All Things Wrong

Chapter 2340: ask

The second thousand three hundred and forty chapters ask

"I really saw the ghost." Li Huailin is soaked and crawled ashore. To tell the truth, this "shore" is just a stone floating on the sea, because the power of the land that has just been worshipped by Yaki is basically and the map. Like the gun, the whole terrain around it was reset. The only thing that Li Huailin can tell now is the element of the element that has not been closed yet. Besides, what reefs and islands have disappeared. .

The surrounding sea water is rapidly surging, there are whirlpools and rapids everywhere, and all kinds of debris drifting around Li Huailin. The current situation is completely chaotic. At present, Li Huailin can only determine his position through the door of the element next door, and finds that he has not been far away from the distance.

At the moment of the launch, Li Huailin was also smashed out. After that, it was rushing around and rushing around. Originally, Li Huailin planned to send a direct transmission to Eofarm’s side, but if he thought about the transmission now, he would have to I went to Beyaki, because Li Huailin didn’t know how far Baiyaki flew out. Now it’s quite troublesome to find it in the sea. If you swim directly, you can record the position, so you can find a way first. Go on and talk.

However, Li Huailin wants to come up in that case. It is easy to talk about it. Under the water, there are undercurrents and whirlpools. Although Li Huailin is drowning but there is no swimming skill bonus, he is also rushed to run everywhere. This way he can’t be positioned. He is regretting Li Huailin. When the decision was made, I was photographed on the reef. I looked at it and was still near the gate of the element.

"This is playing big, and the whole island is almost gone." Li Huailin looked down the element gate. The original place was of course land, and there was a small forest next to it. Li Huailin remembered very clearly. But now all of them have been submerged by the sea, and the woods have also disappeared directly. Now the entire door of the element is so barely standing on the sea.

Of course, the current water level has begun to flow back, but Li Huailin saw another wave of waves still in the direction of the island. The tsunami is not only a wave of currents, but also has the so-called aftershocks like the earthquake. At present, the first wave has just flattened the island. Now the sea surface is still not stable, and the waves will continue to wash after the waves. When the island comes out again, nothing will be left.

Looking at the situation around, suddenly the sea next to it moved, Li Huailin saw a figure directly from the sea, and then stood directly above the sea level. Although the surrounding situation is a bit confusing, it is easier for individuals to see it suddenly, but although there is a little distance, Li Huailin quickly recognizes the other party, because the person who appears is the summoning Jade Emperor.

It is still a strange situation to summon the Jade Emperor, but I think that Li Huailin finds that he also has the skills to stand on the sea. Yes, this skill is the blessing of the Lake Elf that Li Huailin got when they were doing the Lake Sword mission. It allows the player to walk on the water. In fact, everyone in the Li Huailin team got it, but Li Huailin There are fewer tasks in the water, and there are already millet that can take off at any time, so I haven't used it yet, but now it's just a little bit useful.

Directly riding Xiaomi Li Huailin flew for 1 minute and came to summon the jade emperor, directly on the water and said to the summoning jade emperor: "It is quite fast."

"Quickly a wool, I was shot directly by the water and shot it. What is the situation?" The summoned Jade Emperor estimated that it was a little dizzy in the water. Of course, she also has a sword guard, so how are they flooded? There is no problem without dying.

"The thing that is not dead is directly in the water, and then you see it becomes this century catastrophe." Li Huailin spread his hand and then looked at the direction of the elemental gate. "I seem to remember there is still a The village of the Kolomeku people, now I don’t know if it’s washed away by water. I hope that the guys can escape.”

"Byyaki?" summoned the Jade Emperor and looked around and asked.

"The sea." Li Huailin pointed to the following, "But it is a bit difficult to find now."

"What about this thing?" summoned the Jade Emperor to take out the elemental fragments, of course, with protective gloves.

"There is no way to send it to it." Li Huailin said, "I have to let it deal with the Protoss after all. If there is no energy supply, I can’t see if the other person will climb up. If I can’t do it, we will If you want to find it, give it to me first."

Li Huailin now regrets that she didn't make a mark on Bayanki's body, but I don't know if I can think of the name of the brand. No matter how to find things or Li Huailin is more convenient, so Li Huailin is directly his own number.

Summon the Jade Emperor, of course, directly to the pieces and gloves to Li Huailin, Li Huailin took out a bag of magic crystals to summon the Jade Emperor, so that the summoned Jade Emperor went back to see the situation of Iofam. According to Li Huailin’s idea, Iowa’s consumption estimate is quite large. Now it may need to be restored. So let the summoned Jade Emperor take it. Of course, I will go to Beyaki and the two will act separately. But what Li Huailin didn't know was that there were still a lot of magic crystals that had been given to Iofam before, and now people have begun to reply.

Li Huailin did not know that this situation was summoned to the Jade Emperor. Of course, he did not know, so he also took up the magic crystal and prepared to return to the elemental gate. As a result, the two had not yet started to act. Suddenly they saw a flash of light in the sky next to them.

The eyes of the two were quickly attracted to the past, and when they turned around, they just saw a few figures appearing from the sky. The most eye-catching thing is of course the guy who came out with the holy light, and still Li Huailin and the guy who summoned the Jade Emperor, he is the sect of the temple, St. Ilofrey, summoning the Jade Emperor to see him in the trial of the previous God, and Li Huailin and he are old acquaintances, and behind him Personally, needless to say it should be his younger brother.

"The people of the Protoss really appeared." Li Huailin lifted the amount, think about it is such a big movement here, how can you say that the Protoss does not appear? In such an exaggerated situation, the ghost knows that there is an emergency here. St. Ilofre, the prosecutor and executor of the temple, of course came over to see the situation.

Although Li Huailin initially thought that after Biyaji came here, he would add chaos to the Protoss, but the problem is that there is a little accident now. Iowam is still recovering because he has used a lot of magic. The most important thing is that Biyaji has not yet got the energy. Now he is still half-sleeping and not fully resurrected. This energy is still in the hands of Li Huailin. It is also very troublesome for the Protoss to find it.

"How are you here?" Surely, Saint Ilofrey began to question Li Huailin and summoned Jade Emperor. This happened so much, and they just came over to see Li Huailin, how can you say No doubt.

"I also want to know where this is." Li Huailin immediately replied, and at the same time, he has quietly hid the fragments of dreams in his hand. "We just clashed on the island to upgrade our power, and the result was inexplicable. A big wave came, and when I came back, I was photographed here, and we just got together."

I thought a little about Li Huailin’s decision to mix the current situation and say that he had to hand it over to Beyaki’s hand, so he did not know what to say.

"Do you practice divine power on the nearby islands?" St. Ilofrey squatted a little. It is true that the King of God also agreed to several trials who came to the border of the gods to exercise their power. It seems that there is no problem, but St. I Love Ray still has doubts, "but the transmission array seems to have not been used recently."

The transport matrix that St. Ilofrey said refers to the transmission array on the previous trial island, because the only way for the lower bounds to come here is through the transmission array, and the transmission array has not been used. It is very strange that individuals appear here. How did they come here? St. Ilofref said as she looked at the door to the element that had not been closed. It seemed that she began to suspect that Li Huailin came here through the door of this element. After all, the position was so close. However, humans with ordinary elements can't survive at all, and of course they can't pass. St. Ilofrey can't understand this, so it's just speculation.

"We have been practicing here for a few days." Li Huailin immediately said, "After all, this is the task of the King of God. How dare we slack off? Of course, it is exercise every day. What happened? Look at you with a careful look. What is the forbidden place here? What is the crack there?"

Looked at Li Huailin's appearance, St. Ilofrey really believes that Li Huailin doesn't know the situation very much (St. Ilofrey's favor for Li Huailin is quite high), of course, he is not sure how it is back. Things, what happened here, but it seems that I don’t have to explain anything with Li Huailin, or it’s important to investigate immediately.

"You..." St. Ilofore is about to prepare for Li Huailin to leave first. As a result, when his words are not exported, suddenly a sudden change, a black thing suddenly appears from the sea, I didn’t wait for everyone to react and what happened. The black thing directly took Li Huailin and then dragged Li Huailin into the sea.

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