All Things Wrong

Chapter 2282: Destruction

"The trough..." Looking at the black stone pillar that started to move in front of him, the Regg and the soldiers next to him were shocked. Before they could react, the surrounding ground suddenly began to vibrate. ?

This reaction is even bigger, everyone feels that they can't stand, and the earthquake is not a small scale, it seems that the whole city is shaking.

"Your Majesty, this...what situation?" Regg was also unable to stand up by the shaking station, and asked with a stern look.

"How do I know tnd?" Li Huailin certainly didn't know what it was, but after seeing more and more people who escaped from the church next door, Li Huailin shouted, "Whether you send it to you first." A safe place to go, this place doesn't feel right."

"Your Majesty, what about you?" Regg asked immediately.

"I am here to see the situation and say, you withdraw first." Li Huailin said.

Fortunately, Li Huailin is not the first time to read this unspeakable order. Under normal circumstances, there are places where the soldiers can run first. However, Regg is still quite used to this side, and immediately began to command the soldiers who just escaped to retreat.

A loud bang, Li Huailin turned and saw that the black stone pillar had risen a lot. Originally it was wrapped in the building, and now it has already rushed out of the roof, as if it was being topped by something. The feeling of coming up.

"This is, should Bayachi wake up?" asked the caller Jade Emperor next to him.

"Probably," Li Huailin said. "It is estimated that it is given by a big sister who does not feel bad about the world."

"Hey, what am I going to do with me?" The green light flashed on the side of Li Huailin. She was originally an image. Although she did not come out with them before, it must appear casually. of.

"It is estimated that Benjamin would have a last breath when he wants to wake up. You just gave the last bit of energy when you opened the door, and then the other person woke up." Li Huailin said, "So can you take it up?" This responsibility comes?"

"I said that I have to deal with this guy and I have to drag it into the dream world. I have beaten it over there, but obviously this guy doesn't know how to absorb energy from the dream world, so once I put it If it is dragged in, it will definitely cause serious damage to the dream world, so I will not do this." The dream immediately said.

"So you gave me the pot." Li Huailin said, "Hey, you said that the dream world is the reflection of the real world. If the real world is destroyed, the dream world should also suffer. You No strength?"

"I am not helping you," the dream said immediately. "If you don't have me, can you find the position of the other person's body?"

"Then tell me the location of the other person's body." Li Huailin immediately said.

"Below." The dream pointed to the bottom and said, "I only know that it is underground."

"Oh... that means we have to dig the ground?" Li Huailin asked.

"No, the other party is coming up." The dream said immediately.

"Oh..." Li Huailin nodded. "Don't this shock be that Biyaji is coming up?"

"It should be." The dream nodded. "It seems that the place we were in may be somewhere in Bayanki. Now we have to find a way to return to Beyaki's body and find out the core position of the other side."

"So this black pillar is also part of Beyaki's body?" Li Huailin thought about it. "How come in? I heard that the hardness of this thing is very amazing. If you find a sword saint, you can't cut any traces." That kind."

"It's not hacked in," said the dream. "Byaki's body has a space-like place. The core of the other side must be there, just to find a way to get in."

"Is there any recommended method?" Li Huailin asked.

Dreamland here thinks a little and says; "You are right, if the real world is broken by Beyaki, the dream world will be implicated, so I can help. Look at the situation just now. The power of the dream world seems to be very longing, so we can use this to lure each other to take us in."

"Oh... you mean that we first enter the world of dreams, and then give it a little strength to seduce it to eat you. When the other party swallows the entrance to the dream world, we can appear in the other's body." Li Huailin said.

"Yes, it's just a little bit dangerous. If Benjamin takes the opportunity to pollute the dream world, or learn more from the dream world, I don't know what will happen." The dream thought about it.

"It seems that it is not the time to say this." Li Huailin said, "Let's do what we can do first."

Now Li Huailin doesn't know what to do, but the plan proposed by Dreamland is quite reliable. Try it first. However, when they discussed it, the surrounding vibrations were getting more and more intense. The church headquarters next to it could not withstand the pressure of this earthquake and began to collapse.

Because there is still black fog to block the line of sight, Li Huailin can not see a lot of scope, but his men are organizing the retreat, although a bit wolf, but still disciplined. However, there are still people who have been killed by stones on the spot.

"Ha ha ha..." Suddenly a burst of laughter came, Li Huailin turned around and saw a few Seckor stars in the robe of the high-ranking apostles appear in Li Huailin's field of vision. Li Huailin still had a little impression on them. After all, Li Huailin had seen them when the other party was arrested yesterday.

"My Lord has come! Invaders, your death is here! Look at the way you are embarrassed to escape..." The other person looked like he was escaping from the earthquake and escaped from the dungeon. Of course, they also guessed it was What happened? I took the opportunity to ridicule Li Huailin.

"That...not me, ah, we won't die, I don't know, but if you still stand there, then the next one will definitely be you." Although Li Huailin couldn't understand what the other party said, But I can probably guess the other person’s look, and kindly raise my heart.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Unfortunately, Li Huailin reminded the other party that he could not understand. He was laughing wildly. The wall next to it collapsed directly. The "咚" sound buried all the high apostles underneath. Of course, according to this The situation is dead.

"Look at you." Li Huailin spread his hand. "It’s really a self-defense..."

"Hey, you still have a mood to ridicule them, we have to be buried alive." Next to the summoned Jade Emperor interrupted.

"Nothing, anyway, if you were buried alive in us, it seems that there is nothing..." Li Huailin said, "Of course, it is really troublesome to dig it out. Hey, let’s just open the door and hide in the dream world."

"Is this what Biyaji wants to wake up?" It was said that there was another voice coming from the side. Li Huailin turned around and saw that the current person is the human form of Black Dragon Wadfords, this is the case. Only the Waldford Marth dragon is not worried at all. After all, it is a dragon. Can it be killed by the earthquake? Was it crushed by stone? So the other party is also very calm to see the situation.

"Oh, you are coming, just take off and say." Li Huailin saw Wade Foss immediately said.

After all, hiding in the dream world, the situation in this world is still a bit unclear, and now the situation of Bayanki does not know what troubles to open the dream world, so if you can, then you will open the door to the dream world after you are ready. So now the emergence of Waldford Mars really solves a big problem. Of course, Li Huailin himself is able to fly on Xiaomi, but summoning Jade Emperor and Enron is more troublesome. Xiaomi is also not capable of double riding. The player wants to go up is not, the system stipulates. But Waldfords is not a pet, and there is no such restriction.

Wadford Mars certainly listened to Li Huailin’s words at this time, and also immediately changed back to the dragon body, grabbed Li Huailin and his party on the ground, and then took off directly to the air.

Wadford is not very high, although the surrounding black fog is pervasive, but because Li Huailin’s troops have already received a lot of lighting after entering the city, they can still see the general situation of the whole city.

Sure enough, the earthquake has now spread to the entire city, and all the buildings in the city are collapsing, and the buildings can be seen everywhere. Of course, this collapse is not only for Li Huailin’s invasion forces. The Sector star in the city has been affected by the same high apostles. It is obvious that Becky will not care for those of you who believe in it.

"The whole city will be ruined." Seeing this situation, Sonya could not help but sigh.

"So how big is the other person's body shape?" Li Huailin certainly does not care about the people who are running around by the earthquake. Whether it is the Sector star or his own army, he cares about the situation of Bayanki. "Is it so big with the whole city?"

"I have never seen the real body of Beyaki," answered the dream next to him.

A loud noise of "咔", while they were still chatting, a large crack suddenly appeared on the ground below, directly cutting the north and south sides of the city. The ground is facing up on both sides, as if there is something huge that wants to break out of the ground.

And Li Huailin, they just happened to be directly above this big crack, and the situation they saw was even more exaggerated, because in the cracked ground, they saw a huge eyeball, probably...more than a giant Longwad Fomas has a big body.

"Well... I know how big it is now." Li Huailin helped the forehead. (To be continued.) 8

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