All Things Wrong

Chapter 2305: incite

Looking at the almost crazy crowd below, Misad is really not sure what happened. Hey, it seems to him that this group of people should be reluctant to tear them apart. After all, now the people have to pay 65% ​​of the tax, and then have to do more work, this is how they can’t live. The rhythm, why do these people look so happy... happy?

Misad did not understand that because it had nothing to do with him. After all, the tax he received here was still 15%, and he would not care about the lives of the people, so his good. Sensitivity will of course have no effect. Like Misad, in fact, the big logarithm aristocracy in the city is now a situation of arrogance. They are not affected by it, but they are all concerned about it, so now I see the joy of the people. I don't know what was born. Is this the city's people crazy?

"Okay." Li Huailin continued his speech at this time. He pressed his hand a little and the people under the stage were quiet at the same time. Although the people here are the first to see the "big 6 alliance" organization, but everyone's favor for Li Huailin is an explosion, Li Huailin's order, now is really a response.

"Everyone is estimated to see me for the first time today. I know that all of you may still have some concerns for me." Li Huailin said, "Our Big Six Alliance is an inspiration to liberate the world and save the people at the bottom. Organization, our purpose is exactly the same as other organizations. We look at the people who live at the bottom. You have also seen that our policies are all aimed at ordinary people like you, not those nobles. Of course I Knowing that in this feudal society, our policies are somewhat out of place, but this is our purpose, and we firmly believe that the people are the foundation of the country!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!" Li Huailin raised his voice here, the following group of people also cooperated with the shouting, and the second round of explosion, causing the scene to be somewhat out of control.

Waiting until the scene was a little quieter, Li Huailin continued: "Of course, this time, we are also very fortunate to have the understanding of the royal family here. This great new emperor Misad accepted our proposal, so these decrees can be clothed. And implementation, please give the best cheers to the Misad emperor."

"Long live the Emperor Misad! Long live the new emperor!" The people below also shouted again.

"By benefiting from the support of the Mishad emperor, our policies can be implemented here. I have always believed that the Misad emperor was a great, true emperor considered for the people, but now I am also from Misa. The German emperor got some unfortunate news here, as if his brother was preparing to **** his throne... This is really amazing." Li Huailin said with a smile.

When talking about the scene, the people suddenly quieted. Li Huailin smiled and continued: "In fact, I was familiar with the father of Misad, the last emperor, Taft. This time I came here. In fact, I was also invited by Taft, but I didn’t expect that I was attending a funeral."

Yes, Li Huailin has started to compile the story again, but the people below are actually not very clear about the situation, and now this group of people really believe in Li Huailin, and there are still many people who believe it.

"Come here, I am now Taft and a few emperors have been seriously ill, and life is not long, and at the time of the death, Taft took his most optimistic ten emperor Misad to pay. I, and granted him the throne in front of me." Li Huailin said with a smile, "So the emperor Misad was enthroned under my testimony. There is no problem with the throne. I will make a guarantee. Do you not believe me? ?"

"We believe in adults! Yes, adults are good people, never lie!" Hearing Li Huailin's voice, all the people below shouted at the same time, now they really believe in Li Huailin.

"But what hurts me is that the great prince of this empire wants to fight for power and gain the right to win the throne from his own brother." Li Huailin continued, "Everyone, everyone has seen, the Mesad emperor is now making great efforts." Just on stage, I announced a series of policies that will make everyone unable to survive. These are all manifestations of his determination. And this great emperor named Vico does not accept my suggestion. Once he succeeds, then Misha is now. All the orders of Debusch will definitely be revoked. Can you accept this result?"

"No! No! No!" All the people shouted in unison. It is easy for the people to be passive. Now, Li Huailin’s passionate speech is easy to mobilize to the people’s emotions. They originally thought that this policy was awesome, and Misad now listened to Li Huailin saying that it is a true emperor. This is no problem, of course, it is accompanied by the reconciliation.

"Very good." Li Huailin nodded. "Now the great prince is taking the troops to kill here. The purpose is to win the throne. Of course, we can't let him succeed. This is not just for Misad, this is not the case. It is also everyone's business. I can assure you that as long as Misad is still there, all the policies of my Big 6 Alliance's commitment to you will be implemented. The new days are coming. Shouldn't everyone be good for this? Do you work hard?"

"Wish! Willing!" The people below are excited again. Of course, it is not for what Misad has left. The people actually know not much about Misad. Most people don't know. But when it comes to their own interests, they can't calm down. As Li Huailin said, it’s hard to hope for this new policy now, so that they can’t live without it. How can this not be supported?

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "Everyone is quiet. I already know everyone's wishes. My policy can get everyone's support. I am also very pleased. But we must also recognize the fact that it is now led by Vico. The troops are the most powerful troops of the entire empire, the troops of the Verus Army. And although everyone is willing to help Misad, but it is still a bit like to fight against such a powerful army..."

Speaking of the people below, the people below are also beginning to worry. Yes, although Li Huailin’s new policy makes them very happy, but they must be able to implement it. The great emperor Vico came over with the army. Whenever he heard the name of the Verus army, everyone felt embarrassed. Everyone here was quiet and ready to listen to what Li Huailin said.

"But everyone can rest assured that we still have great advantages after all. This glory castle is a great city. The sturdy city established by the ancestors of all of you, even the elite troops like the Verus Legion want to come in. Almost impossible." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Yeah. That's right." Li Huailin's words once again got the approval of the people. In their view, this glory castle is too strong. The huge wall of more than 30 meters high is no one can come in. . Relying on such a strong city defense, they may be able to fight with each other.

"And, I also received an intelligence." Li Huailin said with a smile. "This time the Verus Legion came without a siege device. They could not carry out a siege war."

"Ha? What?" Everyone stunned. This is really strange. Why come to the city without the siege weapon? This doesn't make sense.

"You must be wondering why this is happening. Actually it is very simple." Li Huailin said with a smile. "Because Vicco knows that this city does not need any siege warfare to fight down because there will be people in the city who will open the city for him." The door, so he doesn't need to carry a heavy siege device at all, he just has to get here as soon as possible."

"What?" Everyone was surprised again. "How is this possible? No one will open the door for them."

"Yeah, why would someone give the traitor...and so on."

Yes, when most of the people suddenly understood that Li Huailin was talking about it, Li Huailin did not sell it. He immediately said, "Yes, you are thinking right. The policies we have implemented now have hindered those who **** your blood. The interests of the nobility, although it seems to have nothing to do with them, but they can not stand the people you have been better than them, so you see, there is no aristocrat standing on the side of the Misad emperor. Misa The German emperor has broken with all the nobles for you..."

"What! Abominable aristocracy!" The emotions of the people below exploded again. The relationship between the people and the nobility was not so good, and they could not afford to provoke. Li Huailin said that there is no logic at all, but the people still consciously believe that, compared with those nobles, they are more convinced that Li Huailin, who is eager to explode.

"Yes, once the troops of the Great Emperor arrive, the nobles will open the gate to the Grand Emperor, and then..." Li Huailin said with a smile, "and more than that, except the nobles and the Royal Guard, you also see It’s time, but now there is not even a guard in Mischad’s side. Why... Because the people of the Royal Guard also secretly rely on Vico, they are our enemies!”

"Abominable guy! Burning those bastards! For all of us, protect Misad's majesty!" For a moment, the people ran away. (To be continued.) 8

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