All Things Wrong

Chapter 2193: Cantera

"Save... Help, please help me..." Cantra, who was finally pulled up again, really wanted to save this time. You tried the feeling of being pulled to the ground like a dough cake. ? The most important thing is that when you say that you are dead, it will be over, but the question is how you can't die. Cantra does not know what is going on, but it is even more painful. Of course, he is flustered to death.

"Right to what we have just said where?" Li Huailin still asked slowly and unhurriedly.

"I will take you to the king city of Teldistan, really take you there, save me!" Cantra yelled anxiously, "Really, really!"

"Oh, yes." Li Huailin nodded. Although it was really fun, it didn't waste time. Turning his head and waving to the next call to the Jade Emperor, "call, call the wave ss."

"Now point? Are you sure?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"You still want to continue playing for a while?" Li Huailin asked.

"I said that I didn't have this kind of slap, but I just ordered it now." Summon Jade Emperor said that one side is reaching out and facing the wave ss is a burning skill. In a flash of ss, a strong momentum broke out, and the whole body seemed to have become bigger. The Kantra that just got up was certainly the first to feel this momentum, but in the next second, he was waved ss. Shooted directly.

Yes, the skill of calling the Jade Emperor can increase the attribute of the target unit by 500%. This is not only the genus of power, but the full attribute. So this wave of ss ability has turned five times and it can obviously be a little bit against Cantra, which is a little bit stunned by it. The "啪" of this side of Cantra is once again made into a cake, and this The time is even more flat.

However, the wave ss is still facing the constant output of Cantera, and there is no meaning for them to do with Li Huailin. The reason is that this burning skill of summoning Jade Emperor does not actually generate much hatred, because it is actually a bu skill, it appears in the bu column, and the bu skill is much smaller than the hate of the debu skill. It is. Compared to Cantera's substantial attack on the hatred generated by the wave ss, the hatred generated by the burning skill is very small. So now the hatred of the wave ss is still in Cantera's body, and Cantera has not died, of course, the wave ss will not change the target to attack Li Huailin.

"咣咣咣" is another burst of shooting, no doubt this time Cantra was made into a cake, but the wave ss side is already the end of the strong. Summon Jade Emperor's fire-fighting skill is 5% of the blood loss rate per second, even if the resilience of the wave ss is strong, it is impossible to have this kind of blood-returning speed, and then smash the blood of Cantra, the blood of the wave ss The amount soon came to the bottom.

There is also a very interesting little plot here, that is, when the blood volume of the wave ss is nearing the bottom, there will be a relatively small plot. The wave ss will move directly in one direction of the hall, and this wave will move during the period. Ss's blood volume has been lost, but the wave ss is not dead, knowing that he has reached this corner, and then crashed to the ground, and when the ground fell, the wave ss body just slammed into the front wall, directly put The wall broke out of a crack, and when it fell, it also took the gap a bit bigger, as if... it just happened to let people pass.

"Hey?" Seeing this situation, the night flight is also a glimpse. Immediately, is the copy of the abyss actually open like this? ”

"Ordinary copy is not," Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, the ordinary copy can be run directly here, but I just saw that the door here is closed. I also thought that it might be forced to open this wave of ss to open it. It turned out to be so open." Said.

"This way." Li Huailin nodded. "Is that road the same?"

"Yeah, it is estimated that the abyss copy can not let the player directly run past the set, forcing you to finish all the waves ss." Night Airlines said.

This is not a big problem. Anyway, Li Huailin did not intend to bypass the wave ss. It may be an organ for those who are ready to jump wave ss. No matter how the wave ss is so inexplicably succumbed to death, and habitual, the night flight here to open a body, after all, he is the president, the general guild group is also his corpse, so I was used to it and I touched it without asking.

A burst of golden light flashed, everyone is a glimpse, it is golden light. Of course, the golden-quality 80-level equipment is also very precious, but the problem is that this is the first pass of the abyss copy, actually give a golden equipment, generally not all purple?

"It may be that our team's level is too high, so there is punishment?" Night Airlines thought about it. It is rare to encounter such a situation that the level is higher than the copy level or the land reclamation. They have played high level with low level. The team, but at that time basically the first pass was taken away.

"Whether, anyway, there won't be any good things." Li Huailin waved his hand and made an epic course, but it didn't work out. Anyway, I don't expect to be able to play legendary props here.

Waves really lost a level 80 gold gear, or a belt of a lock. The fire head here is the hunter, just wearing the lock, looked at this thing is actually a little better than his own equipment, so it was directly replaced, but it is just a little better, and there is no big improvement.

After smashing the body, summoning the Jade Emperor also pulled up the NP-like canopy on the ground. This is the third time that Cantera has been resurrected. This time, Cantera was lying on the ground with a direct shock, and could never get up again.

"Hey." Li Huailin walked directly to Cantra's side and kicked Kantla, who was lying on the ground. "Now, let's talk about what it is."

"That... that giant python is dead?" Cantra was smashed into patties three times by the other party. It was really a little scared.

"Early died." Li Huailin pointed to the body of the wave ss over there, "Talk about what is going on here."

Seeing the body of the wave ss, Cantra is finally relieved. A little bit of a soft climb from the ground, Cantra carefully looked at these human adventurers, eyes turned, then said: "Thank you for the help of adventurers, I call Trolos Cantera, As you can see, it is the Isaiku people."

"This has just heard you said, you said that one of the Isaiku people has survived?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, when the Isaiku family was in great difficulty, the entire king city was hit hard. Our Isaiku family was almost completely destroyed, but we still took out the king city and finally lived in a hidden place. Down, until now." Cantra nodded and said, but did not tell Li Huailin what their family is now.

"So why are you going back to Wangcheng now?" Li Huailin asked. "Is it the treasure you said in Wangcheng?"

"Yes...Yes." Cantra thought about it, but nodded and admitted, but immediately said, "But a few are my savior. I am willing to give you the treasures and repay you." ""

"Oh." Li Huailin smiled. "But there is a problem, why is it now?"

"Well?" Cantra glimpsed, as if she didn't understand Li Huailin.

"I mean, since you know that your family has treasures in the city of Teldistan, you can come and take them at any time. Now this time is not very suitable. Now there are many contaminated creatures in the underground labyrinth of Wangcheng. To put it simply, it is even more dangerous now. Now come to get these treasures... It’s not appropriate.” Li Huailin asked.

"Of course I know that Wangcheng is very dangerous." Cantra nodded. "But don't take it now, it's really too late."

“Oh?” Li Huailin asked. “So?”

"After the kingdom of Teldistan became a ruin, a large number of monsters gathered in the middle of the ruins of the king city, but because of these monsters, most people can not enter here, so it is not very dangerous to put treasures in the king city. But now this In the case, suddenly a large number of adventurers came here to take risks. In this way, the treasures of Wangcheng will be discovered by them, so... now we only have to take risks and take them.” Cantra said.

"Oh... this way." Li Huailin nodded, and this is what he said. "What is the treasure in the city of Teldistan? Is it money?"

"This, to be honest, I am not very clear." Kantra shook his head. "In fact, I just heard about the information left by the ancestors. I didn't say that there is any treasure in it, but this is also ours. The cyber family..."

It was said that Cantera suddenly stopped and then looked at Li Huailin: "Of course, the benefactors of our family, we are still willing to sell these treasures to you, but ... give us some..."

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded. "Let you leave some good."

"Thank you so much, human adventurer, since we are so fast, let's go." Cantra said immediately. "Go, this giant cockroach just opened the road to the front. Let's go, or else be the ones." It’s not good for the adventurer to grab it first."

After the completion of Cantra, he walked straight to the big hole that had just emerged from the wave ss, and he was anxious.

"Wilin, I always feel that it is not quite right." Night flight came over and whispered to Li Huailin's ear. "This guy...has no good feelings."

"Yeah, of course it's not quite right." Li Huailin smiled and nodded slightly. "We, Kantra, seem to have other plans, but it doesn't matter. We don't worry, some time is with him. Play." (To be continued.)

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