All Things Wrong

Chapter 2336: Not smooth

"Big Brother, is your acting a bit too exaggerated?" In the Duke's House of Li Huailin, Gert was standing on the opposite side of Li Huailin. In fact, Gert was quite wronged, and he has already worked hard. Ah, the result is still being smashed.

Of course, Li Huailin told him that he didn't dare to say anything, but in order to be less embarrassed, he also asked other things: "Your Majesty, who are the two people? What is the purpose of acting in front of them? What new plan is it?"

"Oh, those two guys are the goddess of nature, one is the sea god." Li Huailin simply replied.

"Ha?" Gert certainly took a trip.

"I have done it, and I have nothing to do with you for a while." Li Huailin also waved his hand. "You are slightly arranged in the north, and you have a little bit of movement, understand the meaning?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gert really thought that Li Huailin was joking, so he didn't go into it, but of course he was directly obeying Li Huailin's order.

Regardless of the performance of Gert, anyway, from the current situation, this group of Protoss still believes in their own statements. Yes, Li Huailin’s main purpose for this time is to prevent the Protoss from discovering his own plans. By the way, he can also provoke the relationship within the Protoss. Another point is to take the opportunity to inquire about the Protoss intelligence.

Yes, it’s just like the **** king who just knew it. There is also a thing called Eye of Komiel that can monitor the situation of the lower bound. Li Huailin feels that this thing may be the strange eye he saw before, but think of Li Huailin suddenly. From the inside of his package, he took out the real eye that he had just harvested. Before Li Huailin saw this thing, he felt that this thing was familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it, but when he thought of the eye he saw in the Temple of God, he suddenly remembered this thing and his own hands. The real eye is a bit similar.

"Summon, look at this thing and the eye above the door we saw when we went to the Temple of God, is it a bit similar." Li Huailin asked directly to the next call to the jade Emperor.

"Well? It's a bit like, where did you come from?" The summoned Jade Emperor was of course in accordance with Li Huailin’s instructions to inform Gerte, so Gert would cooperate with the show, of course, summoning the Jade Emperor. When I finished my speech, I left Li Huailin in the house.

"The things that you said before the people who claimed to be the Protoss of the Kolomoku family." Li Huailin said, "In this case, the eye of the **** of the hand should also be Colo. The things left by the ancestors of the Meku people may be one of the genus of the temple. According to them, this thing is something that counters the Protoss... But how do you use it?” Li Huailin said to himself with a real eye.

"But this thing has no attributes, and there is no comment." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "It may be necessary to go to the temple to use."

"Probably." Li Huailin nodded. "No matter what, I still have something to help you."

"Hey, you are really welcome. I just helped you with this. I haven't breathed a sigh of relief. You still have something to do?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"I can't go here, or I will do it myself." Li Huailin said, "I have to stare at these protoss here, who knows if they will come back."

Yes, Li Huailin does not bring the bracelet that people can't locate now, so I don't know if these protoss have set any mark on their own body. Li Huailin is also interested in waiting for them to come back, because this matter should be able to get results soon.

In fact, Li Huailin has already thought of it, because it is obvious that they are now asking what the king of God can ask. Patrick Ludwig has long since died. Li Huailin does not know what the king of God can find, but whether it is answering "this person is dead" or "can not find this person", under the preconceived notion This group of Protoss will almost always think that this is what the King of God is hiding, so how to answer, Li Huailin feels that his divorce will be successful.

Of course, this group of Protoss should not directly question the King of God at that time. It is very likely that he will come back and study with him about what happened. At this time, Li Huailin certainly cannot leave to take control of another thing.

The so-called other thing of course refers to the situation on the side of Biyaji. It is this thing that Li Huailin asked to summon the Jade Emperor. Now, Li Huailin wants to see how it is going on there, but in case the Protoss comes at this time, this is not awkward, so in order to insure Li Huailin can only call the Jade Emperor to run again.

Summon the Jade Emperor, although it seems to be very angry and impatient, but Li Huailin now almost understands the character of summoning the Jade Emperor, really important things, summoning the Jade Emperor will not refuse.

"It’s troublesome for you, and you won’t be able to pay for it after you’re big,” Li Huailin said.

"Roll." Summon Jade Emperor simply returned a word.

"This is what you hold." Li Huailin handed over a white slate while he was on the side. Yes, this slate is used to summon Corrance, and there is no way to summon the Jade Emperor to enter the element seal directly, although she said The aura can guarantee that you don't die, but it doesn't work if the door doesn't open, so of course you need Corrance to help you.

"Look for a place where the elemental creatures are refreshed and use it directly. The Corrance will come to pick you up." Li Huailin said, "Let's see what happened to Baiyaki. What's the situation?"

"You can owe me a little more, don't forget." Summon Jade Emperor took the slate while he spoke, and then set off. Of course, Li Huailin is still very reassured. After all, summoning Jade Emperor is currently the most reliable person in his own understanding, and there should be no strange situation.

After summoning the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin waited for the response of the Protoss in his own Duke's Mansion. After all, now this is a "flat" state, and it is a bit unreasonable to go out at this time. After waiting for a little time, Li Huailin’s side of the golden light was shining. This time, not only St. Lojom and St. Ashtig, but also several other Protoss were present.

"How come you are." Li Huailin helped the amount, a very embarrassing look, "How, what seems to be a response?"

"We told you about the way to find Ludwig according to your method... but the king's answer is that there are no people in the world who have no Ludwig family." here is St. Joseph's Answered.

"Yes, now the situation is very obvious. The King of God concealed the information about Ludwig, which means that my previous guesses are correct." Li Huailin said.

"But I still can't figure out why God has to do these things." St. Ashtip said here, "What is this purpose?"

"Ghosts know the thoughts of these people." Li Huailin spread his hand. "You and I are all normal people. Of course, I don't understand the ideas of these guys. Maybe it's just for fun and want to purify the world. Anyway, anyway. Anyway, now the King of God is the culprit of the ancient gods, and Ludwig is the spokesperson of the King of God. It may be one of them. Then the ancient **** that is waking up is eroding the world of dreams and attempting to destroy the world. These are no problem. You guys can't think of any way to come to me and ask?"

Li Huailin said that yes, in fact, St. Ashtig went directly to the king of the gods, and of course the reason for Li Huailin’s giving them, but of course the gods could not find any Ludwig’s descendants. This is not dead, I don’t know how long it has been. And this answer really made St. Ashtig have questions. They are really a bit confused. I don't know what to do now, but I think of Li Huailin as a human being. Although it is a personal class, several protoss think that this man is quite a way, and he has already participated in this matter, so he also wants to discuss with Li Huailin, he will come here, but I don’t know if this is Li Huailin. It has been good for a long time.

"In the current situation, even if we know this thing, but we are still weak, we have discussed it. If we can get the person's card, the situation may be different." Saint-Lojom opened Said.

"People's card? That means you have to catch Ludwig? But you can't do it yourself, so come and find me." Li Huailin nodded. "The method is not bad. I really want to find Ludwig. After all, there are still rebellions to deal with here. But... Wait, I suddenly think of one thing here, you wait a little..."

Li Huailin said half of it. Suddenly, he came to the information prompt. He looked at it and found that it was a long-distance call to call Yudi. Now contact Li Huailin is definitely the news of Baiyaki. Li Huailin must handle it immediately.

Although it is a bit strange, but now people are facing the threat of rebel forces, so there is no problem at any time, and several protoss are not too suspicious. Li Huailin went straight out of the room and immediately picked up the remote call to summon Jade Emperor.

"What is the situation?" Li Huailin immediately asked, "Byyaki thrown it out?"

"Well... things are not going well." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "Don't say it was thrown out. So far, this Biyaki step has not moved. At present, there are no ways for the two to take it. What do you think now?"

"Ha?" Li Huailin is also a glimpse. (To be continued.)

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