All Things Wrong

Chapter 2199: Calculation

The night flight is indeed called by the logistics team, because the entire spirit guild combatants can all be assessed. Do you think that the salary of the spiritual world is very good? Of course not. If your level is too low, of course, it will give you pressure. If you don’t meet the standard for a while, you must also expel the main force. Therefore, the entire spiritual world can not find people who are already below level 70. Only the logistics team is not leveling, but the professional level of the sub-professional, so the character level is not very important, this group will only have 60 levels. Look like that.

Under normal circumstances, this team pulls the team copy of the difficulty level of 80 is basically to die, this is not a joke. So when they started to contact them at night, they really thought that the people in the reconnaissance team were not enough to let them die.

However, when they entered the team, they found it a bit strange, because in addition to the other teams of these two teams, they can all be a group of people. If you want to open up the wasteland, you can’t pull the number one in the first time. The people of the regiment must always send people in and send them one by one. At least they know the skills of the mobs and let the No. 1 group play. Now, what is the situation of this team? It is neither good nor bad.

However, someone immediately noticed the name of Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin, of course, they knew each other. The players in Huaxia District did not know Li Huailin. So why is Li Huailin also in this team? This team really doesn't quite understand it. Is this really want to fight? But if you really want to call them, why are you calling them, they have no fighting power at all.

"God teaches you the correct way to play a copy." When they were a little confused, they heard Li Huailin’s words. It seems that they really want to fight. Hey... It seems that he is here to be an audience. ? The current situation is equivalent to saying that 30 people have a copy of the 80-level team. Does this really matter?

Night voyages know the attributes of Li Huailin's Excalibur, but of course he doesn't talk about it everywhere. Most people in the guild don't know. Therefore, most people's views on Li Huailin are still relatively good players, but the team copy is 40 people's activities. Can a person really bring a whole group? It feels like a football team has only one very aggressive forward, but everyone else is an amateur. Can this really win the game?

Although I was a little disbelieving in my heart, but after all, the person who led the team was Li Huailin. This guy also made a lot of things that people could not understand. What's more, they were just doing logistical work. The usual work is very boring, so now I can have this kind of opportunity. Of course, I have to follow the bustle. Even if I die, it doesn’t matter if I lose some grades. Not relying on grades to eat, the skill level of the sub-professor is dead and will not fall, so it doesn't matter. What they are worried about is that they dragged the whole group's hind legs. After all, now... the spirit world is competing with other guilds.

Just thinking about it, the guild that competes with the spiritual world really appears. Yes, when the Druid is building a transmission array, the shaman on the other side will bring people to build a transmission array. The situation is almost exactly the same as the Druid here. However, the transmission array on both sides is still slightly separated, but this time, the copy gates of both the bright and the dark camps are the same.

Players in the light and dark camps can directly attack each other, and there are rewards. Generally speaking, people who encounter each other in the wild are basically the way to do it directly, and this time the copy of the team on both sides is actually the same. One place is also the first time, and the copy of the door, the players on both sides of the camp have begun to confront.

The main force in the dark side is of course the Dragon Field Guild. As the only super-large guild on the dark side, the strength of the dragon domain has gradually developed after unifying all the resources of the dark side, and even began to overtake the spirit world and The feelings of the gods, after all, there are few people in the dark camp, but the competition is not big, not like the competition on the bright side is so powerful.

What is a little surprising now is that the guild with the Long Domain Association is not a spiritual world, nor a god, but a third-ranked Lei Casting Association. The leader of the Leizhu, headed by the president of Nangong Yishou, stood at the forefront of all the bright camps, and looked at the opposite side of the Dragon Field.

The situation on both sides looked a bit nervous, and even the players around it saw something wrong, as if they were really going to fight.

“What's wrong?” Li Huailin asked a little curiously to the night flight around the crowd. “Is there a conflict between Lei Cast and Dragon Field?”

"I don't know the truth." Night Airlines shook his head and said, "But recently, the relationship between Leizhu and Longyu is really very tense. According to the current information, it seems that Nangong Yishou and the distant two are personal problems. I don’t know what contradictions have arisen, and now I’m passing on to the guild.”

"Personal contradictions?" Li Huailin squatted a little.

"Yeah, it’s just that it’s not exactly what happened." The night flight staller, "But to tell the truth, I have saved a lot of things."

"That is to say, now that there is a thunder casting over the dragon domain, can you concentrate on dealing with the gods?" Li Huailin asked.

"It's almost like this." The night flight nodded.

"Then you have to be careful." Li Huailin suddenly blinked and said.

"Be careful of the gods?" asked the night flight. "We are now about the same strength as the gods. The gods are really thick, but it is not that they can't afford it."

"I mean Lei Zhu..." Li Huailin said faintly. "If Lei Zhu has already joined forces with Long Domain, you really have to trouble."

"Leizhu and Longyu United?" The night flight was a glimpse, then suddenly wanted to understand the meaning of Li Huailin, and suddenly the whole person was shocked.

"It’s like this situation. Although the two sides seem to be very nervous, they can’t fight. Do you know why?” Li Huailin asked with a smile.

"Because...we will stop it." Night Flight also understood this time. "Now there is a customs clearance time for us to provoke a new copy of the team in the European Union, so it is obviously unwise to start playing directly here. The great meaning of the server in Huaxia District should also prevent the battle between them... Generally this time I or the gods will come out to mediate..."

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded. "Although it seems to be opposite, there is actually no consumption. If you really believe it and start to deal with the gods, maybe they will give you a surprise." ""

"It turned out to be the case." The night flight nodded. Li Huailin gave him a little bit of it. Of course he understood what was going on. "It really is the authorities, I really thank you for reminding me this time."

"But people are playing Yangzhao now, you know, you have to go up and stop them now," Li Huailin said.

"Yeah." The night flight nodded. It is impossible to come out at this time. The spiritual world is now one of the best guilds in China. The mediation at this time must come out, otherwise it will be a matter for the population, even if we know people now. Waiting for you to mediate, you must also go out. This is indeed a little helpless for the night flight.

"Oh, let me come." Li Huailin suddenly smiled and said.

"You come?" The night flight is a little glimpse. Li Huailin’s identity is indeed enough, because Li Huailin’s identity is very special. Although it is not a member of the Grand Council, but with the name of the captain of the Huaxia District, and obviously there is only one player. But it allows others to treat him as a force.

"Yeah." Li Huailin said as he walked up, of course, the night flight side also immediately followed the past.

At this time, the two sides were still confrontational. Li Huailin walked directly to the middle of the two troops. He looked around with a little curious look and said with a smile: "President of Nangong, president of the long-distance, ready to open the group?"

"What is the advice of Captain Li?" asked the first trip, Nangong Yi Shou did not speak.

"Nothing is ok, I am curious to ask questions. You continue to fight, don't care about me, I don't help anyway." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse. Yes, everyone who saw Li Huailin’s appearance certainly thought that Li Huailin was to persuade them to remain calm for the time being. After all, they are now vying with the European Union for the first time. At this time, the national justice is more important. And so on, the result Li Huailin actually let them continue to fight? What is this ghost?

"Right, you can rest assured that I can reply to the provocation of the European Union, so you don't have to worry about the progress of the copy. If there is any contradiction, it will be clear now." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"..." Everyone is speechless. Of course, if this is not what Li Huailin said, everyone thinks this person is stupid, but it is really a bit credible that Li Huailin said. What copy do you say? schedule? The most famous before Li Huailin is a variety of refreshing abyss copy records? There are also a few people who have passed the team's copy of the feat, so far no one can imitate, so people say this is absolutely bragging, but Li Huailin said, really can not really refute.

"Do you mean that you can pass a copy by yourself?" When the scene was quiet, suddenly a voice in the dragon field said to Li Huailin, Li Huailin of course turned his head and looked at it, but did not see who said it. Then, after all, there are so many people there, and they all look at themselves.

"Oh." Li Huailin smiled slightly, then suddenly the next right white light flashed in the next second, a light directly went to the position where the dragon field camp had just spoken, and then directly a loud explosion sounded.

"You!" The distance was not affected by Li Huailin's laser, but he looked at Li Huailin with amazement and anger.

"President of Nangong, I am also uncomfortable watching the Dragon Field now." Li Huailin suddenly turned his head and said to Nangong Yishou. "It’s just that you are also unhappy with each other. How about we destroy them together?" (To be continued.)

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