimenting here.

"Well..." Li Huailin lifted the amount and immediately looked up. Li Huailin saw that the jade emperor was coming toward him. Yes, it seems that her expression is not very friendly.

"Summon, you are coming, just right, the speed hit the copy." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"You tnd don't do anything that didn't happen, you fooled it. What's the situation? It's awkward to ruin the entire stronghold." The summoned Jade Emperor couldn't help but shout. Of course, summoning the Jade Emperor was also blown out very far. When she saw the red ball, she felt that something was wrong. She quickly took out her own sword to ensure that she would not be killed. Of course, nothing happened. But other players are really blown out and fell to death.

"Amount... This is not a new skill test. I have a little accident. Don't worry, don't worry, first hit a copy." Li Huailin said.

"God tn small accident." Summon the Jade Emperor. (To be continued.)

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