All Things Wrong

Chapter 2239: Way of breaking the city

Li Huailin was really too lazy to talk nonsense with these foreign players, so it was not long before the arrangement was completed. Li Huailin took the troops directly. Anyway, there are also two giant beasts, Waldfoss and Cullomoli, even if they have done everything, but at least these two can still protect their strongholds. Of course, foreign players don’t know about these two behemoths until now, so their plans can’t be made at first. Of course, if they really know, they won’t come up and send them.

Therefore, Li Huailin is also relieved to bring his own troops out. At this time, Li Huailin’s troops are still more than 20,000. The troops brought by Regg are of course still the main force, because knowing that this battle is a fierce battle, the recruits will not be pulled to death. Most of the recruits stayed in the East Asian area to maintain law and order, and brushed their experience. All of them are elite troops.

The main force of the troops is still the cavalry, because Li Huailin is too lazy to take the name, so the current cavalry is still called the first cavalry and the second cavalry, each team 3ooo. As a force from the time when Li Huailin built the army, and still stayed for a while in the First Corps and the Second Legion, this cavalry has become a veritable elite force, and Li Huailin’s experience is also diligent, so the current two Only the cavalry team has already experienced the s-level experience, full of combat power. The rest of the infantry team is basically the veteran troops pulled over by the first legion. Although it is said that the time of the army is not long, the combat effectiveness is still sufficient.

The troublesome thing is the logistics team. At present, the logistics team of this unit is really not good, but it is still good that this port is actually not far from the base of Huaxia District. In fact, it does not take one day to go back and forth. Time, so the demand in this area is not very big, the only trouble is the siege equipment.

"Your Majesty, there are no trees at all. We can't make siege equipment. If the walls of the other side are very high, what should we do?" Regg is watching the surrounding situation while walking, but the plants on the dark side of the 6th It is too little, there is no sunlight, the plants that can survive are some strange plants, and even some black gas that plants are spitting out. Yes, the ongoing estimates of these plants are not photosynthesis, but you ask why there are no plants to supply oxygen to the living creatures. Who knows this.

Of course, Regg is definitely not the problem of oxygen supply of plants, but the problem of making siege equipment. Simple siege equipment can be made by just getting a tree, but the plants here are obviously not qualified for this kind of processing because These plants are not in the direction of the sun, that is, they are long to the top, and most of them are soft and squatting on the ground. At first glance, there is no bones and bones. This kind of thing can't be done with a ladder. Row. When Li Huailin was out, they also asked them not to bring any siege devices. The reason was that those things were too slow, and Li Huailin simply did not want to waste time here.

"Do you think the city wall is a problem for us?" Li Huailin asked.

"Oh... isn't it?" Regg asked, thinking about it, Regg suddenly said, "I know your Majesty, you must plan to use the cavalry to make a surprise attack when the other party does not close the gate. ”

"You can't think about it with your brain." Li Huailin lifted the amount. "This city is the closest and largest city to our stronghold. When we attacked the stronghold yesterday, did you say that no one could run out? If anyone Where did their first choice run out? So the other party may not know about it at all?"

"This..." Regg had no words for a moment. Yes, when they attacked the stronghold of Huaxia District yesterday, they said that they were also besieged, but they did not necessarily kill everyone. Especially this kind of vision is more The obstacles, it is not very strange that you say someone has escaped. The first time the person who escaped is sure to find a big city to report to him. Of course, this port is the best choice. Therefore, several other small cities may not have received the news, but the possibility that the port did not receive the news is not very large.

"So the enemy has been prepared for us?" Regg asked.

"It is very likely that people have been sent to investigate the situation now. Of course, we are dispatched relatively quickly. The other party may not have fully responded yet." Li Huailin said, "But the city must be prepared."

"Isn't that bad?" Regga said. "But you just didn't let the dragon help to attack other cities. We didn't have a siege to get the port. We are the cavalry-based troops. what."

"You are a bit of a problem, but I have come in person, and there is still something wrong with it." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "I will show you my new skills in a while, and make sure that you are scared."

"Oh... okay." Although Regg didn't know the situation, he still believed in Li Huailin. After all, he was the boss.

The troops continued to move forward, and it was not long before they saw the port city that appeared in the black fog ahead. This is really a big city, bigger than the current occupation of the Huaxia District. Seeing the layout of the city, Regg is a little frowning because the location of the city is really good. First of all, he is a port, so it is already a situation of holding water, and it is still leaning against the mountain. This kind of situation is really difficult, because there are too few places to attack, the defenders Even if there are not many, the opponent's defensive position is relatively small, such a city is difficult to play.

And Li Huailin’s prophecy seems to have come true, because they only walked down the city, and by the fire, they saw that the gate had been closed, and there was a vaguely visible figure on the wall. It’s obvious that someone has been defending it. The situation is over.

"aa..." Just looking at the terrain, there was a loud voice on the wall. Of course, because the language is still unclear, I still can't understand what the other party is saying, but it seems to be warning. Regg also looked up directly, but because of the relationship between black fog, they can't see who is talking.

"Your Majesty, this city... is very strong." Regg looked up at the towering wall and couldn't help but say, "What do we do?"

The storm is definitely not going to work. The high-cavity wall of the cavalry can't do anything at all, so Regg can only ask Li Huailin what he said to scare him.

"Hmm, understand." Li Huailin looked at the wall and nodded.

"Your Majesty, can you really get it?" Regg asked.

"You always suspect that I am in a situation. It seems that you need to reorganize your views on me." Li Huailin said, "Well, now I am going to lay out the task and everyone will listen."

"Yes, Your Majesty." All the soldiers shouted.

"You are standing here waiting, and when you hear a loud bang in the gate of the city, you will rush in and see people and cut them." Li Huailin said.

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse, how is this so familiar. Someone thought about it for a while. This is not the order of the second leg of the group yesterday and the order that Li Huailin had when they said that they had been attacked before the attack.

"Your Majesty, is the dragon coming?" Regg certainly knows what happened yesterday. Although he came after the end of the battle yesterday, he certainly asked the case of the battle yesterday.

"Not coming." Li Huailin spread his hand.

"Ah? That..."

"Well, in short." Li Huailin waved his hand and interrupted the road. He was about to go forward and suddenly remembered something. "Right, the troops are separated from each other, leaving a passage in the middle. Yes, just separate the points. Separate, it’s almost the same.”

The troops were divided into two squares according to Li Huailin’s instructions. Of course, everyone still couldn’t understand what it was. Li Huailin continued: "You are waiting here. I will wait a few minutes. Anyway, I will hear the noise, understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," all the soldiers replied.

After saying that Li Huailin nodded and then walked straight in the direction of the city gate. Yes, Li Huailin actually went so far. Of course, all the soldiers were shocked. What did Li Huailin intend to do, and did one person negotiate with the other party? But the language is clear.

Regg certainly wants to go forward, but he was immediately stopped by Li Huailin: "Let you wait, stand up."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Regg nodded and could only stand in the same place. After thinking about it, His Majesty is an adventurer after all. Although it is dangerous, it does not seem to be too big. But even if you know this, Regg can't help but worry. If you say that the city gate suddenly opened up and two people took Li Huailin to lock it up, what should I do? However, as Li Huailin stepped closer to the city gate, there seemed to be no movement in the city, no one rushed out, no one put an arrow or the like. It is estimated that the other side would like to see what Li Huailin wants to do.

Because of the safe distance, Li Huailin walked a little bit and the figure became more and more pale. Lei Ge kept paying attention to Li Huailin's situation. As a result, he blinked his eyes and suddenly Li Huailin disappeared. In the same place.

"Hey? What about the people?" Regg asked.

"No... I don't know, I suddenly disappeared." The soldier next to him said.

"Ha?" Regg stunned the whole person, "This..."

"Marshal, what should I do?" asked the soldier next to him.

"Slightly wait... Your Majesty said to wait a few minutes..." Regg was also anxious, but still said so. To be continued.

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