All Things Wrong

Chapter 2227: march

After all, there is only one transmission array, so the troops from various countries come together in succession. However, the time for assembling troops in each country is different.

First of all, the most active of course is the troops of the Terran and the Undead. It was originally Li Hualin’s confidant army, of course, listening to Li Huailin. So after receiving the Druid's contact, both sides quickly started to organize the troops, so of course the earliest.

Of course, the two forces have the most troops. The Terran is basically the second army that has moved over and has 100,000 troops. The undead people are also in a similar situation. Except for a little left-footed troops, the extra troops have basically moved in, but there are not many troops other than them.

The dwarves have 10,000 people here, and they are basically not regular troops. Half of them are craftsmen. The reason is very simple. After the Three Kingdoms Treaty, the dwarves could not have saved enough regular troops. I don’t want to send so many. Can the other troops make up the number. The same situation also happened to the Mozu. Although the basic population of the Mozu is very large, there are not many troops. This time it is more than 10,000 people.

The Elves have sent more than 20,000 troops, and the Orcs are only 10,000 people. The two of them were still in the war stage until recently, so the internal consumption is very large. The elves who won the war have responded a little bit, so there are still a lot of troops, but the Orcs are really not much. It is not that there are fewer Orc warriors, but they can all be soldiers, but the problem is that there is no logistical supply. They can't afford the troops. The war reparations are all overwhelmed by the pressure.

In addition to the six major foreign countries, there are also some small countries or forces that have received notices and come to participate in the war, but their troops are even fewer. More troops are the Knights of the Bright Church and the Druids. They almost came out of the nest. The Church of Light was pulling the entire Knights, and there were many pastors, and the Druids brought almost all the living druids. But apart from them, the rest is coming to the mix.

Of course, I said before that these troops are going to come in batches. After all, the transmission line is one. Moreover, they also have time to receive the news. It takes time to receive the news when they gather the troops. In addition to the first people to come, the second one is the troops of the undead.

While the army is being deployed here, Su Dian, the commander of the undead, is also looking for Li Huailin, but the problem is that no one can be found in the entire camp. Su Dasi thought about it and could only go to the Terran army to ask, and now they only come first.

"Hey? The troops with the Terran have already gone out?" The answer was that Sudes was all stunned. Under what circumstances, the troops did not arrive, and Li Huailin had already started to attack with people?

"Yeah, Your Majesty has been out for some time." The answer to Sudés was the current aide of the Second Army, Villanica Marindorf. Although Li Huailin went to attack, it is of course impossible for all the troops to follow. Otherwise, who will protect if there is trouble in the transmission? Therefore, Li Huailin also let the troops of the Second Legion let the troops set off when they reached almost half of the time. The rest of the people who had not yet arrived let Veronica stay with the defense.

Veronica also wants to follow, of course, this is hard to see Li Huailin again, Veronica said that she also wants to follow Li Huailin to the battlefield, but there is no way to call her who is now the deputy marshal, this time only Can leave Li to preside over the overall situation, after all, Anthony is now going to the battlefield, otherwise it is quite good to hand over to Anthony.

For the situation without taking it, Veronica is sulking, and of course the attitude is not very good. However, Sudays did not care very much. Anyway, the attitude of the Terran to them has not been very good. He is more concerned about the situation of their emperor Li Huailin.

"Where is the tens of thousands of troops going to attack the city?" Sudense was more anxious after a little understanding of the situation. "Is this not too dangerous?"

"When the Marshal adult will play the unprepared embarrassment." Veronica is of course a loyal follower of Li Huailin, who immediately said that he did not want to.

"It's also ah." Sudés agrees with this point. After all, the previous war, Sudes, also followed a lot of games. Sometimes it was inexplicable and then won, and I really couldn't understand it. However, this time is not the same as the previous situation. This time, the first battle on the New World, whether it is the environment, the terrain, or the enemy's situation, is not known. Is this really okay?

"Have you ever told us to send us a reinforcement?" I thought Sudés asked.

"Your Majesty said that you are optimistic about this, I will go back when I go." Veronica replied, thinking that if he wants to go, he is also his own. When is it your turn to ask this undead?

"This way." Su Dasi nodded. Li Huailin did not say that he did not dare to send the troops without permission. Although he was a bit worried, he could only stay here for defense. Of course, the troops are also ready. If Li Huailin’s message to send reinforcements is also the first time to rush.

And Li Huailin has indeed encountered a little trouble here. It is true that the environment here is really different from that on the mainland. The first problem is of course the problem of not seeing things.

Of course, this situation is actually known to all the troops before. The reason why the Dark Continent is called the Dark Continent is of course because of this. Therefore, when the Coming, the Second Legion has already prepared some things, which are used during nighttime combat. Something, like a torch, or some magic scroll. Now the people of the Second Legion are all marching with torches. However, it is obvious that the situation here is more serious than they think. Even if so many people are wearing torches, the range of illumination around is still small, and the surrounding situation is very clear, but the distance is completely It is a black.

"It’s more serious than I thought." Anthony looked around and said that the environment was really oppressive, which made the soldiers who were so excited that they could fight with Li Huailin and then get a little dull, morale. Has been affected. Even Anthony's face is not very good.

"It is good to fight at night." Li Huailin said.

"But are we in the right direction?" Anthony asked. They have been away for so long. Basically, nothing can be seen. There is no sun or moon here. There is absolutely no reference. Li Huailin should not have any Map here, so Anthony is really a bit skeptical.

"Nothing, the direction is definitely right." Li Huailin said simply.

"Yes? How do you know?" Anthony asked.

"Top." Li Huailin followed his finger to the upper position.

"Ha?" Anthony looked up, of course, nothing could be seen. It was black, what was there?

"When it is, there is still a distance of 2,000 yards." Li Huailin suddenly said.

"Ha?" Anthony is a glimpse. Looking at the front is also black. Can Li Huailin see something?

Anthony didn't know it. Of course, in the position above the entire army, a huge black dragon was leading them. Li Huailin also deliberately let Wadford Mars fly a little lower, so that Li Huailin can directly sweep to its position and follow him directly. The distance of 2000 yards mentioned before is of course the position that Li Huailin has swept to the city.

A little walk into the point that Li Huailin has almost swept the entire city. First of all, the city is still a relatively large city, almost the size of a medium-sized city in the mainland, and the city's walls are still relatively high. After thinking about it, Li Huailin thinks that it is probably closer to the wilderness area here, so these walls should be used for defense purposes, such as the half-humans that were encountered before.

Li Huailin also found that this scan is really very useful. It is not only capable of having a similar visual sense. For example, now that Li Huailin can sweep into the specific situation in the city, this is not directly visible. Yes, a feeling similar to the perspective of God.

This is of course very useful. For example, now Li Huailin can see the situation of the troops in the city. Although Li Huailin has swept a lot of "persons" of activities, the difference between civilians and soldiers is also very simple. Of course, it is to see if the other party can take weapons. This Li Hualin can also scan.

According to the current situation, Li Huailin found that there are still many troops in the city, probably because of the wild attack. At present, it seems that the other party may have discovered this unit, because Li Huailin feels that the other party seems to be assembling his own troops.

Think about it too, you said that so many people are marching on the torch, this far away can be seen from the other side. The light source is so rare on this continent. Whoever sees this situation will feel that there is a problem. It is of course that the commander will immediately assemble the troops.

"Well, everyone pays attention." Li Huailin waved his hand and suddenly let the troops stop. "The other party has already discovered us, and the battle is about to begin."

"Please take down the order!" said McCann immediately.

"War! Fight! Fight!" The soldiers also shouted in unison, and of course, there is no need for any banned sounds.

"Well, wait in the same place." Li Huailin said with a wave.

"Okay, everyone has awkwardness?" McCann wanted to say that everyone was ready to attack the city. The result was wrong. What did Li Huailin say?

"Your Majesty, we don't attack?" McCann asked.

"When our pioneers break the city gate first," Li Huailin said faintly.

"Pioneer?" McCann is still strange here. Suddenly there is a loud noise, and a huge black shadow falls directly in front of the troops.

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