All Things Wrong

Chapter 2230: Shout

Time soon came to the morning of the next day, Li Huailin just got up. ㄟ Yesterday's siege warfare was of course very smooth. There were no big troubles in the presence of Li Huailin and summoning Jade Emperor, and Li Huailin looked at it with a few holy levels, so it was almost foolproof.

After Lie Singh’s star-studded soldiers were basically settled, Li Huailin certainly took a break to go offline. Dark Big 6 Cliveson because it is difficult to judge the time because there is no day and night, Li Huailin did not pay attention to make it a bit late, so he fell asleep very quickly.

The next day, Li Huailin got a breakfast while watching the situation of the forum. At this time, players have already set foot on the Cliveson Big 6 and are reporting in the forum.

Yes, after the establishment of the transmission array yesterday, the players can already go directly to the Cliveson Big 6, but there was no player at that time because the transmission array was one. It is necessary to give priority to the np soldiers. This is of course Li Huailin. command. However, after a night's time, the subsequent transmission array was completed. There are already 3 transmission matrices available, and the fourth is still being established, so the transmission speed has also increased a lot. And the player can also go to the Cliveson Big 6.

However, according to the news from the players, the Cliveson Big 6 said that there are many tasks and a lot of blame, but the level of need is also very high. Players with low ranks can only die, so unless it is sightseeing, otherwise At least players above 8o can go. Of course, it is good to go. Now these players in the forum posts are basically for the players in non-Huaxia District. They are envious of them. After all, they don’t even have a copy.

As they expected, foreign players are indeed envious and hateful. Everyone knows that the new map must have new treasures, new props, whoever gets up first will certainly make a big profit. Now this new map is only played by players in Huaxia District. Can they not envy?

The problem is that the progress of the copy on their side is really not good. It is another night. There is still no progress. Of course, they are not the worst, and the worst is still the players in East Asia, because they still can't get on the line.

However, when it comes to players in East Asia, Li Huailin has already posted a message in his bib mailbox this morning. It is actually a message sent to him by a friend who has not been contacted for a while. Li Huailin counted it. It is true that today is the date of the second batch of badges that I had promised before, and the information given to him by You Tian Qianli reminded him of this. It seems that there is still the intention to accept the second batch of badges.

It's just that this information is strange everywhere. Although the tone of the tone has been modified, it always feels like it is not my own. Li Huailin thought about it. I don’t know what kind of organization is in control. I don’t doubt that the benefits of this oo badge are so big that it’s hard to imagine. For the sake of money, some people are willing to do this kind of thing. It is not surprising that this kind of thing is a place where hei society is legal.

For the case of Youtian Qianli, Li Huailin can only express sympathy, of course, he will not go to control. Where can he manage the life and death of a Japanese benzene girl, he will not know it at all. But how do you get out of this oo badge? If you don't send it out, it will affect your reputation, but Li Huailin doesn't want to spend more time on it.

I thought about Li Huailin and contacted the professionals. The so-called professionals are of course businessmen. Only businessmen can maximize the benefits of this thing. The most profitable businessman Li Huailin knows is Su Ruyan.

So Li Huailin said the current situation and Su Ruoyan, but Su Ruoyan said that she did not want to control this matter. First of all, she is a bit busy recently. The company mainly on the other side of the country is talking about cooperation with Tiancheng Group. It was the last time Li Huailin went to the magnesium country to talk about the project. Now I am looking for Su Ruo. After all, it is to send money, and they are staring at Su Ruoyan, they all want to have a good relationship with Su Ruoyan, so Su Ruoyan is really a bit busy recently.

Then the second reason is that this matter is too small for Su Ruoyan, or that Su Ruyan has not seen this kind of business now, even she said that this theory is not a business, so I am too lazy to let Li Huailin deal with it, and don't waste time on it.

Again, this is now involving some unhealthy organizations of benzene, which is certainly not a good thing. Su Ruoyan said that they should not have anything to do with these people now.

Li Huailin listened to it and felt a bit reasonable. He didn't know how to do it after all, so he didn't know much about how much profit this thing can have. Now I understand the analysis of Su Ruoyan. I was too lazy to manage it, but I threw it away, but although it was thrown directly, I have to listen to it.

So Li Huailin Deng 6 a neck post, probably means that today is the day of the badge, the way to put the badge is very simple, directly under the collar message lottery, all screaming people have the opportunity to draw a badge.

Li Huailin’s bib has just received a lot of attention from players in a flash. After all, Li Huailin is now a man of the situation, and everyone cares about the new version. However, looking at Li Huailin’s collar mentioned that it was actually a matter of East Asia, which made everyone a little disappointed. They also saw the previous bibs. They also knew that Li Huailin had said that he would give more badges to East Asia. This is not an exciting thing for players in China. They certainly think that players in East Asia are not on the line for a lifetime. However, I don’t know if it’s impossible. This should be Li Huailin’s pressure to compromise.

Just seeing Li Huailin’s post, everyone can’t help but hit a message of “666”. The message is called the 爹 lottery. This is what Li Huailin can do. Is this ready to let East Asian players be your son? .

"I can't laugh at me, and the tyrannical brother is really doing it. The sons of East Asia, come here and think."

"It’s like saying that Niubi is just saying that he can win a lottery. Can I smoke?"

"You are stupid, ah, the slain brother is to let the people in East Asia scream, what are you busy, what are you missing?"

"No, you know that this badge is worth more now. A game anchor on the Japanese side sells a badge of 4oo million yen, which is equivalent to more than 2 million rmb. Although this is the second batch, it should be oo after all." It is estimated that it can be worth a lot."

"Ha? Is it worth it? More than 2 million? Md makes me yell, I am willing."

So a group of players in East Asia haven't started calling yet. The players in Huaxia District are screaming first. Li Huailin's collar is starting to be crazy, and the format is still unknown. I have a badge."

Li Huailin was originally ready to go on the line, and the result was that Li Huailin was not right when he drank the saliva. The collar was too hot. Just went out for 3 minutes, and the post had already passed 10,000, so it would be messy. I thought about Li Huailin’s feeling that her rules were not fixed, so I thought about another post.

The approximate content is to explain the situation of the previous collar. The previous collar is not counted. It is necessary to leave a message under this new Weibo to start statistics, and this time only accept the ip address of East Asia, and an account can only Leave a message once, and after 24 hours, the results will be counted and the draw will begin.

I thought about Li Huailin’s second collar, saying that the third batch of badges will be released again in a week, the number is 1oooo, then the badge will be called Li Huailin directly, and next time I will call Grandpa too. You see which generation you want to be.

"66666, play or you will play, I am really convinced."

"This is not only for the son, but even the grandson is ready."

"Only accept East Asia ip, do I use a proxy?"

"It must be OK, but an account can only leave a message once. It seems that there are many applications."

There are countermeasures under the so-called policy. Although Li Huailin has set a certain rule, there are 20 million stimuli. Of course, there are still many people who want to recognize it. It can even be said that Li Huailin alone drove the economy, because the domestic network agents received orders from the mountains and plains, and then the new user registration volume of the collar suddenly exploded, so that the collarless official website that was not prepared was almost paralyzed. The official received the news to understand what was happening and quickly took measures to restrict user registration, such as temporarily closing the user name registration and switching to the phone number registration, and the person who applied for the telephone from the telecommunications bureau suddenly exploded.

The East Asian players who received the news at this time also arrived. They haven’t played the game for a long time. Now they want to go online. Now it’s impossible to expect Tianyu company. The Tokyo branch has moved away. The assistant is ready to play Tai Chi. Therefore, they can only save themselves. As for what is yelling, call a 爹4oo million yen income.

Therefore, although Li Huailin just wanted to hear the sound, I didn't expect the sound of the sound to be quite big. Because it didn't take long for Li Huailin to inexplicably get a title of "national old man", because in the 24 hours of the day, a total of 140,000 people passed the message on the collar, although many of them They are all repeated, but they can make so many people scream in 24 hours. Li Huailin is definitely the first person.

Of course, Li Huailin doesn't know about it at this time, because Li Huailin decided to hand over the matter to Huaxing Company for follow-up. After all, they are maintaining their own bibs. The lottery and the subsequent prizes will let them do well. Li Huailin himself went directly to the game. (To be continued.)

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