All Things Wrong

Chapter 2308: Join

Soon, Li Huailin and Misad came to the residence of the Royal Guards surrounded by the people. The current station has been surrounded by water, and the surrounding people are full of people. When Li Huailin arrived, the people had already begun to attack the gate. The weapons used are still very professional siege weapons, probably taken from the armory. Yes, now the entire main city has been chaotic, and the arsenal of the main city has of course been opened. The civilians are all taking weapons inside. The reason is of course to defend the main city and protect the new emperor. The collision city car was just pushed over. It was originally used to hit the city gate. The door used to hit the camp is a bit overkill.

It is estimated that the Royal Guard will also contact Misad immediately after seeing this situation. Once the gate is really knocked open, then it is really going to be a big deal. Of course, the current siege work has also been suspended. The people inside have said that they want to join Misad. Of course, the people think about it and ask the new emperor.

"Everyone, the Emperor’s Majesty is really coming."

"Long live the Emperor!"

"The Emperor of the Big 6 Alliance is also coming under the armpit!"

Seeing the appearance of Li Huailin and Misad, all the people also rushed down. Although the situation is a bit messy, they are still very respectful to the two people. Seeing them appear is also a hurry.

Misad was really a bit flustered. After all, there were really not many guards around me. But when I saw the people seeing him all at once, the heart was settled a lot, and it seemed to be a little bit. When the emperor felt it.

The current situation Misid's courage is really a lot bigger. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Misad went directly to the gate of the Royal Guard station and shouted directly at the door: "Ravenson! You said you want to see you. Hey, now it’s here, you still can’t come out?”

"Yeah, man, let the emperor come to see you personally, come out!" The people around him shouted.

"Yeah, come out, don't come out, we hit the door!"

The Lavinson inside is of course aware of the current situation. He has always been watching people. Originally, he wanted to let Misad come in and talk about it. It seems that it still doesn't work. The current situation can only be that he went out. Of course, he is not willing to go out, but like the people outside, the city car is now open to the door. If you don’t go out, people really come in.

Did you say that Lavinson really joined Misad here? Of course it is not true, but the situation is really a bit embarrassing. First, they were surrounded by so many people, and they simply couldn’t get out. Then the people who reported to the great emperor Vico came back, so that they must open the gate, but now this is how it is possible. Lavinson really doesn’t know what to do now. It’s just that at this time, he received a report saying that the people have already pushed a city car to the door. This is really a resident’s place, so he only let People are saying that they want to surrender Misad.

As for what to do after seeing Misad, Lavinson also thought a lot. The best thing about it is to catch Misad and then directly hold Misad, so that the army can go out and open the gate so that the great emperor Vico can solve all the problems. Of course, he thought that he had no chance to seize the situation of Misad. It is like Misad now let him go out to talk. It is impossible to catch Misad, but he can also surrender first, so that he can help. The name of Misad to defend the city went out from here, and then maybe he could take the opportunity to seize Misad to open the gate, which is better than being surrounded by so many people here.

Lavinson also has no fixed plan. He can only take a step forward. Of course, he is still facing the big prince Vico. This is no doubt. Although I don’t know what the gang’s people are crazy about, it seems to him how Misad, the emperor who was helped by the invaders, can be loyal. It’s just that there is no way at the moment. This is not to say that the soldiers who are now rushing out of the army can’t beat these people, but the situation is quite special. I really don’t know that the above consequences will occur.

It’s a bit dangerous to go out now, but there is no better way for Lavenson. I can only look at the situation first. So I thought a little, and Lavenson ordered the door to open.

With the opening of the "Zizizi", the door of the Royal Guard was opened. What appeared in front of everyone was the Royal Guard, which had already been listed. After all, it was a regular soldier. The rows of soldiers stood neatly and stood in stark contrast with the messy people at the door. When I saw the soldiers of the Royal Guards, the people who had been screaming at the inside were quiet. Yes, they were a little embarrassed. When they couldn’t see people, they dared to scream, now Seeing that the room was standing so neatly, the momentum was also suppressed.

Misad is also the same. He was a bit stunned. He immediately returned to the original after seeing the other soldier. He took a few steps back a little, but immediately realized that it was not right, he was The emperor, why did you marry him, so he took another step forward.

"Listen... I heard that you want to join me... I am here?" Misad did not know Ravenson before. He was only the ten emperors. He did not participate in any competition for the throne, so he knew little about the situation of the minister. Lavinson, the vice captain of the Royal Guard, has never heard of it. However, I met it once in the palace, and then I asked about it. Now I know about Lavinson.

"Yes." Lavinson nodded and nodded, while Lavinson was observing the situation. Yes, the front-ranking unit is the direct force of Lavinson. He is also a deputy captain after all. He still has a team that he is more reassured. Now he is almost directly behind him. Now he is watching Misad's escorts to see if he has the opportunity to grab the other side directly.

" really want to join me?" Misad asked again. When he asked, he looked at Li Huailin next to him. He is very imaginary now, but he is very convinced of Li Huailin, so now he will take the initiative. Looking at Li Huailin, I mean to ask Li Huailin’s opinion.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lavinson replied here again, but at the same time he is not a lot of soldiers around Misad. Although there are many people, now there should be 90% of the assaults. The grasp directly caught Misad in his hands. The question that Ravenson is considering now is whether he wants to do it.

However, Lavinson also noticed Li Huailin around Misad. Yes, Lavinson had seen Li Huailin once in the palace, but he did not know the identity of Li Huailin. The other party did not speak, but later he I also know that this adventurer is the leader of the invasion of the Big Six Alliance. Looking at Misad’s current attitude, I still have to ask Li Huailin’s opinion. Lavenson has thought about whether or not Li Hualin should be arrested together, but he just thought about it. Now he still mainly seizes Misad and then opens the city gate first.

"Do you really want to join us?" When Ravinson was doing a comparison in his heart, suddenly Li Huailin spoke, and it scared Lavinson.

"Yes...Yes." Lavinson nodded. He always felt that Li Huailin’s eyes seemed to be able to see the feeling of his heart, and he evaded Li Huailin’s eyes a little.

"You have to know that now Mesad has officially joined the ranks of my Big 6 Alliance. This empire has also become part of my Big 6 Alliance. If you join Misad, you will join the Big 6 Alliance. The power is under?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Oh... yes." Ravinson certainly nodded, but he didn't know why Li Huailin wanted to explain this.

"Very good." Li Huailin nodded, then suddenly approached Lavenson and asked with a smile. "That means that we are now people."

"Oh..." Ravinson didn't know what it meant, but he nodded.

"This seems to be a bit familiar." Misid next to him couldn't help but mention that he remembered that he had just heard this sentence not long ago, but it seems like a fight afterwards...

The bang of "啪", Misad is still thinking about it, and Ravenson, who just nodded there, flew directly in the spot where Li Huailin hit a slap in the face, turned a circle in the air and then returned. On the ground, of course, I changed to a lying position.

"Ha?" Everyone on the scene was shocked by this sudden shock. Not only Lavinson's men, but also the people next to them, I don't know how this suddenly started.

"Is it really tnd will give me trouble, just waste my time to know?" Li Huailin also followed up and said, "Do you know that my time is very tight now, I am too late to find something..."

"Hey...Your..." is playing, Regg suddenly ran from the side, but seeing Li Huailin’s current situation is also awkward, and he will go back and say what he wants to say.

"Oh, Reggae." Li Huailin said as he hit and said, "How is it, is there something over there?"

"Yes, my Majesty." Regg also pretended that he couldn't see the Ravinson who was beaten and continued to calm down. "People have seized, and this time there is no prince to run away."

"Good to go now." Li Huailin nodded, then turned and looked at Misad, who was watching the side. "I’m okay with this guy. I’m going to defend the city with him. I’m going to the dwarf. Here is a busy life." (To be continued.) 8

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