All Things Wrong

Chapter 2246: pagan

"Ha?" Not just Li Huailin, everyone in the conference room looked at Rehnquist. Yes, no one can think of who is talking about him. In theory, Rehnquist certainly has no qualifications to appear here. After all, he just joined them. Now he is only a slave foreman who is a translator. But now it is a special period. Only he knows Secto. The language of the star is also involved in torture, so it is also to let him stand here.

Of course, I just watched it. No one thought that he really dared to speak at this time. What kind of identity is sitting here, the generals, marshals, and even the emperor of Anthony are present, they have not said anything yet. Then, your slave foreman actually spoke first. What do you mean?

Of course, Li Huailin doesn't think that this group of people values ​​their identity, but he didn't expect Rehnquist to think of a way. However, although a little surprised, Li Huailin immediately said: "Yes, let's listen."

When I heard Li Huailin’s words, some people who wanted to stop him immediately stopped. Since Li Huailin had to listen to them, of course, they couldn’t say anything. It’s just that so many marshals, Jiang Jun, couldn’t think of any good way, you are a slave foreman. Can you think of a good way? Are you not doing this? Everyone thinks that if there is any problem with the other party, they must immediately squirt this guy. Anyway, there are still many translations.

The generals "have seen some of the murderous eyes of Renquist, of course, and he certainly knows what is going on, but he also has his own plans." Now that he has decided to hold Li Huailin’s thigh, then Renquist is of course tight, and the things he said are only known to him, but soon others will report it, now He said that it was his credit only if he was present, so he can only say now that he has offended the generals and he has no choice.

"Your Majesty, we might try to contact the pagans here..." Rehnquist thought of it.

"Ha? Pagan?" Li Huailin took a brief look, but immediately reacted. "Do you mean that there are Sector stars who don't believe in Bahia?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I only knew this when I was chatting with the prisoners last night." Rehnquist nodded. "You may know that these Sectors were originally on this continent." Aboriginal people, and after Beyaki came, some Sectors believed in it, claiming to be the Sector star, which is the enemy we are facing now. But there are still some Sectors. Believing in this alien god, they still claim to be Sectors. It is only after years of Sector's star singularity that they gradually control the entire continent, so these original Sectors become pagans. Of course, they have also been persecuted by the Sektor star. The current situation seems to be all-night criminals in the whole mainland. It should also be the case of Tibet hiding in Tibet. So I have never known that there are such a group of people. It was also yesterday that I heard those prisoners who said that they had to encircle them."

Yes, the people who actually heard about this were not just Rehnquist. After Li Huailin went offline, these foremen were of course continuing to torture these Sector stars. After all, their bosses have already recruited. This time they were The resistance is not very big, but also a little useful information, this is one of them. Rehnquist hasn't had time to report it yet. He has a meeting here. He thinks that it is his own merits to say things now, so he is here to pay attention.

“Oh?” Li Huailin was a little surprised. “How many are these pagans?”

"This... squat, they don't know," Rehnquist replied.

Li Huailin nodded slightly. After all, it has been so many years, and the Sector who can still survive is sure to be deeply hidden. In theory, these Siketors, whether they believe in Bahia or not, should be in the same environment, so the difference in appearance should not be very large. Maybe it is possible to live directly inside these people. .

"But how do you go to find these people?" Li Huailin asked. "In theory... they shouldn't know where these people are hiding, or else they will have been annihilated."

"Yes...Yes, my Majesty." Rehnquist here nodded. "But there is a clue."

"Oh? What clue?" Li Huailin asked.

"According to the owner of the ancient Stendi, the recent church order allowed them to step up their search for the sea. Although it is not stated, the gang of the pagans may be on an island," Rehnquist said.

"Is the island?" Li Huailin nodded. This statement is quite reliable. The mainland’s vision does not know how the Sector star is navigating at sea, but it is obviously safe at sea. It must be much higher than the mainland. Of course, although I know that Li Huailin is not on the island, I don’t know where it is. It’s obvious that Seckor’s star blame them and they won’t know it, or else they’ve sent people.

"Your Majesty, if you can contact this Sector, it is very beneficial to us," said McCann, next to him.

"I know, but the problem is that I don't know how to contact." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Now the other side doesn't know where, you said..."

"Your Majesty." Just saying, a soldier came in at the door and shouted at Li Huailin.

"What's the matter?" Of course, this situation is of course an emergency military situation, or else it will not come in at this time. Of course, it is normal to have an emergency military situation. They only played so many cities in Sector’s Stars yesterday. You said that it is normal for them to receive the news. It is normal to send troops to see the situation, so Li Huailin falls. Not very strange.

"Your Majesty, we just captured a homing vessel in the port called Settotis, and found more than 20 Settos star monsters. But the other party heard about our identity and wanted to talk to him. Talking, they said that they are not the same person as these people..." the soldier said.

"Ha?" Li Huailin thought of the words of the pagans in a flash. So coincidentally, I was saying that I would contact them and they would come to the door. Whether it is true or not, Li Huailin decided to look at it in the past.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin said to everyone: "I have to look at it first. You will return to your own defense for the time being. You should not attack at present. If there is a force to commit, report it immediately and keep in touch."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone nodded.

"You come with me." Li Huailin directly pointed to Rehnquist, of course, let him follow the translation. Rehnquist is of course very happy. Although Li Huailin did not reward him with any substantive things, he is now taking him directly, so that he has become more and more close to Li Huailin. Of course, it is convenient to do anything. So naturally I am very happy to follow up.

"Tsmog, you are coming." Li Huailin thought about whether or not to bring this torture master, the purpose is to see if the other party is really true, after all, he now knows limited.

"I will go too," said Anthony next to him.

"You stay here and look at the old one." Li Huailin said, "I will go and see the situation."

Anthony did not insist, and soon Li Huailin took a few people to the city of Settotis. Into the city, Li Huailin also quickly saw several captured Sectors. Li Huailin first observed that at present, at least in appearance, Li Huailin does not see any difference between these people and the Sector star. How to look is the same. The name of the other side is also displayed in red, and there is no camp display.

"Renquist, go up and ask." Li Huailin said with a wave.

Rehnquist certainly knows what Li Huailin wants to ask, and goes up to talk to the people a little. The information was quickly fed back to Li Huailin.

According to them, they are Sectors, so-called pagans. Of course, they themselves will not call themselves pagans. They must think that they are just. Now the life of these gangs is not good, the organization has completely turned underground, most of the pagans are mixed in the city and the general Sector star blame is no different, and even many people give up contact. And they are relatively core members, and they have contact with the headquarters. Before they went to sea, they told the leader that the Sector star had tightened their search for them, and the leader was careful. When the results went, everything was normal. They didn't know that their city had changed their masters. As a result, the ship was also stunned. Inexplicably, it was captured by the Terran soldiers who did not know where to come.

Of course, they didn't say anything at all, so they must be locked up with other prisoners. After communicating with other prisoners, they knew that these Terran troops had slaughtered their entire city and were still questioning them about Beyaki.

Realizing that the goal of this group of Terran troops may be Beyaki, their goal is of course Bayanji, the goal on both sides is the same. These people have the same ideas as Li Huailin, can they use the other side. So they also quickly found the meaning of the translation in the prison, which has the situation reported by the soldiers before.

“Do you know the position of the leader?” Li Huailin heard important information and asked directly, “Can you meet?” (To be continued.)

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