All Things Wrong

Chapter 2203: revival

"Hey? This is Tuhala?" Li Huailin immediately looked at the opposite person. The other person is a np that looks very similar to Cantra. The very similar meaning is that the other person is wearing a very large cloak. Clear the look of the other party. However, it is true that the figure of the other side is very close to Cantra. Of course, it mainly refers to the height aspect.

Li Huailin was a little surprised that this person named Tuhala actually appeared so early. Before listening to the meaning of this plot, this figure is estimated to be more backward than the wave ss. I didn’t expect it to appear here so quickly. Know that this is the second wave of ss, the general team copy said that there are four or five waves ss, so what is behind the wave ss Li Huai Lin really can not guess.

However, when I walked into the name of the other party, it was indeed called Tuhala. It seems that Cantra did not admit the wrong person. Although it was a little surprised, since it appeared, it would be killed first.

"Summon..." Li Huailin said that while he was ready to approach, the result was just going forward. The figure here is directly waving to Cantra in front of him, a black light flashing, Kanter Pulled scared to death, and quickly stepped back two steps, and taking advantage of this time, Tuhala also opened the distance and stood directly on the back of the high platform.

"Kantra, are you bringing these adventurers here?" Tuhala asked Kantra.

"There is still a plot, and so on." Li Huailin immediately stopped and said, just can't understand what the situation is.

"Tuhala, is Laugus killing you? Why?" Cantra asked the same figure.

"Hey, that guy is obsessed with it." Tuhala is equal to saying that he personally admitted, but immediately said, "This is also for the revival of our Isaiku family."

"Nonsense, do you kill the compatriots and say that it is for the revival of our family?" Kantra certainly did not believe, and immediately said.

"Kantra, you think too simple." Tuhala said, "Do you think that we can get the treasures in the city of Teldistan, can we rejuvenate? Treasures will only attract more people to watch, It may also bring disaster to our family."

This is the same as Li Huailin said. Kantra now wants to understand and certainly will not deny it. Immediately said: "I am not coming to take the treasure, but to stop you. Why do you betray our people?"

"Betrayal people? Can you play a joke in Cantera?" Tuhala snorted. "The Isaiku people are now decaying. They have been living in seclusion for too long. Just go on like this, for another hundred years. For a thousand years, the Isaiku people still think that they have been living in the mountains and forests for a long time. There is no such thing as a day. Those people are just awkward and alive, they simply do not deserve to be called Isaiku people, and I am only It is the hope of reviving the Isaiku family!"

"Tukhara, what are you going to do?" Cantra is still a bit confused, and asked directly.

"Kantra, our Iseku family needs innovation and needs space for survival. Now there is no space for us to live on this continent, we have to win a space for ourselves to survive." Tuhala said, "Now There is such an opportunity and it is the last chance for our Isaiku people."

"Yes...what opportunity?" Cantra was also said to be blind, and asked dumbly.

"Kantra, I met an adult, and he has the power to change the whole world. As long as he relies on his strength, our Isaiku family will have a chance to be born!" Tuhala said that this is a while. fanaticism.

"What?" Cantra took a sigh. "Who is the adult you said?"

"Kantra, join us, I want your strength, your thoughts should be the same as me, I think the Isaiku family can no longer hide like this." Tuhala did not answer this question, and It was an invitation directly to Cantera.

"Tukhara, there is such a cheap thing in the world, the other party is just greedy for the treasures of our Isaiku family. You are cheated." Although Cantra is not smart, but understands this truth, there is no white in the world. The lunch that I ate directly, Li Huailin told him very clearly that the other party’s treasures had to be owned by themselves. To this end, they could give them a chance to trust him. This sounds like a reasonable deal, and Cantra will Believe, and the situation in Tuhala is not very confident.

"Treasure? Hehe..." Tuhala smiled. "For the grown-up, the treasures have no use at all, and their purpose is not a treasure at all."

"What?" Cantra was a little stunned. "What is that?"

"Kantra, join us, this is the hope of the Iseku family's revival." Tuhala has avoided this problem for the second time, and twice let Cantera join, Cantera this time probably I also heard the other party's meaning, that is to say, the latter things can be inquired after joining, or else can not be said.

Thinking a little, Cantra replied: "Tuhala, I don't know what you are planning, or whether your plan can revive our Isaiku family, but Lagos is killing you. Well, I can't believe a person who slaughtered my compatriots. Your words have no credibility!"

When I heard Cantra's answer, Tuhala frowned slightly: "Laugus, they are stubborn, I thought it was your words to understand me, but let me down. In this case, Cantra, I also Can't let you hinder our plans, come... kill them."

Tuhala said as he waved his hand, accompanied by his shouts, and several figures came out from under the platform where he stood.

Li Huailin looked at it with a fixed look. There were three people, or three monsters. All of them were strange in human form, but they were not the same as the Sector star that was encountered before, but these three It seems that Li Huailin has also seen it. It is a bit like the last hidden wave ss in the previous small copy, that is, Laugus after the transformation, so Li Huailin immediately guessed the identity of the three people.

"Sos, Nectar, Popena!" Sure enough, Kantra recognized the other person in an instant, although several of them have changed a lot. Of course, Kantra understood what was happening in an instant, and immediately stared at Tuhala with anger and shouted: "Tuhala! What have you done!"

"Sure enough, you can't understand the greatness of that adult. I originally wanted to see you join the plan in the same family, but you are foolish. If you can't, then you can't blame me." Tuhala smiled and said.

"Tuhala, I won't let you go! Come down and die!" Cantra groaned.

"Sorry, I don't have time to spend time with you now." After repeating Tahalar, he waved his hand again and "killed them."

After saying that Thuhara did not care about the meaning of this side, the body flashed directly, and it disappeared on the high platform. It felt like it was sent directly away.

"Tuhala!" Cantera snorted, but of course it was too late. The following three humanoids are also coming directly to Li Huailin on their side.

"Hey... is this the second wave ss?" Li Huailin looked at the current situation. After all, this place is obviously left for the wave ss battle. It seems that the second wave ss is the three magical The Isaiku people, and surely, the figure is still behind.

Obviously this figure is not the same level as the three people. Not only is Tuhala able to order these three people, but Tuhala has his own consciousness, and now the situation of these three people is basically zombie. almost.

"Is the big man that np said refers to the ancient god?" When Li Huailin was thinking about it, the next call to the jade emperor asked.

"It should have something to do with it." Li Huailin certainly thought of it, but it is not likely to be the ancient **** himself, because people are too lazy to pay attention to this little person. "Listen to the meaning of someone who is looking for the np called Tuhala to join, for It doesn't seem to be a treasure like this. It means just letting Thala come over and open the door to the king city. That is to say, in addition to the treasures in the king city, there is something else that the other party needs..."

"Cantera, what other things besides treasures in Wangcheng?" Li Huailin thought about asking directly to Cantra.

"I... I can't think of it." Kantra looked a little confused. "Adults, these three are my teammates. It seems to be controlled by the guy in Tuhala. What do we do?"

"You look at them and it is estimated that there is nothing to save. Let them go on the road early." Li Huailin waved his hand.

"No... Is there any other way?" Kantra certainly didn't want to do this. These three are all their compatriots in Isacu.

"I don't have any choice. Can you handle it?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "I sent them on the road early. It seems that the figure is coming in a hurry. It seems that there is still something. I think we will go ahead and see it." Look better."

"I... I can't get it." Kantra paused for a moment, and finally sighed and said with a fist.

"I didn't call you to do it, summon, speed to get these three waves ss." Li Huailin waved his hand to the next call to the jade emperor, it seems that the original copy of the plot is not intended to let np help, but for Li Huailin It doesn't matter at all. While talking, Li Huailin took Cantra to the side. "You think about it, is there really nothing special in this king city?" (To be continued.)

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