All Things Wrong

Chapter 2274: City gate

It has been said that the vast majority of the soldiers in the direct troops of these churches belong to the soldiers who have not participated in the real war. Therefore, there is no problem in executing the order, but the reaction ability after the battle has changed. It’s too bad

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of this unit is equal to saying that it is not. After all, how can the battlefield be smoothly executed in accordance with the plan, and there may be a change at any time. If there is no resilience, the troops will be sent to death on the battlefield.

This is the case now. In the face of the sudden appearance of the Terran troops rushing towards them, the Sektor star soldiers here are all stunned. Obviously, the tasks they received did not deal with the sudden emergence of enemies.

This has delayed a precious time, until everyone is awake, the other party has been close to himself. Even so, no one knows what to do now. Now that the troops have just come out halfway, are they going back or rushing out?

"Close the door first!" Of course, so many people are not all stupid, and some people still understand it. Obviously the purpose of the other party is not their army. The most important and deadly thing is the door that is still open. Now this situation is if the enemy directly occupied the gate, then the entire city of Hillettis is finished.

So one of the Sector star soldiers shouted directly to the people in the city. His meaning is very clear, that is, don't worry about what they are doing outside now, anyway, you shut the door first. And when I heard this person, everyone reacted, and now it should be closed the first time.

"Close the door! Close the door!" All the Siktor star soldiers shouted at the people in the city gate. Yes, these Siktor star soldiers have to say that they have been brainwashed. It’s good now. If the general unit is inevitably intimidated by the sudden emergence of troops, it will lead to a strong desire to flee back to the city. Instead, the city gate could not be closed. But these Siktor star soldiers are, after all, the church soldiers. They are really thinking for the church. Although they have just been squatting for a while, the first reaction after waking up is to keep the city of Hiltiers. As for themselves, they didn’t even think about escape. Even the soldiers outside were posing a situation in which we wanted to block your troops.

The sound of the chain of "咔咔咔" sounded again. It was obvious that the soldiers in the city also heard the shouts of the soldiers outside and began to close the gate. Of course, they also take the safety of the city and the church as their first purpose. Therefore, they will not consider the comrades outside, and they will not consider it when they hear the enemy.

"Your Majesty, this is not good." This distance Li Hualin's troops have been able to clearly see the situation of the city gate, and the current state makes McCann very worried. Unexpectedly, the Seckor star blame could make a choice so quickly, and immediately closed the gate, and the soldiers outside did not escape to the city, but instead prepared to block them. If they are really dragged by them, then it is too late to occupy the city gate.

"You continue to rush." ​​Li Huailin immediately said, and then did not wait for McCann to react here, Li Huailin suddenly disappeared on his own horse after an acceleration, turned into a virtual shadow quickly rushed toward the front. Yes, of course, this is the skill of God, and Li Huailin has already set the mark in the North City Gate before, and is ready to face such an unexpected situation.

The Sector star-studded soldiers who are preparing to be enemies here are actually very chaotic. Although their ideological consciousness is there, the problem is that the team is in a mess. Their own preparations have been very confusing. Now half of them are coming out. Half of the people have not yet come out, and it is unclear who and who is a small team. Not to mention whether their chiefs are out of the question is a problem. They can only be adjusted on the spot. They are adjusting. As a result, they suddenly see a flashing red light rushing toward them.

"That... what is that?" Before it happened, the thing rushed directly into the crowd. Of course, the dozen soldiers who were knocked down flew out instantly, and everyone else around them was brought down. one slice. It has been very chaotic, and it is even more messy.

Li Huailin’s goal was not to them, but went directly to the gate of the city directly through the troops. “咚”, Li Huailin accurately landed in the center of the city gate, and suddenly all the surrounding soldiers flew out. What makes Li Huailin a little surprised is that this door is actually a good thing. You must know that Li Huailin had even passed through the mountains. Now, although the sprint distance is not very far away, it is quite unexpected that the door is not a thing. It seems that my own skill is not to say anything to wear.

However, Li Huailin did not have much time to think about the specific situation, because the door is still closed, and he can't give him so much time to think. So Li Huailin immediately reached out and shouted in the direction of the door: "Millet!"

The sound of the dragon humming, the golden light flashing millet appeared in front of himself, just wanting to sell a cute thing to his master, and the next second Xiaomi found himself... was stuck.

"Hey?" Xiaomi went straight, and of course began to scream, but it didn't do much. The two doors, one left and one right, just caught the body of Xiaomi, and they were still squeezing inside. Let Xiaomi simply can't move. It didn't matter if I took a few shots with my claws, but it hurts more and more.

"What...what?" The sudden emergence of the dragon that caught the door made the Siketor starry soldier surprised again. The situation that I did not expect was too much. However, the big troops who watched each other must rush over. This time is not a time of surprise, and they are rushing to the dragon.

Several Sector star soldiers near the gate quickly rushed to the direction of Xiaomi, and the head-on collision was a sacred fire of Xiaomi. Yes, now Xiaomi is in painful. These have already started to spurt fire. Of course, the attribute of Xiaomi is not very high because of the punishment of the gods. The damage of the dragon's interest is limited. However, this place where the holy fire is not ordinary is rich in light elements, and you know that the most feared thing for the Siketor star soldiers is the light. This bit of the dragon’s breath is just flashing the other’s dog’s eye. For a time, these soldiers who were sprayed could not look at things.

The soldiers outside the back town of Xiaomi are of course ready to work on Xiaomi, but there is Li Huailin here. Others don’t say that Li Huailin directly throws a scroll of holy light on the ground. Helping the soldiers simply can’t open their eyes. In this case, let alone Li Hualin, they are very difficult to do.

"Come on, go up!" The soldiers behind him were blocked by the soldiers in front. They couldn’t move at all. They couldn’t go up, they could only push the people in front and walk forward. A mess.

"What to do, the city gate can't be closed!" It is obvious that the gate is still not closed in this case, with a dragon in the middle, and hundreds of people in the gate can't move with the winch. Just the middle millet of the folder is screaming.

"It's over, this is over."

Yes, after the time for this, Li Huailin’s follow-up troops have already arrived. Because he saw his majesty under the city gate, Li Huailin’s troops also rushed to help. The former Sektor star blame had already formed a formation to block them, but it was not even sorted out by Li Huailin, and now the situation is a mess, and now it is impossible to stop Li Huailin. The troops are gone.

"咚", the front row of horses directly slammed into the Sektor star army, directly pushed the troops on both sides, and opened in the middle. The fighting power of the Sector star squad is really not good, although the momentum is not bad, but now the situation is met with the impact of the cavalry is also a touch.

In the forefront, Li Huailin’s troops were directly attacked. This attacked Li Huailin with his cavalry and the cavalry of the Second Legion. The most fierce rush now is of course Li Huailin’s general Bruno, because he is worried. Li Huailin rushed to the gate of the city in the first time.

The first thing I saw was of course Li Huailin. I found that Li Huailin seemed to have nothing to do with it. When I put the snack, I looked at it and the result was directly blocked. The thing that is now stuck in the gate of the city... Is it a dragon if you are not mistaken?

To be honest, Bruno has also been playing for several years. The siege warfare has also experienced a lot, but I have never seen anyone using a dragon to block the city gate. Is this really good? This dragon is really The call is a bit miserable. Of course, the soldiers behind came up at this time. When they saw this situation, they couldn’t help but stayed.

"What are you doing? Just rush in." Li Huailin saw his troops coming, but also shouted.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Of course, when I heard Li Huailin’s shouting, of course everyone woke up and thought about what it’s like to be his own family. It’s really something that can be done. But now is really not a surprise, just take the city down and say it.

His own troops have already rushed to this side. Li Huailin also directly recovered the Xiaomi who blocked the door. For a time, the troops sneaked in. All the Siktor star soldiers saw this situation and knew that their holy city was finished. )


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