All Things Wrong

Chapter 2255: Give pressure

At this time, Li Huailin is still in the city of Guasoril, because the current situation needs to pay attention to the situation of Nokvis, and the situation in the mainland of China is relatively simple. It has already been occupied by the Continental Alliance, so the troops of the undead do not have to continue to go south. It is better to join the Terran troops in the north and then march toward the center along the east.

I also said that this Cliveson continent has not suffered from the invasion of foreign enemies, so the experience of the enemy is very weak. In fact, this is a very big weakness of these Sector stars. Although their bodies are indeed very strong, but because of the long-term isolation, the battle experience and the Li Xianglin’s mainland, which has been in the battle, is not a bit worse. A little bit, in this case, even McCann and Sudés can easily grasp each other's movements. It is relatively easy to enter the army all the way, and there is no decent resistance.

Moreover, Li Huailin also let McCann steadily and steadily. After each attack of a city, he first establishes a transmission array, so that he can keep it at any time. In the event of any situation, Li Huailin can adjust at any time, but the news that has been returned so far is still It is relatively stable. This is mainly because the Corranz church here has not reacted to the present.

Li Huailin now knows some of the Corranz churches from the captured prisoners. As the ruler of the mainland, the Corrans Church almost controls the most elite troops on the continent, and the number is certainly amazing. The exact number is not many people say clearly, but once they are dispatched, it is definitely enough for them to drink a pot, but so far they have not met the church forces on both sides. In theory, the church should have received news. Ah, but I don't know why it didn't matter.

In addition, Li Huailin also learned some other situations from the prisoner's side, but it is mainly the situation of the mainland and the Corranz church. These things are not known to Li Huailin's consideration of Beyaki. The reason is of course because of their rank. too low. According to them, the church will not tell them anything about Biyaji, but they are born on this continent. Basically, since birth, they have heard that Biyaji is their god. Over time, they have become accustomed to it. As for what happened to Beyaki, what it looks like and what ability it has, they don’t know it. Simply saying is almost equal to a symbolic meaning.

These words Li Huailin is more convinced. In fact, as a ruler, there is no need to explain these to the following people. Therefore, it seems that it is necessary to ask the situation of Bayanki to catch the top of the church.

But now the situation of this Corranz church is really a bit out of hand, because the other party has not responded so far. We must know that Li Huailin has already made a lot of noise. The troops of the Continental Alliance that the East Road entered did not say anything. They said that the situation of lvvism in Nokweth should make them anxious.

Now the scale of lvvism has indeed begun to affect the southern part of the continent. Like Li Huailin’s plan, Nokvis has swept through the southern part of the mainland with the troops of more than 20,000 who have just joined, and encountered a relatively large city. Li Huailin continued to perform with the other side. In the case of a small city, it was directly crushed. Now the southern part of the mainland has already known this new infidelion, and Nokvis has stabilized after several rounds of performance. The location of the gods, this time Li Huailin did not use any means of massacre, but actively sent out propaganda units, and after propaganda, most of the cities in the south now know lvlv, Knox, Bairu The meaning of these keywords in the Kingdom of South Korea, in fact, has already emerged in the city of active surrender, can explain the effectiveness of this propaganda offensive.

In this case, there is no movement in the Corranz church here. This makes Li Huailin really strange. In his opinion, this behavior has already shaken the fundamental behavior of the other party. The other party does not ask, This is really a bit strange.

However, the other side has no movement, but it is quite sad that Li Huailin is here. In fact, Li Huailin's favorite rhythm of war is to control the opponent's actions, forcing the other party to move first according to a series of reasonable guesses, and then Li Huailin grabs the other's weaknesses. He has now planned how the other side will attack the mainland coalition forces. What should the other side do directly attack this place? But now the church does not move. It really makes Li Huailin not know what to do.

However, he believes that the church is also suffering from the situation here. Therefore, although it is anxious, the other party will certainly move. Since it is still not moving, Li Huailin is more happy and let them take time to move. Therefore, according to Li Huailin’s plan, this time Nokvis began to try to attack the more northerly city and make a gesture that seems to be going to Hiltiers City to see if the other party is in a hurry.

So this time the goal is set in the city of Sosans, a city in the south-central continent. In theory, this is already the gateway city to the central part of the mainland. If he is a church, of course, even if he sends out reinforcements to the city, he will curb the marching route of the southern rebels. Of course, this is only a theory. So far, Li Huailin has not seen any of the main forces of the church. He does not know whether there is any church in the city of Sosans, because he still does not receive any church here. Intelligence. The captured prisoners are basically not the top of the church, and although their intelligence network wants to carry out, the situation on the mainland here is a bit complicated, and the current time is too short, so there is nothing to gain, Li Huailin can only go. Take a step by step.

However, there is nothing wrong with the offense. If the church does not send reinforcements, they will be able to take the city. If the reinforcements are taken, it is not bad. At least Li Huailin knows that the church has begun to act. This is good news for him. Therefore, this offense should be stable and not compensated.

So now, Nokvis, who listened to Li Huailin’s words, also agreed to the request for the attack and set off with his own troops. Yes, Nokvis still understands very well. Now that he has troops, logistics supplies are also available, but his "divine power" can be all made by Li Huailin. If a **** does not have the power, it will be more troublesome. So now he still listens to Li Huailin's words, still in accordance with Li Huailin's instructions.

At present, the forces of Nokvis are already very scary. In terms of quantity, there are already more than 100,000 troops. Of course, most of these troops are not regular troops, just ordinary militia. Training and the like are not. What is said, weapons are not enough, but it is the number of wins, as well as faith. Yes, these troops basically regarded Nokvis as a god, so fighting is also a very lifeless thing. Although it is very chaotic, but after all, there are not many people.

Nokvis brought a total of 50,000 people to attack the city of Sossanlis, and the main force, that is, the city guards who surrendered were basically there. Of course, the remaining troops will continue to sweep around the small cities in the south. These 50,000 people are now the main force of Nokvis, fully equipped and well-stocked.

It is very tense to see the defenders of the city of Sosalis, the black-pressed force under the city. The opponent’s troops looked really powerful, and the number of people was scared. The front squad that he could see was the city guards, so the station was neat and looked like a very powerful force. As for the militia behind, they did not see it anyway. Just looking at the troops in front of them, they thought that the rebels were soldiers of this level, and of course they were horribly dying.

The church is still not sent to the reinforcements. Although Sosalis City has already sent people to the church, the church has not responded so far. How can they defend against the 50,000-strong army? This can't be beaten.

Then the Nokvis on this side began to "jump the gods" again. The routine used is the previous routine. First of all, show the ability to get rid of the knife, and then show off the temperament of your own space. Ability, two-pronged approach, amazing results. Now that Knocks has been played for several times, I already know how to cooperate with Li Huailin. This is also a fly-up, and it quickly makes people feel that he really has "magic power."

The man who had faced the 50,000-strong military city was flustered. Now, I didn’t expect the leader of the family to really have the blessing of the great god. Then there is nothing to say, so the defenders in the city are in total, anyway, the church I don't care about us, we have the opposite.

So soon the city of Sussalis was peacefully liberated. The city owner surrendered to the city and said that he had converted to the lvlv gods and was willing to contribute to the reconstruction of the vision of the kingdom of Bylusos. Of course, Nokvis also expressed his willingness to accept the loyalty of the other party. Sosalis City was so shocked and won.

"That's strange, this city is not guarded?" Li Huailin, who entered the city, was even more puzzled. This is the gateway city in the central part of the mainland. The church still has no movement. This is what is going on, such a calm behavior. Li Huailin Instead, I feel that the other side has something to rely on, but what is the point, Li Huailin does not know, this is the most headache.

"Your Majesty." I was thinking about it. Suddenly the soldiers came to report. "We found a strange slave in the city and said that there is important information about the church. Tell the leader here, that is, Nokvis. Kevis asked what he should do."

"Ha?" Li Huailin squatted a little. (To be continued.)


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