All Things Wrong

Chapter 2222: Battle

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Wadford Mars was really happy to laugh, because Li Huailin said it was so funny, he couldn’t deal with a small dragon that he couldn’t handle. Isn’t that funny? ? I don't know if it is because of fun. Waldford Mars really decided to continue playing with Li Huailin. "Well, I will take you to play. If I die, I can't care. Omega."

"Your Majesty!" Of course, several holy levels here also heard the words of Li Huailin, and immediately asked nervously.

"Nothing, don't come over, I can get it by myself, you protect the equipment." Li Huailin said simply.

"Hahahaha... It's getting more and more fun." Wadford Mars certainly saw that Li Huailin's ability is not low, at least better than Li Huailin himself. In this case, Li Huailin does not let his men help. It’s so fun to say that one person is going to do it. “Hurry up, I will take you to a long experience.”

After talking about the surrounding air contraction, Li Huailin directly felt that his body was pulled up. Yes, the dragon has taken off, and this makes Li Huailin very uncomfortable. Although Li Huailin’s original mount is a dragon (millet), but now riding is np, the feeling of the two is completely different. The ride on Xiaomi's side is determined by the system, so sitting on it is a smooth, absolutely impossible to have any discomfort, and this time Li Huailin is forced to go up, it is really a fall, it is really very Not comfortable.

Moreover, Li Huailin did not know where he was in the end. Anyway, looking at the situation, Li Huailin decided to climb a little more, so he climbed the dragon scale and climbed up.

"Human, can you not move? You are pulling my counterscale." Wadford Mars suddenly made a noise.

When I heard Waldford's words, Li Huailin probably knew his position. The scale is of course in the neck of the dragon, so I am probably at the bottom of the neck. After thinking about it, Li Huailin didn't move, and shouted directly to Waldfords. "The other party is a flying creature, can you get close to each other?"

"Do you really want to do it? Do you know what creature is the other?" Wadford Mars listened to Li Huailin's serious tone and couldn't help but laugh.

"What is it?" Li Huailin asked.

"Do you know the ancient behemoth?" Wadford Mars said with a smile, like a tone to listen to Li Huailin's surprised tone.

"Is it an ancient behemoth?" Li Huailin helped the amount. "Okay, I know."

"Well?" Hearing that Li Huailin’s reaction was so small, Wadford Marth was also a sigh. Isn’t the average human being heard of this kind of thing should be scared? How did this human reaction react, and also said a "again" word, this guy has seen the ancient behemoth? Wadford Mars asked a little curiously: "Have you seen it?"

"Not only have you seen it, but there are two people who have killed it." Li Huailin said faintly. "I said that something can be confronted with the dragons. It turned out to be this stuff."

"Hahaha... kill two, you blow too much." Wadford Mars certainly didn't believe it, even the dragons felt the headache, a human said they had killed two Of course, he would not believe, "You human is really interesting, I decided, I will not kill you, I will leave you to tell me stories, you are a qualified troubadour."

The troubadour is the guy in the game who is responsible for telling the story everywhere. Of course, their story is half-truth. The meaning of Waldford Mars is of course the good meaning of Li Huailin’s bragging.

"It’s really tired to say the truth in this year." Li Huailin said faintly.

"Weng" was talking. Suddenly, Li Huailin’s ear was shocked. It was similar to the situation just now. I didn’t hear any specific sounds, but I felt that there was something that swept over the eardrum. Very Uncomfortable, Li Huailin was almost thrown away by this sudden attack.

"What is the situation?" Li Huailin asked.

"The other party is scanning my position." Wadford Mars answered the next subconsciously.

"Scanning?" Li Huailin looked at the whole person and suddenly understood the words of Waldford Mars. "Do you mean that the other party will also have the skills of Sonic scanning?"

Yes, the situation before the combination Li Huailin now knows what is going on now. This is so black, of course, all creatures must use other visual detection capabilities. The former Centaur used the sense of smell, and the dragon's own sense of smell is very sensitive, of course, it does not matter, and the ancient monsters who do not know the name on the opposite side use another, that is, the sound wave scan.

Sonic scanning is not an advanced technology. Of course, humans have also learned this skill from animals through bionics, so it is not very strange for the other party to have this skill. The other party's sound waves are very powerful, not only have the function of scanning, but also can affect the hearing and senses of some creatures. In this world that cannot rely on the eyes, this skill can be really powerful.

"Sound wave scanning, this word is good." Wadford Marth also nodded. "You really have the ability to make stories."

“Is this tn also related to the story?” Li Huailin said, “Can you get close to each other?”

"How do you really want to attack each other?" Wadford Marth asked, without waiting for Li Huailin to answer, Wadford Mars suddenly shouted again, "Come on!"

The sound of the collision of "砰", Li Huailin could not see anything and felt the violent shaking of Waldfoss’s body. Li Huailin forcibly pulled the other dragon’s scales and would not fall, but the people were shackled. In the state of flying almost in the air, it is obvious that the two giant beasts collided in the air. Although Li Huailin could not cut it, the opponent’s body size and dragon ratio were absolutely not bad.

"Boom", this time Wadford Marsh directly spurted fire, and a bit of dragon spurted directly toward the front. With the dragon's breath illuminating the surroundings, Li Huailin finally saw the situation around him.

Appearing in front of Li Huailin is a huge black beast. The whole look is like a huge bat. It is dark and long-haired, and the hands are of course flesh-winged, while the feet have sharp claws. It is the opponent's attack weapon. There is a huge sharp corner on the other's head, which is the biggest difference from ordinary bats. And this moment Li Huailin also saw the other's name, Kulomoli.

At the same time, it is clear that there is also the situation of Waldorf Mars. It is not surprising that the other party is really a dragon, and it is a very large one. Seeing the skin color is a black dragon. I don't know if it has been corroded or it has grown like this. However, the dragon Li Huailin has seen more. Waldford Mars is indeed very big. There is nothing special about it.

The current situation is that Waldford Mars grabbed the body of Cullomoli with his forefoot and then spit directly into the dragon's breath. However, although the dragon's breath of Waldford's dragon seems to be very powerful, the effect of spraying on the body of Cullo Mori does not seem to be very ideal. It is obvious that the hair on Kulomoli is much longer, according to the general theory, how weak the fire is. However, it is not on the side of Cullomori. The long hair on the body does not seem to be ignited. Instead, it seems to be resisting these flames and is completely unaffected.

Of course, the attacking Kuromori was also a counterattack immediately. He looked up at Waldford Mars. Although Li Huailin still didn’t hear anything, but saw the air in the mouth of Coolomore stagnate. Then, the faucet of Waldford Mars seemed to be the same as the attack of an invisible fist. The head was directly stunned. Of course, the dragon's breath was also a glimpse. It was almost sprayed on Li Huailin.

"Sonic attack?" Li Huailin looked at it, because the situation is really a bit confusing, and Li Huailin is very hard to pull the body of Waldfoss.

Wadford Mars, who was attacked by "嗷", of course, was also very angry. Once again, his dragon claws were stretched toward the other’s head. This kind of attack did not even hard to pick up the holy level, but only It seems that it is not difficult for Cullomori. The other side also stretched out his claws and grabbed the dragon claws of Waldfords, and then opened his mouth again as a sonic attack, once again on the face of Waldford Marth.

The sound wave attack of Coolomori seemed to be good for Waldford Mars. The two attacks made Wadford Mars feel a little dizzy. Colummore also took the opportunity to use the small claws on his wings. Wadford Marth’s body was smashed, and Waldford’s body swayed, and it fell directly.

"I rub, you have turned it over, how weak are you." Li Huailin is of course still on Waldford Marth, and goes directly to Waldford Marth.

However, Waldford Mars was only dizzy, but there was no big problem. Immediately waved his wings to stabilize his body and stabilized his body again.

"Hey!!" Waldford Mars roared, and he heard how angry he was when he heard the sound.

"I have done it. I also see that you can't beat him." Li Huailin said faintly.

"I can't beat it? I just didn't pay attention!" Wadford said, "You look good, human."

"Don't, don't have to read it." Li Huailin waved. "I am ready to take it. You should rest, don't rely on it to help, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Ha?" Wadford Marth did not understand the meaning of Li Huailin. Suddenly, the white light flashed Li Huailin has disappeared into Waldfoss. (To be continued.) 8

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