All Things Wrong

Chapter 2207: treasure house

In the past, Li Huailin still couldn’t figure out what was going on. Now, Li Huailin, who suddenly came up with a lot of new terms, needs a little digestion. However, the goal is to know, this is the ancient **** called Beyaki, but what Li Huailin wants to know is whether this ancient **** has nothing to do with the pollution of the dream world. Of course, it is best to have nothing to do with it. If there is a relationship, Li Huailin should also prepare for it.

Of course, Li Huailin first asked Tsmog, but Tesmoog did not know. He knew about Biyaji and he was only limited to the records of ancient legends, because the time that appeared before Biyaji was too far and far from the ancient times, so Tesmoge did not know much about this Biyaji. What is it, don't say what power he has.

I can't ask for a temporary solution. Li Huailin thinks that it is better to follow the task first, and should know more about Bai Yaki.

Of course, there is no way to go here. If you go ahead, you will go out of the copy all the way. So if you want to go back and continue, you can directly join their team in the spiritual world. Li Huailin also said to the night flight, let them wait a little while, Li Huai-lin also said the news that he is now heard.

And Tesmoog here is also a task, there are 7 druids here, Tesmoog when three of them go straight to report the situation, and he carries the remaining three Germans Rui continued to go deeper, mainly to understand why these Siketor are why they came here. So the two sides were separated. Li Huailin, with four Druids, seemed to be a five-person squad to find them at night.

Of course, there are still a lot of mobs along the way. They are just those that Li Huailin is too lazy to play. Of course, there are now Druids who can’t play. But also because this group of Druids are present, it is a little more convenient to clean up the mobs. It is true that the restrictions imposed by the Druids here are still quite large, but Tesmoog said that it is also a holy level. Even if the state is not good, it is OK to play a few mobs. Moreover, it is not a person, Li Huailin is not. I feel that they have also dealt with it, but for the speed point, Li Huailin also helped a few times.

There was a night flight to help say that Li Huailin was not wrong, and soon Li Huailin was in the underground palace and the big troops. Looked at the situation here, it is obviously also a wave ss battle area, the place is very big, of course, when Li Huailin arrived, the ss body of the wave ss has been brushed, the members of the spirit world are waiting for a while, a little boring I have already done live in the guild channel, telling those who are asking why the third wave ss appeared together.

"I didn't expect that Cantera is the fourth wave of ss. It seems that the orangutan family has no use after opening the door. The next wave of ss is estimated to be that Tahala." Li Huailin said just as he said The equipment hit is handed over to the night flight.

"According to the previous information, is this ancient **** called Beyaki a seal on the continent called Cliveson?" asked the night flight.

"This is not very clear." Answering Tesmoog around Li Huailin of the night flight, "But the Sektor people must be doing something since they came here. We need to investigate this now."

Although I know some things at present, there are still many things that I still have to wait until I continue to investigate. Since the team has finished converging, of course, I will continue to leave.

Of course, no one has led the way at this time. This is the first time the Druids have come here, so they don’t know the route. However, they have already arrived in the palace. Although the underground palace is still quite large, it is still much worse than the magnificent palaces of the Terran. Simply put, you can find the way by walking.

The strange things encountered in the palace are basically these Sector stars. The number of blame in each group is not a lot, so it is handed over to the summoned Jade Emperor to deal with it. Slowly, it will be finished, and at night, they are also looking for a few fighters to help pull a few times, which is a force, and it will not be anyway. dead.

Because the battle is relatively easy, Tesmoog also talked with Li Huailin about something else, such as these things called Sector's star blame, this Sector star is still their own name. They turned out to be the race called Sector. Then they were tempted by the ancient gods and renamed themselves as Sector.

The black silt that infected the creatures now knows what it is, and those who are said to be the material of the ancient gods, and the creatures infected with these substances will undergo violent variability, according to Tesmoog. The analysis, where there is light outside, these substances will not be infected, so the infection will only occur in the evening or in the underground environment without light.

While talking about the troops, they are also moving forward, and they are moving more and more. At this time, the surrounding light is getting darker and darker, and Tesmoog is slightly worried about this. Soon, they came to the underground of the palace, a room that looked more special.

This room looks a bit like a treasure chest, because the door to the room is a very heavy iron gate that looks a bit like the door to the bank's safe, but only when Li Huailin came here. The door is open directly.

The inside wall of the safe is not the kind of shimmering wall. It is very dark inside, but there are quite a few braziers, and now it is still on fire, you can still see the inside. By the fire, Li Huailin saw that the space inside was still quite large. There were a lot of things on the ground. It looked like weapons, armor, gold coins, etc., but because of the age, Li Huailin saw that these things were basically Already covered with dust, those weapons and the like should have been unusable.

This is probably the treasure house of the Kingdom of Teldistan mentioned before, but it seems that there is nothing remarkable at first glance, it seems that there is more garbage. But before they even looked at Li Huailin, they had a crazy voice in front.

"You guys, you want to take my treasure!" Li Huailin, who heard the sound, looked up and saw Tulahara sitting in front of a pile of **** that had been left behind after he had not known what was rotten. It’s just that the appearance of Tahhara now seems a little different from what Li Huailin saw before, because he seems to be growing on this pair of rubbish.

Yes, before Li Huailin did not encounter the same kind of stones, and then it became a stone man's wave ss. Now the situation in Tuhala is similar to that. The other side of the waist is still the one in Tuhala, but the place below the waist is a large piece of black matter, and then these substances are connected to a lot of **** below, which are the “treasures” of weathering and decaying, not only that. The black matter is slowly spreading on the ground, as if it is still ready to pull all the "treasures" around you into your own body.

The current situation in Tuhala is also very different from the previous one. Although it was crazy to revive their orangutans before, but the speech is still a bit organized, but now the situation feels that it has lost the ability to think, and collects next to it. The behavior of "treasure" is more like the desire of the subconscious.

"Isaku people?" Tesmoog looked and said, "No, it seems to have been completely corrupted, ready to fight."

"I said that this guy really can't escape the life of the wave ss." Li Huailin spread his hand.

"Those who dare to touch the treasures of the Isaiku family should die!" Li Huailin just said that Tahalla over there was not happy, and they directly confronted Li Huailin, and they had a lot of messy garbage toward Li Huailin. They threw it over here, no need to say that the wave ss station officially started.

"Poor guy, the person who was bewildered by Baiyaki will eventually become so crazy." Tesmoog shook his head. "Let it be liberated together, adventurers."

Tesmoog also read a line and then prepared to do it, but just wanted to go forward and was stopped by Li Huailin.

"Don't be so excited, let's be a tour group. The core selling point is to highlight a shopping trip. Why are you doing such a **** battle? Isn't this a bad feature of our team?" Li Huailin said with the shoulder of Tesmoog.

"Ha? It’s not your majesty, this..." Tesmoog did not return to God for a long time. If it was Li Huailin’s words, he really wanted to beat people. What do you say nonsense, but it is Because it is Li Huailin, Tesmoog is not good at it. I thought about it. "But your Majesty, this Iseku people have been completely infected, and you can't leave it here."

"Look, no matter how." Li Huailin spread his hand. "But we are a tour group. It’s a wave of ss. You have to go shopping. Otherwise, there is no personality. Do you ask them if they are like this?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know very well." The night flight next to the night was a headache.

"That... what do you say?" Tesmoog thought about it.

"Come and come, teach you the correct posture of the wave ss, summon, and order it." Li Huailin directly waved at the beside of the summoned Jade Emperor.

"I know that I will come to the end." Calling the Jade Emperor to help the amount, of course, is still directly.

"Then it is watching the show." Li Huailin nodded and said, the wave ss directly hit the sniper, the players in the front row of the spirit world were all beaten out.

"Well, wonderful and wonderful." Li Huailin applauded and looked at Tsmog next to him. "What do you watch, applause, isn't this ss playing really exciting?"

Tesmoog: "..." (to be continued.)

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