All Things Wrong

Chapter 2268: confusion

"Your Majesty, will the enemy's army really go through this side?" Actually, the undead troops have been waiting here for a long time, and there is no movement at all. So Sudense is a little nervous. After all, it is inside the enemy. Although they want to get around, they may be discovered at any time.

"Reassured, I said to the other party's command, I will come soon." Li Huailin waved his hand and said.

"Ha?" Sudice certainly didn't know what it was. What is it to say to the commander of the other party, that is, you told the other side that we have been ambushed, so please hurry up and send it. ? Is the opponent’s commander mentally retarded?

"Ah!" Just want to ask clearly, I did not expect that Li Huailin suddenly screamed.

“What happened?” Sudés asked quickly.

"Well, I forgot to say hello to the other party's command!" Yes, Li Huailin finally remembered it. When I got on the line this morning, I came here directly to find Sudes, and I forgot to talk to Sonya. Plan, this... no problem.

"Your Majesty, isn't this a good thing?" Su Dies is really worried about Li Huailin telling the opposite, now forgetting to say that it is not a good thing.

"A good p, not a big deal for a while, I have to hurry to say hello to the other party's command, let them quickly come and send a wave." Li Huailin immediately got up and said.

"No, my Majesty, let's have something to say..." Suedes, who was next to him, always felt that Li Huailin could do anything, and quickly dissuaded him, but at the moment Li Huailin stuck, he suddenly moved.

"Wait, no need." Li Huailin smiled slightly. "Hey, I didn't expect this woman to really guess my plan. It's a good match."

Sudense, next to "Your Majesty?", of course, still can't understand, woman? What woman? Where is the woman coming here? He still doesn't know that the other's leader is a woman, and certainly he doesn't know what Li Huailin said.

"Prepare, the enemy is coming." Li Huailin said with a wave of his hand.

"Ha?" Sudes looked at the west again, of course, nothing was seen. The environment on the dark side of the mainland is also clear to everyone. It’s hard to see the distance between the two sides. So Sudes can of course see nothing. "Come here? Here?"

"Yeah, wait." Li Huailin certainly knows that it is scanned by sound waves. Of course, the range of sound waves is 2,000 yards away. Now he is sweeping, but he has to wait for Sudays to see them. Need some time.

Although Su Dasi is full of doubts, he still obeys Li Huailin’s orders. He orders his own men to be ready. The enemy forces may appear at any time. Although he is not sure yet, but based on Li Huailin, he is no longer reliable. The order was heard first.

As a result, they found that Li Huailin once again said that they heard the sound because of the distance. Yes, the third legion of the church was speeding toward the direction of Willings City. Of course, the movement of the march was still very large. They heard the voice of the march of the big troops.

This is not necessary for Li Huailin to say anything. All the undead troops are leaning down and preparing their weapons, waiting for the order of Li Huailin.

Stilim, the head of the Third Legion, certainly did not expect so much, and still urged the soldiers to speed up the road. Fortunately, the body of the Sector star is inherently good, and the body type is large. The step is equal to the average person's three-step approach. The advantage of the road is relatively obvious compared to normal humans. Stylem felt that he should be able to rush to the battlefield before the intruder's army arrived. It’s just that he didn’t even think about the situation where someone was waiting for him.

“唰 的 的 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Come down. Stylem first hadn't reacted yet, and the next second he was suddenly shocked by his thoughts.

"Ambly?" Stylem's reaction is relatively fast, because no one on the continent will use anything like fire, just heard that the invasion army used torches all day long. Disgusting their troops, Stylem also recently wondered if he would train the soldiers to adapt to these lights. After the province was hit, the situation of photophobia appeared again. Of course, it was too late to implement. As a result, now that I saw the fire on the mountain, Stylem reacted, which may be used by the enemy.

Of course, it’s too late to react. This first cluster of fire is of course Su Dasi’s point next to Li Huailin. This is the signal that Li Huailin ordered the attack. On this dark continent, the light is of course the simplest signal, as long as One point, all the troops can see it.

Sure enough, the next second, the whole piece of fire was lit up, and all the undead soldiers ambushing around took out the prepared torches and instantly turned the whole mountain road into a red.

"Worse...worse." While covering his own eyes, Stylem also realized that the big things were not good. Of course, he didn't even think that there were troops in the area that were ambushing them. He didn't even know where the other party came from, and how did the troops get here, and how did they know their marching route and marching time, they would arrange to ambush here, Stylem completely I can't figure it out.

Yes, who can think that their leader is providing this information to the other party? Stylem is really awkward in this time. He estimates that he will not think about who sold him.

Of course, after the fire was on, the bows and arrows that followed quickly came. The undead troops were already ready to ambush here, not only occupying the commanding heights, but also preparing for the bombs, the attack began, and the arrows were raining. Sektor star blames their body to be relatively strong, compared to the average person, their blood is thick and skinny, it doesn't matter if they have a few arrows, but the problem is that the number of arrows is too much, even if they are fully inserted The full arrow is definitely not alive.

"The head of the army, what should I do?" The adjutant next to him quickly woke up the already threatening Stylem, although he did not know what the situation was, but obviously staying here is of course dead. Whether it is a war or a withdrawal requires the commander of the army to give the next order.

It’s just that Stylem is indeed awesome now. I really don’t want to understand how I am in the middle of it. People have some magical obstacles. In the chaos, even the adjutant who called him was not heard. He did not come back until he had a few arrows in his side.

"Retreat... Retreat!" Stylem said that the truth was a little scared. In fact, another reason for his mid-range is that he has never experienced the real, and now the battlefield. Yes, it was said that the entire dark continent has always been the rule of the Church of Corrans. They rarely touch the outside world, and then the outside world does not want their territory, they are too lazy to hit them. Therefore, although they say that they are the ace of the church, they have the best personnel and equipment, but in fact they have not experienced many wars. The only thing they have played in the past few years is to fight with those wild monsters...or pagans. It is just plain and chaotic, the kind can basically be said to be a massacre, not really a war.

As the head of the army, Stylem is quite capable in military matters, but the problem is that war experience cannot be compensated by knowledge. The commander who has not experienced war can only be said to be a leader. . This is what Stylem is experiencing now, so he is really a bit blind. In the midst of the inexplicable ignorance, he didn't know how to deal with it. He knew that he was in the middle of the arrow. He suddenly realized that his life was threatened. Of course, the first reaction was to run.

Then, when you heard the command of the head of the army, the Siketor star soldiers must run. Are you going to be beaten here? So the whole army began to withdraw. Of course, Li Huailin’s situation is clear and clear. Thanks to the sound wave scan of Coolomori, Li Huailin’s control of the entire battlefield is very accurate.

"It's a disappointing reaction." Li Huailin spread his hand, and the other's command is too dishy. This reaction speed, this ability to adapt, this decision is almost the worst, let people think this guy is the marshal of the relationship. . Fortunately, this kind of dish forced Li Huailin to have a response plan, and directly greeted Su Dasi next to him. Sudense, of course, immediately directed the next messenger to start firing gestures.

Upon receiving the order, the undead army, which had been ambushed for a long time, entered from both sides and began to intercept the other’s troops. Li Huailin also got up and took the cavalry of the undead directly to prepare for the formation of the other side. Originally, Li Huailin did not intend to move, but after all, considering that the strength of the Saktor star squad is still there, now there is only the undead troops around him. The advantage in terms of numbers is not great, just an ambush. The other party may be able to fight again if it returns to God, causing a lot of losses.

Anyway, now surrounded by the army of the undead, Li Huailin directly opened the aura, not only the help of the Sektor star madness, but also the dead spirits around him, but the full-speed blood return plus 45% full attribute bonus, this It’s not a big deal with the Seckor star.

The result of the war is of course obvious. Not long after Li Huailin joined the battlefield, the ambush battle ended, and of course the fallen body on the ground was the body of the Sektor star. (To be continued.)

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