All Things Wrong

Chapter 2296: Chaotic headquarters

"Your Majesty, the loss of our troops this time is very huge. The number of specific losses so far has not been counted, but at least there are also losses of more than 100,000." As soon as he saw Li Huailin returning to Regg, he was in a hurry to report.

Regg said of course that the personnel they were attacked by Beyaki’s attack were damaged. Yes, it was a bit too sudden for Beyaki’s appearance. Although Li Huailin also informed Regg to let him leave early, but The time is too short. Besides, Li Huailin’s men are several troops. It is also relatively difficult to organize.

According to Regg’s report, there are only more than 130,000 troops coming back. The number of troops that followed Li Huailin’s entry into the city was close to 300,000. There are only 130,000 left, and there are so many lost 170,000.

However, although it sounded terrible, Li Huailin’s troops did not lose so much. Because a lot of troops did not die directly, but did not follow Reggae they came back. Before the arrival of Bayaki, it was a little too sudden. Some troops received news and followed Reggai to retreat. However, some of the troops that did not have time to go were killed by a chain accident caused by the earthquake, but more people were fleeing. Out of the city, but a mess they have gone.

The place was originally in a bad environment, and the chaos caused by the earthquake caused many soldiers to rush out of the city and then could not find a large force. In the dark environment, they can't see anything at all. They can only look around and don't know what to do.

In fact, Li Huailin had already seen many of his soldiers chasing around in the vicinity when he was looking for the summoned Jade Emperor. Even some people still fought against the Sector star-stricken civilians who escaped. And Li Huailin certainly has no time to manage these soldiers. In the current situation, these soldiers can't find them in a short time. In fact, it is no different from the loss.

Of course, the biggest loss here is the army of the Terran and the Undead. The majority of the 300,000-strong army is composed of Terran and Undead, and the more the large army is evacuated, the more difficult it is, such as the goblin. A total of 2,000 people came, and they just left the place and walked away. They basically fled back, and the troops of the Terran and the Undead were not so easy.

What Regg knows now is that Li Huailin’s private army has lost more than 10,000 people, leaving 20,000. The second legion of the Terran lost 50,000, and even the head of the army, McCann, disappeared. No one has yet been found. The biggest loss is the undead, because Li Huailin only noticed when he left, Regg, here, organizers to retreat, of course, first organize their own people, others just find someone to inform, and the undead are I was informed later that there were more people, and I was slower. The loss was huge. Seventy percent of the undead army people could not find it, and Sudays did not return.

And Li Huailin sees the chaos of the headquarters in Huaxia District because of this. Yes, I saw that my army was back, and then there were still many people with injuries, and even those who were directly brought back to a dead person. Everyone knows that the troops in Huaxia District have an accident, and of course it is big news. Alright.

You have to know that just a day before, the troops in the Huaxia District smashed the enemy's main city and became the first server to capture the city of Hiltiers. At that time, the players in Huaxia District exploded. . To tell the truth, this kind of progress even the players in Huaxia District did not expect it to be so fast. Of course, they were also very proud to show off everywhere. Some players are too lazy to post directly in the forum, all kinds of show off and mocking. .

As a result, things that made them even more surprised happened. They didn't arrive in a day, and they haven't woken up from the state of celebration. The result is now seen. Seeing that his troops have escaped like this, they will not be beaten and beaten home.

The players themselves are panicked, and they are still bragging about it, and then their own army is being beaten back to their homes. Isn’t this a direct fan? The face is swollen. What's more, what they are most worried about is another thing, that is, what team they were defeated.

Yes, they probably know the situation on the front line now. After the city of Hiltiers was conquered, there were only two troops that could threaten the Huaxia District. One of them was of course the church and the other was the Magnesium. The troops of the district are gone. They are most worried that the course of course is that their troops have been defeated by the troops in the Magnesia District, it is too shameful. I have to know that they have just ridiculed the Magnesia District. If this is really defeated by the Magnesia District, the face is swollen.

Fortunately, the news of the frontline was quickly passed back, because the front line was originally a player. Of course, the np army has no time to completely retreat, and no one has notified the player here. Therefore, the players on the front line are also dead and hanged. Because the city of Hilletts is destroyed, they die directly to the last resurrection point and even die directly back to the headquarters.

After returning, the players are not very clear about what happened, but after all, they have seen the situation. It is probably guessed that this is what Biyaji did. I heard that their troops were so defeated. Everyone’s heart was slightly better. After all, it’s the final wave of ss, and it’s not the most worrying situation. Now the news in Magnesia is coming, they are still Entangled with the army of the church.

But although the worst situation has been avoided, on the other hand new rumors have risen. Yes, the news of the defeat of Chinatown, of course, the players all over the world know, although they soon know what is going on, but it doesn’t matter who is defeated. Anyway, Huaxia District is defeated. At this time, they are sure. Come down the stone, who told you to be so arrogant before.

At this time, there was another saying. According to the players’ guess, this story of Bayanki’s wake-up was set up by the system, which means that as long as the first army entered the city of Hilletts, the plot Will trigger. According to this speculation, the Huaxia District is simply looking for a dead end. Who told you to like the first one, and now you are clever and clever.

This kind of argument has been supported by a lot of people. After all, the reality of this Beyaki’s appearance is really very coincident, just after Li Huailin entered the city. At that moment, all the winds on the Internet changed. The Chinese players who showed off here were ridiculed for a moment. The first city that entered the home did not trigger any hidden tasks, but instead touched it. It’s ridiculous to have a gray nose, and it’s not alive.

Those who originally looked at Li Huailin’s unhappy are also taking the opportunity to jump out and start to question Li Huailin. After all, Li Huailin is the chief commander. Everyone knows that your decision-making is not a problem. At this time, you will not attack when you are waiting. There are not only foreign players who are looking for trouble, but there are also many people in China who are originally Li Huailin. This is the time to jump out. After all, this is the best time for Black Li Huailin. Of course, the domestic people jumped out mainly because they only questioned Li Huailin personally. As long as he was questioned, Li Huailin insisted on his own actions. After all, this is the whole server thing. You can make decisions without asking other players in Huaxia District. This is the consequences. It’s a bit reasonable to say.

In short, this is the reason why Li Huailin now sees the confusion at the headquarters. The current chaos in the headquarters is mainly because some players are not at ease, they also want to know what will happen next. Now the troops in Huaxia District seem to have been really hit back, so what should I do next? Many people directly asked Li Huailin, the general commander. Now, in addition to the players, the np side is also chaotic. After all, most of the soldiers have just fled back, and the shock is undecided, and their general commander Li Huailin has not appeared for a long time, which is of course very chaotic.

"This way." Li Huailin was also slightly looking for someone to understand the current situation and nodded a little. "Why do you have someone to ask me for trouble? I really can't learn."

"Wilin." Just talking, the next Anthony is also coming over. As the chief commander of this side, Anthony has been commanding rescue and appeasement after hearing this report. He heard the news of Li Huailin’s return to the city. He also immediately rushed over. Of course, he is also worried about the current situation. It is really too big.

"Don't worry." Li Huailin said that when Anthony came over, he said, "Although it is a bit unexpected, everything is still under control."

"This is a bit of an accident?" Anthony said. "We lost 170,000 troops. That Biyaki is now waking up. How should we deal with it?"

"Oh, I can get through the things of Biyaji. There is already a way." Li Huailin said, "Give me a day to deal with it. Tomorrow, you will go to the city of Hilletts and put those The lost army has been called back, and it is still dangerous now. Don’t go first."

"Ha?" Anthony is also a little sly. "Oh... Huai Lin, when the other party appeared, they defeated our 300,000 troops. Now half of the escapes are not there. You said that you can take it in a day. Already?"

"Well, that's it." Li Huailin nodded.

“What plans?” Anthony asked. “Is the strength now enough?”

"I don't need any troops, I plan to arrange them." Li Huailin said, "In short, I will dispose of this Biyaki tomorrow afternoon. You don't have to worry about it now, just help to resettle the troops." "(To be continued.)

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