All Things Wrong

Chapter 2330: Protoss

Just before the line, Li Huailin found that something was wrong. The reason was very simple, because Li Huaolin did not see Eofarm on the line. Yesterday, after Li Huailin handed over the dream fragments to Iofam, he chatted with the summoned Jade Emperor and went offline. The place to go offline is of course next to Iofam, so of course, it should be Here. Even if Iofam has been restored, in theory, it should not be casually chaotic. It should also wait for Li Huailin, but she has not seen her now.

Li Huailin suddenly thought that if Eofarm did not want to leave, but was forced to leave, it would be troublesome. Yes, he suddenly remembered that there was only one reason why Iowam could leave here now, and that was Biyaji. Although it was said that when Bayouki was forced to pull in by Iofarm yesterday, he did not know where to fly, but the other party was moving, and he could still feel the dream. The location of the debris, and the dream fragments are of course on Iofam. If the other party feels the position and catches up again, Eofar will leave here no matter whether he is preparing to fight with the other party or prepare to retreat first.

"But..." Although I thought of this reason, Li Huailin looked around and saw that the surrounding situation showed that it was not like this. Because Li Huailin looked around and there was nothing, the most obvious is the size of Bayanki. No matter where you go, what is left is a mess, but now it is obviously not the case around this, that is, Baiyaki has not been here? Why did Iofa leave?

I want to know or ask me directly. Li Huailin has a little doubt but he doesn’t think much about it. Because it is marked on the body of Eofarm, it’s just a matter of transmitting it directly. Now it’s just a habitual analysis. Just about it. In the next second, Li Huailin immediately flashed white light and sent it to Iofarm.

Just after recovering the vision, Li Huailin immediately saw Iofam, but it was a little surprising that Li Huailin was now that Eophamus turned into a humanoid state and sat on the back of two large red stones. Going up seems to be avoiding. Of course, Li Huailin also appeared in Iofarm's side, so it was also in the shadows.

"What's wrong?" Li Huailin, who saw that the situation was not right, did not immediately look around, saving him from being discovered. He whispered, "Is Bayaki coming?"

"It’s not Beyaki." Iowam’s appearance of Li Huailin was nothing unexpected, or it’s good, and I know that Li Huailin will be sent to his side so he will leave the place.

"That is?" Li Huailin is a bit strange, not who else is Bahia? There are elemental creatures left here. It’s not that elemental creatures have hidden Iofam. Li Huailin thinks that these elements are not so powerful.

"It is a Protoss." Iofam replied simply.

“Hey? Protoss?” Li Huailin said directly. “Wait, how can there be Protoss here?”

Eofarm’s answer is really a bit beyond Li Huailin’s expectation. The first thing that comes to mind is that the Protoss found their plans, but this is a bit unscientific. How did the Protoss perceive it? First of all, there are not many people who know this plan, and there seems to be no one who will ventilate the Protoss...

While thinking about Li Huailin, Iofam also saw Li Huailin’s question and immediately said: “Reassure, now their goal is not us.”

"Not us?" Li Huailin took a look.

"It is to observe the situation of elemental creatures," Iofarm said.

"Ha? Now to observe the situation of elemental creatures, routine inspection? And so on..." Li Huailin is still strange, suddenly and seems to think of something.

"They came in before," Iofarm said.

"Oh... it won't be..." Li Huailin helped, "Let's find the guys of the ancient gods."

Yes, Li Huailin suddenly remembered one thing, that is, it seems that in order to provoke the internal relations of the Protoss, he told several Protoss about the awakening of the ancient gods called the Ketani gods on the side of the elemental creatures. Li Huailin also let them themselves Just investigate. At that time, Li Huailin certainly didn't think so much. Now... it won't be this group of people really coming to investigate.

Iowamu did not care what Li Huailin thought, and quickly explained the current situation. Io'am was recovering last night, and suddenly I received a report from Corrans, saying that several Protoss were close and asked how Iofam handled it.

It is of course very surprising that Iowam heard the news. It is possible to have a Protoss here because the Protoss is unable to open the door of the elemental plane. Only Coralthus can open the door, so Corrancese Why put the Protoss in? Of course, Corranthus also explained it quickly. These protoss did not come in now, but came in a few days ago. Corranthus was also too excited to see his mother. Now, I have forgotten this thing. I have not thought that this group of Protoss has turned back.

Eofarm did not respond much to the explanation. After all, Corrans is still a Protoss person. Of course, it is impossible to prevent family members from coming in. Otherwise, it is not exposed. Now that this group of people is not targeting themselves, Eofarm thought about it, and avoiding the past is not finished, so I also rushed to avoid it, because if it is discovered now, then Biyaji will certainly not be able to send it out. The plan to explore the spells of the Protoss back to the temple will also be short. Of course, it has a great influence on its revenge, so now it will make the protoss a little arrogant for a while.

So Io Fam also let Corrances deal with the Protoss here, and then he temporarily hides and converges on this side, and this time he waits for Li Huailin.

"I don't know why this group of protoss will come to the elemental plane at this time. Listening to Corrans said that these protoss are still superior gods. They generally don't care about the elemental plane. He doesn't know why. I will come to the elemental plane survey, and I don’t know what they are investigating.” Iofam said uncomfortably.

"Cough... I know." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"Do you know?" Iofarm snorted. "How do you know?"

"Because this thing td is what I made, now I have pitted myself?" Li Huailin decided to talk about things with Eofar, although it sounded a bit shameful, after all, he pitted himself. But now he and Iofam are still on board, and a little bit of trouble saves you a problem.

After listening to Li Huailin's story, Iofarm is also a bit speechless. She admits that Li Huailin wants to have contradictions within the Protoss. But now the problem is to hang himself up, which is a bit funny.

"The biggest problem now is Bahia." Iofam did not have time to laugh at Li Huailin. After all, the problems facing the two are the same. Now Iowam is already hiding, but Bayaki does not know where it is, and such a big thing you say is to be discovered casually, and once this thing is discovered, the Protoss will first be prepared. And then the plan to throw Beyaki to the Protoss may not be implemented.

"Where is Biyaji?" Li Huailin asked.

"I don't know. Yesterday, I flew over there. If the other party has not appeared yet, it is estimated that it is difficult to move." Iofam pointed out in one direction, "Those protoss are in that direction, now and Cole." Lansers is together, although not in one area at present, but the distance between the two sides is not far. Corranses should cooperate with them to prevent them from going there, but this is not good, after all, they are all The upper god, if you want to do it, you can be suspected at any time."

"The problem is that Corrans now doesn't know the specific situation. I don't know what the protoss is investigating." Li Huailin said, "It seems that only me can lead them."

"You?" asked Iofam.

"Can you throw Baiyaki out from here alone?" Li Huailin asked.

"..." Iofarm thought a little, but did not answer immediately.

"Well, I understand, I want to find a way for Corrance to meet you. After you meet, you can find a way to find Beyaki, and then throw it out. I will go to the protoss." Li Huailin thought, " Now split up."

"Okay." Iofam nodded. After all, there was no way at this time. I can only believe in Li Huailin.

Li Huailin immediately started to act. First, Li Huailin directly returned to the dark continent with the returning city. Then he randomly found a gathering point of elemental creatures on the edge of the city, and then took out the white slate that Corrans had given him. Calling Callanssus.

Corrances, who was working with several Protoss, immediately sensed the signal of the slate. It was obvious that someone was calling himself, and Corrances immediately thought that this person was Li Huailin. Because these slate was given to him by Li Huailin when he wanted to crack the elemental cracks, and now he only gave one person such a thing, so Li Huailin must call himself.

It is obvious that Li Huailin now calls himself to deal with the current emergency situation. Corrans is not knowing what to do now. Li Huailin should have any way to call himself. After thinking about it, Corrans decided to go first. See Li Huailin.

"Slightly wait, there is something out there on the seal." Corrance thought about it.

“What happened?” Several Protoss are a glimpse.

"Yes, I will go see it, come back soon, you are here, don't go, I will go back and see it right away," said Corranthus.

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